Lifting for pussy

>lifting for pussy
>lifting for self-improvement
>not lifting for the LORD Jesus Christ

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Based. But this makes me think. Does TVC Mario browse Jow Forums?

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was jesus on roids?

There's one guy at the gym that is always lip synching. Sort of dancing/Bobbing to his music. And occasionally exclaims "praise God!"
He makes me feel good

>lifting for all three

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>not lifting for the all father
not gonna make it

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Jesus was a dyel who couldn't carry his own cross

I don't lift for phony gods, I lift for my superior intellect.

>not lifting for your volk
never gonna make it

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im pretty sure he did actually.

He certainly was super natural if that's what you're asking

Are you referring to the meme of Him falling while carrying the cross?
That was made up by the followers of Cathol. Not in the gospels.

Serious question guys. My main temptation is jerking off. I try not to and I can go for about a week. I don't look at porn so that's not an issue, but how do I stop jerking off? I feel slightly disgusted and ashamed of myself afterwards

get yourself one of those chastity belts and keep the key in a PO box.

imagine being the guy who makes this shitty cringe threads


jajaja estupido blanca jajaja

imagine going to hell

There's better music and more pussy in hell than in heaven though

>lifting for a beardlet god
Repent now!

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Religion is a cult of C O P E made by omega men and retarded beta followers. Why do yoi think it denies evolution?

>Lifting for a made up sky daddy
Bruh… look at this dude... OH NO NO NO


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I'll take the bait.
>atheists as we all know are the least degenerate and physically ideal folk around
>it's not like tradition and order are important or something

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I pray for gf but it never happens

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>fasted for fourty days and nights
>still had enough muscle mass left over to carry his cross
>still strong enough to roll a boulder out of the way
based. is this what happens when you live off a diet of fish and barley bread, and work 9 to 5 in your dad's carpentry shop?

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What are you jerking to user? That might be the problem.

>turned water into wine
>walked on water
>raised the dead
>self rezzed

Ofc he was on roids

The only PED he needed was good old mana from heaven.


Nah, i'm good with just the first 2. Religion is a hobby these days that i really don't have the time for right now

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Reminder that Kanye West and Lil Pump are both Christian

>when niggas say they love HIM more than life itself

Gay as hell

>did table raises in temple, didn't give a fuck
>deadlifted people including himself
>taught in parables
>out-bantzed the pharisees
>out-bantzed roman governor
>out-bantzed satan while fasting
>did crossfit without making it look cringe worthy
>still ate fish for protein and healthy fats after coming back from the dead
Jesus is King of Jow Forums

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>satan offers him some food to keep his gains when h was starving
>he turns it down like an idiot
Also the romans were the real alphas of history, and they nail his ass to a cross.

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He was on a cut you dumb bitch

It’s always cutting season in the desert bro

pray as if depended on God
act as if depended on you


thinking of women

God Bless

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Lifting for the race war, can't wait to curb stomp niggers and arabs in my area.

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