>guy says he's going to kill himself
>bunch of cucks immediately come in and say stupid shit like "dont do it" "think of x" or worst of all "itll get better".
What the fuck is wrong is you fags?
Guy says he's going to kill himself
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i have ligma thats what is wrong with me
whats ligma sounds like some thing from socmy
I enjoy the idea there are people out there suffering and I want to increase the number of those people to increase my own satisfaction.
Ligma balls bitch hahahahaha
>please don't do it, we care about you! here's the suicide hotline number please call them
who's letting the Sucondese niggas on this board?
What does sucondese mean?
Sucondese balle bitch! Hahahahahahah
What does it mean though? Like what does it mean?
In case it's actually for real I want to know I at least tried.
It's kind of like a slobboron.
A slobboron? What's that?
Slobboron muh dick bitch, ahahahaha
ligma is from the african continent of sugandese
What the fuck is a slobboron? Google's giving me literally nothing. Is this like a Jow Forums meme?
That's how most people are. They don't actually want to help because actual help is hard. They just want to deflect any responsibility they might have.
>b-but i tried so hard
>why did he kill himself?
>i even told him it would get better :((((
But really though, the way things work here, the most you can do is invite the person to a discord chat or something. I won't even know if my encouragement helped or not. If the guy offs himself, he's not gonna be identified as the robot I talked to, and if he doesn't go through with it, I could be talking to him about something else in the future and not even know it. There's a big difference between that, and knowing someone personally that you can actually meet and help out more thoroughly.
Nigga just let the guy kill himself. All those meaningless platitudes don't mean a damn thing. Support the guy in his decision.
You call encouragement and comforting platitudes, but to someone else it might mean something. It might help and it doesn't cost me anything, so I'll keep doing it.
>you have so much to live for!!
lol no
>to someone else it might mean something
Why the FUCK would it mean anything?
>oh shit I'm a 30 year old NEET that has never had a single friend in his entire life, my parents hate me and my health is declining rapidly anyway but some chucklefuck on the internet that knows fuck all about my life said it'll get better, so I won't kill myself!
Get your head out of your ass and get real. Anyone that is actually swayed by basic ass platitudes was not going to kill themselves anyway. The only reason you do that is to make yourself feel better, give you the illusion you did something, when in reality you did absolutely nothing. If you really want to do something, support the man in his decision, see though it he finally gets his much needed rest.
I am being real. I just don't accept your view that it's pointless to even try. Even when people are absolutely physically fucked up, they can still find joy in life if they try. There are ways to improve your life and attain a more optimistic worldview, something you sound like you sorely need. Look at this guy. If he can find happiness in life, everybody can.
Your argument is also fucked up. If I tell someone to not kill himself, I practically do nothing, while if I tell him to go ahead with it, suddenly that counts as something? You're trapped in your cynicism and I hope you find a way out.
>physically fucked up
Yeah well it's considerably more difficult when you are mentally fucked up.
> If I tell someone to not kill himself, I practically do nothing, while if I tell him to go ahead with it, suddenly that counts as something?
Yes. His life is shit, he knows it, lying to him and telling him it isn't does not improve his situation. Reassuring him his decision is right and supporting him to carry out the deed does in fact result in an improvement on his situation, he no longer suffers whatever it is he was suffering.
There is nothing to be pessimistic or optimistic about, there are some people who are just licked. That's it, there is no fairy god mother that will save them, and they have clearly shown they are too weak to save themselves.
No dude, it never counts as something and it is pointless to even try. The guy decided beforehand if he would kill himself or not, you're only, as the other guy said, making yourself feel better and as if
>you did everything you could but still couldn't save his poor soul :(
The dude is doing it for a reason and you just tell him you're better than him since you know what he should do while you know nothing about him. If the dude was gonna kill himself and it isn't just a call for attention you're making everything worse you faggot. You're a cunt
If someone says their going to kill themselves and you talk them out of it they were never ready to kill themselves in the first place.
Suicide hurts everyone. There's always someone left behind who'll blame themselves, and better days could have been just a couple weeks away.
>they have clearly shown they are too weak to save themselves.
Thus far. I believe that there's hope for people.
I already said that I'll never know if my attempts to help would lead to anything on here. It's not like helping people in person.
Anyway I ask them about their situation first and then try making suggestions that might help them find a brighter path. Is that telling him that I'm better, or is it trying to pull him up? Better than telling them to just hang themselves, and certainly better than following despicable advice like yours.
Anyway I'm going to bed.
It's so that they feel like a good person, it's ultimately in self interest in sustaining the virtue signalers non-responsibility. It also comes from most posters being normalfags who believe being alive is how you win even if you're a robot.
>Suicide hurts everyone.
What the absolute fuck? Most people that are suicidal show the signs, yet people are too uncaring to notice. These people never cared in the first place, they have no right to care now that the man is resting peacefully. It's why so many suicides are done because of loneliness.
>There's always someone left behind who'll blame themselves,
This might be shocking to you, but there are those that simply do not have anyone at all. They could disappear and nobody would notice. The fact that you cannot even understand this shows that you do not know anything about these people, and why your words are meaningless. You just assume things about them based on your own life, not theirs.
> and better days could have been just a couple weeks away.
Or years, or never. People don't just decide to kill themselves one day, they bounce it around their head for months or even years, it is after all, a very difficult decision to make. If they endure years of that and still can't help but feel suicidal, then it probably is best to just let them go. They tried their best, and it still wasn't enough.
Get your head out of your ass, seriously.
>Suicide hurts everyone
There you go again, you don't care about the dude who died, the dude who suffered, you care about yourself. And most people are like this, cause these are the people who say "don't do it". They obviously don't care about the guy, they just care about themselves like all normalfags do
Its better to say neither, cause maybe if you think about it yourself, who is so happy you will come to the conclusion that what you're doing is good. But you need to consider the other guy, he isn't happy, he doesn't want to live. Do you think he hasn't tried everything he could think of? Do you think that if you ask him what's wrong he will answer 100% truthfully and honestly? Probably not, therefore you won't understand his situation and he will probably get mad or sadder than he already was.
Also do remember that pain and suffering is relative so something that may not be such a big deal for you could be a suicide worthy situation for another person
I came to the conclusion that the best thing to do is wish them luck, be it for whatever the outcome may be
>>oh shit I'm a 30 year old NEET that has never had a single friend in his entire life, my parents hate me and my health is declining rapidly anyway but some chucklefuck on the internet that knows fuck all about my life said it'll get better, so I won't kill myself!
Just beeeee yourself man bhahahaha the fucking normals will never get it, ever
I've been hospitalized to stop myself from killing myself and while I'm still not a happy person (I'm here, after all) I'm not half as miserable as I was back then.
I suppose in some situations it can't be helped and think people have the moral right to do so, but a year or two of misery can feel like forever when you're going through it and I want to make damn sure no one's taking their own life rashly.
It's a species of Sawcon.
Never heard of a Sawcon, what is it?
Blame normalfags, as always, they're the ones who do it. Most of us don't give a shit if some random user kills himself, but normalfags will just post stuff like ''Please don't do it, user, things will get better in life'', they feel like they're helping, but they just want to feel good about themslves, so that they'll feel morally superior if and when said user's dead
What's a sawcon, user?
Sawcon this dick
Sugandese I think I heard about that before. Isn't it where the rare disease fugma originated?
>look at how psychotic I am! aren't I so cool?
What the actual fuck is fugma?
Whoever derailed this thread is doing god's divine work.
Seriously, what the fuck is sawcon? Stop with these shitty 3rd grade playground jokes.
Sawcon this dick motherfucker
Don't encourage or discourage suicide. It is a personal choice and should be respected. Nobody asked him before pulling his consciousness out of the ether, no one should flinch if he should decide to end it. That's how I see it, at least.
You're acting like an eedmai, user.
the absolute state of Jow Forums. could it get any more mainstream?
It's the reddit influx
Don't forget that one time that they totally understand how you feel because their ice cream fell on the ground or some stupid shit. They'll never get it. They are constitutionally incapable. It's like me trying to understand what it's like to be a soldier with PTSD - nothing could ever explain it to me. I am incapable of grasping that.
Except, unlike dumbass normies, I don't pretend like I can.
>"HURR DURR GAMERS RISE" tier edgyness
please stop man, i just want to make other people enjoy the ride
To be fair someone who actually wants to kill themselves would simply do it.
If said person announces their suicide its often a cry for help and they most likely want to be talked out of it.