I've infiltrated Reiko's Harem. What next?

I've infiltrated Reiko's Harem. What next?

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>look and see who's online that is new
>since you already know the routine of most regular members you can only pinpoint who can actually be in cahoots to causing chaos and cancer once again
Are you banned yet

would you mind sharing this discord server?

Nope. I've thought ahead on that one.

Is that the one where they blackmail people into doing HRT?

I don't have high enough perms to share a link.

>I've infiltrated Reiko's Harem. What next?
dead meme

Kind of? Most of it seems consensual from the trannies at this point

Go through with his deepest fantasy.
Obviously only to get to the deepest part of his circle, not because it would be hot or anything..

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Tempting, but I'll have to pass

how do I chat with him...kind of interested

Oh that was fun I was in the first 2 discords. Fun times.


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Who is that cutie and where can I get more?

would be lovely skin if that person wasnt fat.

Congratulations, you found a shitty server, now what is the next step of your master plan?

sorry.... now you have to watch a few hours of sissy hypno ): very sorry

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Report it. Blacmail is illegal

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I wish I never got in.

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>What next?
Hook me up with a gf(male) while you're in there man.

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Who's doxxed that fag yet?

wtf where is my Jow Forums shoutout

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Can you get some cute pictures while your in there and post them so I can definitely not fap to it

'cause you dont have stolen mod perms

admit that youre gay wow not original

Testing smth

1 of 18 of my favorites. Enjoy.

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Literally no one gives a fuck about that literal who

jk, fuck yall. enjoy.

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how many people in that discord are going to end up killing themselves?

stop trying to ruin trannies doing what they love most 2k18

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reiko isn't an asshole

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whahatt is a reiko? can u use it in a sentence?

Guys, I met Reiko IRL recently, and after all his Jow Forums infamy he turned out to be a lot more autistic than I thought. When I first approached him he made uncomfortable eye contact with me even before I said anything and after I introduced myself, he just kept reaching his hand out to me as if he were trying to shake my hand even when I clearly didn't want to. He kept just autistically holding his hand out for like two minutes, then he scoffed at me, muttered something under his breath, and turned to the side and acted like nothing happened. He was on his way to get something from Starbucks but he was quiet when he said it, and he told me to follow him and dcome with him. He started walking the entirely opposite direction of Starbucks and I kept bringing that up and he either turned around and made a disgusted face at me or told me it was a different one, even though there only is one in our town. After a 15 minute walk, he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, pulled out his phone, and held it out to me. It had a picture of a girl with brown hair on it, then he loudly said "I said Zarrbucks! NOT Starbucks" and started laughing really really loud as if he was mocking my laugh even though I wasn't laughing. I don't know what a Zarr is.

kinda fake and gay desu

find something else to do

all of this is consensual.

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this was a shitpost that yall took seriously

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why reiko hasn't been arrested yet?
what he does and did is illegal

reiko is lit

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Could've been Tsar
Is he a dirty filthy commie as well?

op here. yall stupid for believing me. 'm just a shitposting transgirl

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I have a depressed friend who Reiko pushed into self harm and suicide by taunting him for being a 'replet' daily, fucking asshole

those don't exist silly

I doubt Reiko could manhandle anything, kek

Can't you report this to the fbi or some shit?

can't, my hands are metaphorically tied.

Probably, if you're a lame ass square

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wow ik really hate reiko o mg i think we should find him irl and kill him amiright guys

wow thank you kendrick very cool

That discord is made up of high school kids who aren't popular at all in school so try to be the "cool kids" of a virgin forum.
Right now they're are probably taking about this post and being sarcastic about it

Here let me just search the messages
no real point of filtering the names famalam

Help me infiltrate it by helping me become a trap. S-So i can bust him of course, that all

hey guys what is ur favorite family guy character?

Fuck. Reiko. Done with his shit

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This. Discord is just a load of teenagers fighting to become e-celebrities

I hear Reiko is manipulating Ciara/Eliza?

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looks exactly how i thought he would


you faggots have a really incestuous community

Who the fuck is sending Reiko all these rat pics

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>reiko started saying he'd leak my thigh pics if i didn't rep him daily
>literally nothing i can do about it except rep him

>Care this much about your thighs

reiko is a sick fuck who cum tributed my innocent friend sad man

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Why dont you leak your thigh pics here first so he doesnt blackmail you ;)

Do you know how easy it is to fake logs?

Reiko is a faggot

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I'm objectively more attractive than this cunt, where's my trap harem?

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i think youre thinking of aeromatic

make one, loser

I devote my body to reiko

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put some clothes on jackass

socially manipulating people is half of having a trap harem
t. trap who wouldn't mind being in a death cult harem for somebody

what the fuck is his full name then?

Steven Frederickson

don't tempt me faggots

Do it, become his competition.

>t.fat hon

go ahead and make one then

16 is legal {originally}

I love how you have zero proof of anything and provide as little info as possible. I could make a shitpost like that too and say it was Donald Trump this whole time. it would be just as believable

Everything on the internet is true. Don't you know?

I'm on the verge. The problem is I get bored of discord channels very easily and I'd have to use a different account which means I'll have to constantly switch between it and my regular account which is balls. I might make it when I get back from vacation.

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ipootat vidye

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Heres a picture of Reiko, he sent me this while drunk one night after I sent him a few fake pics

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hey guys i found ahj reiko irl he snet this picture to me i think this is him guys

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does anyone know if reiko is single or not

yeah he is man

All right but if you make one, make sure you let us know.

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names and addresses, find out where these people work

What the fuck is going on, I leave Jow Forums for 3 years and come back to this pathetic shit, you all used to be pathetic but not like this

It's over. Time to add this pic to the police database.

This is reiko and one of his buddies. I know him pretty well (not gonna say more), he does this stuff himself to gain more popularity. Most of the rumors and posts on him back in the day when he was the hot meme of the month were also made by him for the same purpose. He is basically just an attentionwhore so the best thing you can do is just ignore and move on.

assmad and jealous that you aren't as popular as him

waa waa reikos an attentionwhore waa waa every post is reiko selfposting

assmad and jealous
assmad and jealous