1 shot at life

>1 shot at life

>born in central america

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>1 shot to the head
>dead in central america
It's that easy bro.

>1 shot at life

>Born in Tolyatti

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>one shot at life
>born in NYC

shit sucks, overcrowded expensive and full of brown people and crime, I just want to live in a small country town.

>1 shit at life

>born mixed culture euro
I don't even know who I am anymore.
I speak English but deep I was born on the commie side.

at least you werent born in the middle east

Is a good gorod

>one shot at life
>born in white america

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According to the American right, you can just walk into the US with ease and get a bunch of free money. Why not just do that?

Because in central america there is almost 0 tolerance for faggotry.

>one shot at life
>born turkish

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> One shot at life
> born a socially retarded, low iq, inbred sandnigger

Fuck this world

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>1 shot at life
>born in the UK
>tfw grandma almost moved to new york with her friend for work when she was like ~18 but got knocked up and stayed here

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>1 shot at life
>born north african in France

Couldn't wish for something better

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And that's not a good thing because?

At least you haven't been shot on the head

> 1 shot in life
> born a tall white american male with a 6 inch penis

Makes me believe god is real

haha lol


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>1 shot at life
>born as a sandnigger in Russia that lives in Germany now

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Where? Been to Nicaragua for vacation, pretty nice country, and safe too. Rest is shithole, I've heard.

>1 shot at life
>Born a moral white male in Saudi America
Never had a chance

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>6 inch penis
I see where your doubt might come from.

At least you got to keep your foreskin.

At least you're better than most of the whites you're surrounded by.

>1 shot at life
>born in Australia

couldn't do much better desu

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But my dad was.

>1 shot at life
>born in Scandinavia

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Fuck you all noob motherfuckers
>one shot at life
>born in syria

Now beat this

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>One shot at life
>Lived in Somalia
I fucking topped you, you faggot although I'm not there anymore but Jesus it was amazing

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Kys nigga I got drafted to the army you lived in there for like 2 hours I lived in syria for 20 years

>One shot at life
>Born in America

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>one shot at life
>born in commiefornia

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>1 shot at life
>born in burgerland
there ya have it

>not a manlet
>but he's a dicklet

1 shot at life born in uk, nice city tho so not that bad

>One shot at life
>Born an Englishmen
In the words of Cecil Rhodes;
"Being born an Englishman is winning the lottery of life"

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>1 shot at life
>born manlet, dicklet chink

>1 shot at life
>born in the upper class Brazil
I mean, its not bad.

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Boy it was half a year and at least some parts of Syria are okay I was pissing my pants on roadblocks with drugged out fags pointing Kalashnikovs at everyone

you have internet and know english, are you part of the upper class?

maybe that was true 100 years ago but the uk is trash now

>one shot at life
>not born in Japan
comment is not original

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>Ein shot at life
>Born in middle class rural South East England within commuting distance to London

How you posting this right now? Anything else you'd rather be doing?