Any manlets here insecure about their height?

Any manlets here insecure about their height?

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I'm not insecure. I'm pretty damn sure that I'm a piece of shit.

If even midgets are getting laid, its not your height thats the problem

My height is just one of the 250 problems.

what's your height?


pretty fucking original post right here

I'm 5'6 as well and it doesn't help that everyone at my uni is taller than me.

I'm 5'4, original post.

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5'7, honestly planning on doing a leg lengthening procedure in a few years. Fuck anyone who complains that they're only 5'10 or whatever, I'd kill to be there

fucking enjoy being short and not smashing your damn head everywhere and not being able to drive most cars

180 cm here. tall enough to not be short but not tall enough to not feel short.
could've been worse i guess.

I'm 5'9", so I'm considered short, but I also understand that it could be worse.

I'm just a failure all around.

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Honestly if you're 5'6" or under you might as well just start wearing girls clothes and sucking dicks, it's all you're good for.

If you'd be 5'7 in Indonia you wouldn't complain. If you are 5'10 in the Dinaric Alps, you'd probably jump of the highest one. It's all about perspective you idiot. In a first world country you'd still be a disgusting manlet, even with 1 or 2 extra inches.

normie please make a fire and jump into it and stand still for 30 minutes

>father is 5'8
>mother is 5'3
>im am 5'6
could of been worse, but i wish i had 3 more inches

>father is 6'
>mother is 5'4
>tfw 5'7
It be like that sometimes

I-it's not over though, right?
>small, narrow frame

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Nah. Why be insecure about shit you can't change?

5'6" went on a tinder date today with a chubby girl, because that's all i can match with given that i'm also babyfaced. she was 5'4", but very clearly not even remotely attracted to me, as i suspected. SOME women may be drawn towards me from seeing a picture of me, but once they meet me in real life and realize that i don't make them feel protected, it's over

because most of the world is judging you

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It's over. Bulk up. BUT a 5'7 fit guy will appear bigger than a 6'1 lanky fag

Well, would you be honestly willing to date a tall woman?

Says the dwarf.

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Absolutely. Height doesn't matter to me at all.

Sigh. Here we go again with the comic

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Only women have strict height requirements.
I'm not him, actually even shorter than him and I would date a tall woman.

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absolutely, i would. not even lying. i've found plenty of tall women i've known IRL super hot. also, you're probably a fucking woman playing devil's advocate to justify your heightist preferences. bitch

5'11 here

Imagine being almost there but not. I'm an eternal joke


5'7 here
Even if I were 6'0 my life would still probably be shit, but feels bad to be shorter than most of the campus

Anyone is taller than you dwarfs thats why you say yes lol

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>most of the world is judging you
Who cares? If somebody is going to form opinions of me based off of some arbitrary bullshit like height, then they're not the type of person I want in my life.

lol that's easy to say, but you full well know that it is just a cope. people like us have a very limited dating pool, and will generally be less respected. that significantly lowers our quality of life. it's not just some random people with these prejudices; it is society at large, hence income disparities between short and tall men, suicide disparities, study upon study proving that most women can only be satisfied with taller men. You're ignoring a serious problem, but that does not mean that it will magically go away.

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No, I actually prefer shorter guys, but I was just rejected for "being too tall".

If your life is shit it's because you have a victim mentality. Learn to accept the hand you've been dealt, man.

sucks being 5'11, you're too tall to be with the manlets and too short to hang with the lanklets.

t. 6'3

Try being 5'5 then tell me about it

I'm actually only 5'8", but whatever helps you justify your worldview.

t. 6'3" lanklet faggot

t. okay, this is epic

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shieeeettt. I relate my dude

Kek all these 5'6 bots blaming their height for their failure with women when in reality it is their putrid looks and irredeemably stale personality.

Quality thread, made me laugh

I'm a slightly chubby 5'6 guy and dated a tall, skinny girl for a couple of years. We were both pretty open about our insecurities which was nice, but putting two mentally unstable people together is a recipe for disaster, and now I'm back to being a depressed lonely NEET. Anyway, I would have liked to have been at least two inches taller but it's not gonna happen so whatever.

Same here user. Just go after the shorts girls there usually intimidated by super tall guys no joke.

Are you a manlet? if not then shut the fuck up.

I got bullied for years for being a manlet at school and that made me what I am right now in every sense.