Alright robros, I finally got me a gf. I faked it to make it...

Alright robros, I finally got me a gf. I faked it to make it. I told that roastie a bunch of lies about past relationships I've had. I tried to be as vague as possible, but now she's catching on and saying I don't share anything with her. She's not all that suspicious about the lies, she just thinks I'm hiding things. How do I make these old gfs as real as possible? What are the normal aspects of past relationships that women ask about and want to know? How do I improvise if I need to? Pretty often she reacts in a certain way and then asks me how my ex would have reacted in a situation.

Attached: 1529110823127.webm (640x800, 1.02M)

Whyd you feel the need to lie about having relationships in the past, all you've done is make things harder for yourself

I think this is why girls always have rejected me after the first date.
They quickly see through my facade even after having had sex or kissing them.

feels good being on no fap, dick didnt even twitch at this whore shaking her ass. in the past id be rock hard.
there are NO STRINGS ON ME

get back in the car. stupid nonce

you incels are something else

Why must all thots like jeeps
I cant even appreciate the grand Cherokee because its always a stacy driving it

that's not what fake it to make it means, you fucking autist. it doesn't mean invent fake people, fake experiences. it means fake confidence, do your best to pretend you are confident.

God, I fucking love white girls so much. All I want to do is pin them down and inseminate them.

What am I supposed to do? Tell her I'm a virgin in my late 20s and never had a gf on the first date? Yeah. That'll go great

Why do you lie if you've already had sex and kissed?

Where is pic related from, please tell me

Because I've never been in a relationship and I don't want just sex.
Plus I only lost my virginity a few months ago and unfortunately tinder is my only source of women but it dried up.
Not sure what I should do.

It's not hers, unless she's trying to do the whole "country" aesthetic. 9/10 times when you see a thot in a jeep, she's just borrowing our boyfriend's car. If it is hers, you'll know because of a handy sticker on the car

>pic related

Attached: download.png (225x225, 11K)

Say some general shit that it didn't work out and that you don't want to talk about the exes.

>be OP
>wants gf
>goes on r9k for a gf
>some well meaning reformed robot user tells him to "fake it until you make it"
>literal autist takes user's advice to heart
>crafts entire fake identity
>Catch Me If You Can (2002)

Did I miss anything? Also wtf user are you autistic or something? We meant "BEE yourself but better" not "be Leonardo DiCaprio" you sperg.

Loud annoying White girls, not even once.

Attached: downloadfile-5.bin_new.jpg (474x520, 36K)

Hey guess what, it got me a gf. Being Leo works a hell of alot better than beeing myself

Say they were long distance so you didn't know them as well as you thought in the end

NoFap gives me the exact opposite results

Nothing wrong with a few white lies about your relationship history desu. Normies do it all the time.

if you don't ask about her past relationships then make that point to her and rub her face in it and tell her to get over it. just tell her they aren't worth talking about and leave it at that.

Just tell her the truth you faggot. Shed appreciate the honesty

>Shed appreciate the honesty
found the femanon. do not listen to this, it is completely bullshit.

Calling bullshit. No one wants a virgin that no one else wants. Studies have shown nothing makes a pussy more wet than knowing other women want you. Any robot that admits theyve never had a gf past 20 will be assumed to have something wrong with them

you come clean. you be honest and say you made it up because you were ashamed.

two possibilities here :
1) if she's worth keeping she will appreciate the honesty, at least try to, if not actually understand and empathize, and forgive you
2) if not she'll go full bitch crazy and disown you after which you have the choice of begging after which she'll have you under her thumb forever, or you just let it go and wash yourself clean of it all, after which then you'll have a real crazy gf experience under your belt for the next one and won't need to lie

#1 isn't a possibility, it is a fantasy. that is never going to happen

>understand and empathize