Ask an ultra-succesful person who used to be a complete loser anything

Used to browse here a lot now only very rarely. Will give out advice.

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I would like to hear your story.
How you became succesful?
How you became loser anyway?

>Ask an ultra-succesful person who used to be a complete loser anything.
>Used to browse here a lot now only very rarely. Will give out advice.
why are you LARPing?

I am 18 years old. Not a virgin. I have pretty good part time job. Let's say I will have 1000$ left from this Summer after I buy a phone. What is the smartest thing to do with the money? Should I try to make itself multiply by investing? Should I try crypto? Should I just keep it? If you want to talk more add me on Discord Tailor #9041

Not op, but depends on what you want. You want more money? Then invest on something. You want to have fun or use it for activities whatever? Then do so. You want to save it, if something happens? Then do so. It's your choice, there are no wrong options really.

Its your life and it's your choice.

this originally in oregon

I want more money. How to invest? What should I learn?

>How you became loser anyway?
Grew up in single mother abusive shithole, so it was just the natural course of things to become a degenerate loser. Dropped out at 15 due to depression (had shit grades too) and did nothing for a few years.

>How you became succesful?
Absolute disgust at seeing everyone in my family REPEATEDLY make shit decisions for generations. Ignored everyone and only listened to myself, decided to go back to college with the aim of finishing A-levels (uni exams). Failed at the start but finished with A*A*A* (for fats, this is easily top 1 percent). I admit I only applied to "good" at best unis due to no confidence which I regret.

While I was studying I worked and saved almost all the money. Went to uni and got huge loan due to parents low income. By 19 I had 30k, spent almost all on bitcoin a year and a half ago now worth about 200k at 20.

Got into various good habits which make it much easier top dominate, and applying to cambridge part 3 next year having been told I've got a good chance of getting in by profs

I dont know much about investing, you should read up on it.

But i do know you can buy stocks for example or invest on something physical for example land (i know 1k wont get you that, but it was an example) there are many ways.

I'd probably either buy stocks or export cars, i dunno.

No larping. Not a 25 yo billionaire but more succesful than 99 percent of people, probably closer to 99.99 percent of people who had a similar start in life. seefor me it would be bitcoin, don't look at the price (will likely go down for a few years) and wait 5-10 years. With respect though, 1k is nothing and you should really try getting more to spend.

Alternatively if this is too risky, generic shit like vanguardlifestrategy and hard work but I don't feel very confident in the stock moment atm so all my non crypto money is in bonds.

I know it's real obvious but college, go to the best one you can and study a stem subject. Bitcoin is too risky/stocks too long and yoou don't want to be stuck in manual or min wage work

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thanks shia, i'll get off my computer and just do it now.

this seems so unrealistic, from bad grades to As

C/D average to A*A*A*. Had depression young which explains some of it, worked stupidly hard for a-levels.

Brother got DDD on his A-levels.

It's possible with work, simple as that.

what bonds do you invest into?

I should also mention I did this in one year, got the same grades at AS level.

I think it was something like "the Islamic bank of England", 2 percent for 1 year.. Not on my personal computer so can't remember exact name. I basically picked the highest off this, which has changed a bit.

im not that expert in this area, but are these bonds safe? do you risk something and how does your money get taxed?

How did you stop browsing here so often?

also, isnt it better to invest in something more stable as real estate?

no chance of losing it unless you have over 85k worth due to fscf. Won't get taxed unless you have a very large amount.

bonds are as stable as you get.....

real estate varies much more, but will offer much greater returns over a long period of time. Same with the stock market.

I will be buying my first house (with mortgage, holding onto btc for 5+ more years) in a few years so can't risk being stuck bagholding stocks, and hence went with a bond.

Cut all contact with parents and confidence got boosted massively. I just don't fit in here as much now. It also seems to be overrun with zoomer normalfags.

whats fscf?

protects your money

How life ?