Why don't any of the robots I meet wanna get rough with me?

Why don't any of the robots I meet wanna get rough with me?

Attached: rfq1.jpg (750x1000, 85K)

tf you mean by rough

Most robots are just prison gay, they aren't actually going to do anything.

are you a girl or a trap? pls respond

yes but like what tho why are you hiding the truth about what gets you off ?

seconding this, also please be in london

How many robots have you met?

Because of that fat ass of yours.

Seriously consider suicide. Look in a mirror and realize how much a failure the peoson looking back is. That is you, that is your sad state of being.

Consider oxygen mask and helium tank.

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A fat ass is a good thing though, user.

I'm a little south of you. What type of person are you looking for? What types of things do you want them to do to you?

Holy shit is this my lucky day? You're within a comfortable travelling distance.

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You're staying right here, you're gonna share your fantasies with all of us and you're gonna like it, faggot.

Do you have your own place? I'm down for taking over your home and body for the evening.

What a slut. I really would love you beat the fuck out of you while I fuck you senseless.

Because robots are too scared and timid to do anything.
That's why they're robots

Post your Discord and we'll talk more about this.

post address so i can rock up in your neighbourhood blaring pumped up kicks vaporware before i break into your flat and slice you apart uwu

you should become the shared property of robots so they can use your holes whenever they want.

Added you. #4974

maybe ur not cute enough

Attached: tumblr_paqsmwBw0g1qad8qko1_540.png (540x540, 208K)

thats a cute image user, just thought id let you know!

>any of the robots I meet
You're a whore, you know that right