Why won't you incels leave Hannah Hays alone

Why won't you incels leave Hannah Hays alone

Shes happy being blacked

>You're just jealous virgins with small dicks


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>consistently shill conspiracies about how the Jews trying to herd white people into getting BLACKED and how taboo it is to race mix
>throw a temper tantrum when a girl gets BLACKED somehow linking it back to the Jews instead of realizing they're the ones that keep bringing it up
>threaten and harass the girl
>unironically don't realize that they're driving faggots and white girls into getting BLACKED through their incessant shilling and coercion against race mixing
the absolute state of white people

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It does pay triple after all.

She must have a 180 IQ, the way she pretends to be retarded to get sympathy is amazing.

I love her accent so much.

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Why the fuck do people who get digits always say correct things?

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Quads. He's right lads

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That whores roast looks like a small dick it's disgusting

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I want to keep Hannah in my basement (for protection)

Making videos in portrait is a sign of low iq

>god got me sucking dem nigger dicks, and only HE shall tell me when to stop guzzling nigger sperm!

she walks a righteous path, who are we to get in the way of her and a succulent yummie load

>Making videos in portrait is a sign of low iq
it's a patrician way of filming you're just hating on tardfu

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Cute! CUTE!

watched the whole thing, I dont think she called anyone small dick virgins in it, just that shes not slow and then repeated that she isnt slow about 8 times.

Not really since most people watch videos on their phones

Now theres a twist only a true Jew could comprehend.

2+2+2+2=THE TRUTH



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as a non native english speaker, where's her accent from?

jews run the porn industry dumbass. Jews own blacked.com It's always white girls they poach for their whoring business never jewish girls

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Postus originamus

the south you fucking retard

she should become like a mental health rights activist and then they will make a movie about her like the movie "radio"

>In her feeling

Truly, our generations greatest poetical mind

>mfw no posh hapa gf

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH omg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

It's Jow Forums most likely.
Even if she was a genius she'd whore out anyway because that's the most effective way for woman to live in this world.

She's so adorably retarded.

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