Anyone wish they lived in a place like Eastern Europe with constant warfare? Life in the west feels so meaningless, I just want something to die for.
Anyone wish they lived in a place like Eastern Europe with constant warfare? Life in the west feels so meaningless...
>Eastern Europe
>constant warfare
And you die for nothing, because some oligarch takes over the previous oligarch and now there's civil war and you get shot in the street. Shut up you retarded faggot
>Eastern Europe
>Constant Warfare
>Anyone wish they lived in a place like Eastern Europe with constant warfare?
Do you mean eastern Ukraine?
But to answer your question, no. I'd rather not die.
Have you considered joining the army?
just enlist you stupid faggot, with some luck you get deployed and you can go to irak or some other shithole country and die a meaningful death in some sandy street...
>want something to die for
>Suddenly you're getting shot at
>As you pull your head into the fetal position and shit your pants as bullets land around you, your last thought at the tender age of 21 is
>"I wish I didn't have to die for no reason!"
>Anyone wish they lived in a place like Eastern Europe with constant warfare
Dying in battle is better than just dying on my floor.
I would but I'm American and no matter how much I want to just get taken out in a hail of gunfire I would never want to fight for corporate interests and Israel.
Then just kill yourself you faggot.
Why don't you just sign up for the Peace corps or habitat for humanity since you want to die for something.
"something to die for" if giving up your own life and fighting for other people's sake is what you want sure, but every fight and every battle will still be as meaningless as life in general.
Because well, life is meaningless, so go stick your dick in peanutbutter and eat it.
Who told you dying in battle is somehow better than overdosing on Benadryl in your mom's basement? Are you legitimately retarded. That's not even vaguely true.
if you're a leaf join the Canadian Peacekeepers and get sent to Ukrainian trenches to shoot Ruskie niggers
You can enlist in another country's military user
I live in Eastern Europe and there is no warfare here
If you seek asylum in Greece they enlist you in their military right away
>I would never want to fight for corporate interests and Israel
Why do you think Ukraine is different? It's just superpowers waging a proxy war with the only real losers being civilians and soldiers who died with their face in the mud when they could have been at home banging their girlfriends.
I live in the fucking eastern Europe and it is not really nice to live in a nationalistic shithole where your oppressive government can take a shit on you from so high up you think it's God himself!
Go enlist in the army and serve in Syria, die in the name of a totalitarian regime disguised as "democracy" if you want, I ain't stopping you.
How would I know if all you want out of life is a hole to put your smelly lil peenor in?
Putting your peenor in a smelly hole is just one
of the lowest things in life that outscores dying in the name of a stupid regime with "honor".
Go draw, write poetry, go out with friends or
start a business to hire people who are in a
need for a job. That might give you some
value in life.
do you live in belarus or russia?
other countries (except poland and hungary) are not that nationalistic i think, they belong to the western block after all
>He thinks art is valuable
Something tells me you don't have much luck with girls
>already employed as an animator for vidya
I am payed pretty well and didn't finish my studies yet, however I will soon. Straight A's.
>not much luck with grills
Just walked with her 6 hours ago.
Your point is...?
Not much of a romantic I see. But I'm just saying, living seems preferable. Nevertheless, I suppose dying for Ukraine isn't the worst fate in the world. Even if in doing so you are not quite as free of the interests of the corporations and Israel as you might think. The alternative is dying for Putin though, so it beats that at least.
>Eastern Europe
>constant warfare
Idk about you, but im chillin hard for 21 years already here in the Balkans.
First things first:
Eastern Europe
Central Europe
Guess which country had a war in 1991-2001 (till everything settled)
I will give you a hint
>Walking with gf
Why wouldn't you run? I bet you'll gain a lot of weight "working" as an "animator"
I am actually underweight user.
It is a problem due to some health issues.
But thanks for the advice tho.
you are a serb, hows things going?
you're just too much of a pussy to take your life OP
Ide dobro brate, nadajmo se jos sto godina mira.
Odstrani Kebap drug.
>mfw no cyrilic allowed on r9k
Well if you have health issues why not work out ?
I do in small doses, every 2nd day, I do a 30 minute workout.
Sometimes I am so weak I can't even do that.
But it will get better.
it's the same difference as continuing the match and taking the loss vs rage quitting
>Eastern Europe
>constant warfare
lol no
Also you're assuming there's some noble ideal behind wars. You're a cannon fodder killing literally the same people as you so that some rich fucks can become richer. Only an idiotic socially outcasted teenager can fall for le patriotic meme.
Po rusky balakaew ?
Koli tak,to davaj popizdim
Otradno sliashat' chto vce horosho
Jest bre, neka je i tebi mir s Bogom.
dont be naive. War is hell. Why dont you sign up for the marines or something.
If I was patriotic I would want to fight for America. What I want is to fight for the sake of fighting. No cause or politics, but to live on the battlefield. Living in a real life or death struggle gives the days you survive meaning. The sedated life we have in the west has no purpose.
you can probably count the amount of casualties in dombass over the past 12 months with one hand
Not when Russia is going steamroll over everything without those countries getting real help from the west.
You're an idiot.
original idiot
Rage quiting gets you lp