If you take caffeine preworkout you are retarded

The Misconception: Coffee stimulates you.

The Truth: You become addicted to caffeine quickly, and soon you are drinking coffee to cure withdrawal more than for stimulation.

>The truth is, once you’ve been drinking coffee for a while, the feeling you are getting after a cup isn’t the difference between the normal you and the super you, it’s the difference between the addict before and after a fix.

>The take home is that regular use of caffeine produces no benefit to alertness, energy, or function. Regular caffeine users are simply staving off caffeine withdrawal with every dose – using caffeine just to return them to their baseline. This makes caffeine a net negative for alertness, or neutral at best if use is regular enough to avoid any withdrawal.

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>Withdrawal occurs at dosages as low as 100 mg/day. That’s just one typical cup of coffee. One study (Field et al., 2003) even found that abstaining from just 41 mg/day for 30 hours decreased blood flow to some parts of the brain by 19-32%. The most common withdrawal symptoms are headache, fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness, drowsiness, decreased contentedness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and foggy/not clearheaded-ness. Withdrawal is much, much more common than most people think. Many people just assume legal drugs are perfectly safe and only associate withdrawal with illegal drugs, even though there is practically no relation between the toxicity and addictiveness of drugs and their legal status, but caffeine withdrawal is extremely common. In fact, many studies overestimated the positive effects of caffeine, because they didn’t exclude habitual caffeine consumers. This causes participants to be in withdrawal during the study and the so called positive effects of caffeine are then merely withdrawal reversal. If your training sessions are notably poorer without stimulants, you may very well be in withdrawal. Withdrawal also causes muscle stiffness and weakness.
(Juliano & Griffiths, 2004).

jokes on you op, my preworkout is some dmaa for energy and use low dose cialis for pumps.

even worse. hours long raised cortisol post workout will destroy and fry your cns longterm.

im on day 3 without coffee. feelsbadman

but my dick and balls are a lot fuller yo.

My pre workout is a banana (or a muffin) and a protein shake 1hr 30 mins before lifting

Lots of energy, can lift heavy, clear mind

Stopping caffeine/stims was the best thing ive ever done

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweetie

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As of tomorrow I'll be done with week 2. It can be done. First day off it was the worst for me headache wise then those went away

Fucking based, where do you get the dmaa

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I take a preworkout full of caffeine and I go 2-3 days without taking another sip of it, coffee or any other drink high in caffeine. I feel just fine. Maybe you’re just a weak fucking pussy who can’t handle a little caffeine.

I drink coffee off and on, I'm not addicted but it does nothing for me in the way of energy, the only thing it does is suppress my appetite.
Is there something wrong with me?

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No, OP is just a huge baby

It’s not an obvious energy which is why it’s legal. It’ll keep you going without you noticing.

I went off coffee for a few months, strictly decaf, but one day I was craving a canned espresso and when I drank one my energy skyrocketed. I kept drinking espressos and I wasn’t getting energy but lots of anxiety and paranoia. Back to decaf after that

OP you must have some low-tier, betafaggot genetics. You must also be retarded, autistic (sperg) or both.

>tfw can drink two scoops of preworkout before each and every workout
>hate coffee
>hate soda
>hate basically any other source of caffeine

Only pussies get addicted to shit as simple as caffeine, or even nicotine for that matter.

Man the fuck up, bitch.

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fucking stupid pussies now a days complaining about their pre workout supplements and hormones and shit just stfu and lift and eat enough calories and get enough sleep ANYTHING else unless steroids isn't going to be that big of deal. My grandpa was a marine and served in nam and he was jacked as fuck he drank an entire pot of coffee everyday, slept 4 hours a night and ate what ever his old lady made him. shit is way more simple than you guys think.

Caffeine has a well documented effect increasing athletic performance that have been proven out in scores of studies you absolute dipshit.

Based and redpilled

>what is habitual daily consume
>what is 1 time contest day consume
kys you no brained single cell parasite

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i bet you think you work out enough to burn off the sugar you drank in your monster, faggot

Energy drinks are garbage and people shouldn't drink them. They are far from the only source of caffeine.


the truth is that a lot of the science behind addiction is attributed to genetics. I can drink coffee for say a week, and then go literally months and months without it (and have done so). but one fucking cigarette, and I'm puffing like a chimney until I force myself to quit. the truth is that some people can do things you can't without negative consequences. take the black pill my friend, and gaze into the abyss with me

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never in my life have I seen someone cite a paper like this to this extent. but anyone without access to an academic database won't be able to find these cites.

>eats 2 scoops of caffeine pre-work before each workout
>not addicted

What did he mean by this?

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high doses of caffeine is the only thing that motivated me to get fit

I take up to 400mg a day

If something stressful is happening in my life I also develop an eye twitch

lol what stupid fucking idiot came up with this shit?

I use to take 400-600mg of caffeine pre-workout (caffeine pills) and let me tell you now that I hopped off that and only take 1 small cup of black coffee pre-workout I feel much better. That amount of caffeine gave me extreme anxiety (it was the cause of 99% of my anxiety). I feel much better off caffeine

Solution: Never stop drinking

Great you've made this thread again....

I had anxiety before the caffeine pills and it doesn't seem to make it worse. However if I drink coffee I'm literally fucked for the entire day, something in coffee makes me extremely anxious.

Excellent broscience

nah thats just ur anxiety telling you that. Coffee will increase it a bit for a couple hours but one cup extreme for a day..nah

thatys just the good old anxiety loop. Ur anxious about it making you anxious therefore it does.

Thaty being said I only have 1 cup in the mornming or I get a bit jittery

which is why i switched to a line of coke instead

Where does everyone on Jow Forums get access to viagra and cialis? Is everyone a boomer or tellin a doctor you can't get it up?

I take it because I can last over an hour with that shit rather than 5 mins. Just tell the doc you've been having problems getting erections for the past 6 months

This desu
Fucking oblivious poster

>not understanding the use of chemicals in digestive regulation to achieve maximum pump and blood pressure potential.

I wake up at 5am every day, pound a quart of water, a donut, and preworkout with like 10g of creatine in it.

I shit for like 45 minutes straight, then I’m cleaned out so I can continue on my journey from 3,4,5 to 4,5,6 plates.

All you fuckers who get caught up with the details probably aren’t gonna make it.

Eat and supplement whatever you need to so you can lift long and heavy.

Then eat more and supplement more because death is waiting at the end of the road.

Are you gonna get to him and be like “at least I wasn’t addicted to caffeine” at 145lbs and feel fulfilled?

Fuck no.

Push against the shores of the river of life. Change it’s path, even if just by a centimeter.
Eat, train, connect with people.

But the most important part of making it?


based and redpilled

you can get it over the counter without prescription in the uk

Great I can keep getting memes but I cant get cialis over the counter...

I use freshly ground coffee as my pre workout.
I only take pre-workout when I start thinking of excuses not to workout, then I am strung out on caffeine and have to work out or not sleep that night, and I love my sleep so it's a no brainer.

You can. At gas stations. The FDA basically advertises which ones are
legit on their site.
>Babbys first addiction
Black tar heroin or bust I swear you guys are full aut. It's fucking caffeine take a gram a day if you want to

Day 5 of no caffeine, feeling super fatigued. Sleep has slightly improved though

I'm going to consider this switch

>doing research
fucking nerd, just try and live a little

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Started drinking it for its taste when 19. Now I regret that decision.

Should I get the My Protein Thermopure as a preworkout or just normal caffeine pills?
I find it hard to lift after getting tired from university.

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I think you are wrong. One cup can indeed cause a lot of anxiety. People react differently to it. Who the fuck are you to say what he is experiencing?

you are a straightedge idiot that doesn't know anything about drugs that Mcgruff the crime dog didn't teach you. stop posting this thread every day

I don't usually drink Monster but when I do, I drink one or two daily for a number of days straight. I don't feel any stimulation from it but when I stop, I'm beat for days and can't do much.

and what is the alternative? I need something to kick my mind in it's nuts

>I can drink coffee for say a week, and then go literally months and months without it (and have done so). but one fucking cigarette, and I'm puffing like a chimney until I force myself to quit.
That's because nicotine is 1000x more addictive than caffeine, you dip. Even literal drug addicts tend to keep smoking tobacco. I don't know where this "caffeine is super addictive" meme comes from.

Is it possible to cycle nicotine and caffeine? I've been drinking caffeine daily for 3 years and it doesn't do anything for me now, last week I vaped some nicotine with it and boy I was euphoric like I just had my first coffee ever again. Would be fun if you can like vape nicotine 6-12 months and then drink coffee for 6-12 months. It seems that quitting coffee would be easier if you get yourself addicted to nicotine since it's a vasoconstrictor (so you won't get the headaches) and the dopamine you simply replace.

Your grandpa sounds high test as fuck

I think he meant your memes aren't going to help with your retort in this situation. Two scoops is the recommended dosage of most preworkouts. You act like he said ten scoops.

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OMG, this is amazing. I am going to propose to my girlfriend before our trip to London, and I want to really be able to "give it to her good", if you know what I mean. With my penis. In her vagina. Unprotected, of course.

How are you people addicted to caffeine? I only take it during my preworkout and am fine not taking it for weeks. I don't drink caffeine either...just sprinkle a little instant into my preworkout

You can also buy them online at UK pharmacies after a free consultation, they're expensive as hell though

>I-I'm fine
>just sprinkle a little instant into my preworkout

>samebitching this hard

wtf i got hassled about buying peptol bismal there one time. crazy country

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I just cycle off and on caffeine. So I get all the pros and no cons

nice cope dyel lol

Guro. It'll wake you right up.

this addiction crap is all cope but caffeine shouldnt be used unless competing. theres no point raising your bp/hr etc if youre just training, its arguably another form of ego lifting if you train like that

based gf haver

>workout after work
>all I can eat at work is a protein shake since nuts are banned and I can't think of anything else to eat fast while working and not make a a mess
>milk makes me sleepy and I end up needing 1hour after work to get my shit together before leaving for the gym
adding coffee is the only way I've found to not fall sleep after drinking my shake



Caffeine is listed as a banned substance (depending on the amount found in your blood) in the International Olympic Committee

>drink caffeine
> must be a source full of sugar like energy drinks and not one of the popular options that don't contain any
Fucking anti-caffeine shilling brainlet

All of the steroid sources sell it too

and Ibuprofen is banned by USADA, what is your point

I've tried to get into coffee, people seen to describe this feeling of mental clarity after imbibing but I just don't feel it. Is coffee the most harmful meme that has existed for centuries?

the only real meme is the steroid meme

Jokes on you I’m basically immune to caffeine. I love coffee yet can go days without with no need for it. Today i drank almost a liter of coffee at work and almost fell asleep when i came home.

I was just considering taking caffeine pills as a preworkout. What would you suggest instead?

Who /occasionalcoffeesippermasterrace/ here? I just drink it when I'm really tired and have to workout, maybe a couple of times a week.

That feel is motivating me to start. Gotta improve that circulation.

One (big) coffee + one (big) espresso today. 2 regular cuppas yesterday. I think I can go cold turkey tomorrow if I /dudeweed/ enough. Work Sun but I'm off Mon-Tues and I'll have my first sober workouts then and be BACK baby, BACK to sobriety. At least caffeine sobriety, I like dudeweed

>Thinking coffee is caffeine.
Do some research. Coffee doesn't contain nearly enough caffeine to do any useful stimulation when it comes to working out. You need to hit at least 500mg caffeine, to get any useful effect, which is more than any PWO.

Based and coffepilled

Absolutely, positively, and unironically BASED AND REDPILLED

>people feeling a caffeine buzz from coffee
>actually having withdrawals if they go without
I just don't understand. Most days I drink up to 2l of coffee I a day. Not because I feel I "need" it, but because I like the taste and I enjoy having something warm to sip while I work. I can and do switch it up, sometimes going a couple of weeks just drinking water instead. I never feel any buzz from the coffee, never any side effects from going from 2l a day to nothing. I'm convinced by now that coffee "addicts" make it all up in their own heads.

Every three months I drop caffeine completely for a month. I don't even get the witdrawl headaches or anything anymore.

>You need to hit at least 500mg caffeine, to get any useful effect
Yeah anecdotal and all but I think pretty much everyone who uses caffeine knows you see performance differences with smaller doses than that

I mean you're really telling me a 12oz Pike Place from Starbucks (300mg caffeine) doesn't make me bench more?

500mg produce an 11% increase in strength gains. This could either be a proportional increase, or be caused by some adrenaline trigger, but research has not seen any increase below 500mg. ...and a tall Pike Place is only 260mg. Coffee just isn't worth drinking. It's mostly just choline. Take caffeine pills instead.

>Can't afford $5 a day for coffee
>Coping this hard

Just keep taking it each day and then do breaks, faggot. Fuck it's not that hard, the extra productivity you get from stims is so worth it.

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I was once like this. When everything in your life(sleep, exercise, food) is in balance then it is like you say.

But for me personally, when shit hits the fan and you have new stressors in your life and cannot properly manage it on your own and it messes your sleep, digestion and exercise capacity then you turn to coffee for the 'taste' and eventually you cannot wake up properly without it.

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based shhhhh poster

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