What was the last conversation you had with a woman (female)?
What was the last conversation you had with a woman (female)?
Does sister counts? If so, then about week ago, if not then probably then i dont remember
snapchat today. she was mirin the view from my rooftop
A girl on instagram. She told me she would kill herself today.
This morning
Very Oregonian
I told my LDGF who broke up with me 2 weeks ago about a dream I had before she fell asleep on call and I listened to her sleep for another 5 hours, she's ignored me since then.
last september a girl i know gave me her number and we talked for about an hour then she stopped responding and i haven't talked to her since
originally tbhtbh
This was the second time she flaked but she gave me her number for some reason?
Haven't sent her a text since then, fuck her.
happy birthday R9
ya, you too
>hey daddy
>that fucking coolface emoji
fucking christ user
Tinder matches saying no to sex.
My wife just asked me what I wanted in my smoothie.
Bananas, I replied.
A girl I was talking to in a discord group just sent me one of those "sorry he got to me first" sex pictures over snapchat with some greasy neckbeard lanklet she met at walmart.
When i start beheading women don't act surprised.
>Bananas, I replied
>Completely skipping over the alien and 'hang-ten' emojis
Does my mum count? If so
>I'm walking to Tesco, you want anything?
>No, I'm okay babe
>Okay goodnight
i'm fucking blessed tbqfh senpai
You call your Mom babe? You two have a weird dynamic.
My lab partner last semester. We did a group project and set up times. We got a 96 on it.
>earlier today
>cute girl gets in dorm elevator with me
>stutter extremely bad but manage to ask her what floor she wants off on
That's it
I hope you get in a car wreck.
this was mine we were going to a party
>wrote my fiance good morning, we talked throughout the day
>wrote my best friend, wished her good luck at work today and we wrote back and forth
>wrote my Vietnamese friend, she's going through a few things right now and we talked about that plus her getting a car in the near future
>wrote my Vietnamese friend's younger sister, let her know what time I'd be over the house this week for cooking lessons
>talked to my various female coworkers today
>my online sisterfu sent me a meme earlier
Literally all of my friends are girls.
I think the roles are mixed up, I'm the one walking to Tesco and she's the one calling me, babe I think I call her it back sometimes playfully. It's not weird we're just really close
Boy oh boy do you sound insufferable
Neat to take a peak into roastie life tho
Basically half an hour of college small talk with a 20 yo qt [I'm 18] earlier today.
>It's not weird we're just really close
you're not wrong to hope that but honestly i'm just really happy and want to brag
this is the last thing i was sent by a woman
We don't get up to lewd stuff user although if she offered pretty innocent stuff, we cuddle a lot, I lay in her lap while she lies in bed on her phone, we also walk the dog together and link arms, we out a lot too just the two of us without my dad or sister in fact I'm taking her out to lunch tomorrow
It was my team lead requesting that I deploy some patch to some QA server.
I am 44/m.
What job do you do user? What is the pay like?
Like a couple minutes ago
>nini baby
>Night night love you
>I love you too
>Start phoneposting under the covers until I'm tired
Come on, step it up!
peace anons
With just a female that I know? About 45 minutes ago, talking with my lesbian coworker about...something, idk. Maybe that Skate deck that the theater is apparently giving away, to promote some Jaden Smith movie.
With a female that I want to get romantically/sexually involved with? Earlier in the day, around 4, was talking with the painfully thicc qt I used to hang out with that works at our sister theater. I saw Crazy Rich Asians, and apparently the nozzle on the soda machine fucking exploded on them. She has a bf now so its no longer viable, but she still cute as fuck.
I dont look at roastie texts very often but this sounds pretty much how I expected it too.
we just broke up and now i am even more a broken human
It's sad oruvdusjs
Today, heard the heartbreaking tale of Captain Falcon cheating on kirby
>last two are me being flaked on by two different women
gradually i began to hate them
All she said was gn, for good nigh. It was going so well earlier, but I fuck everything up. I wish I had the strength and courage to kill myself.
"come eat boiled corn for the 40th time since June"
no not really but what is it with this woman and corn
its like two sub-humans communicating.
fellow dan-fan, we are barely human ourselves
On internet idk does fembots counts? And irl I guess that last week if my mother counts, if she don't, then two weeks ago I went to a friend's birthday and he was with his gf, she offered me beer and we also talked about her degree, pretty boring tbqh
You're a man and what was her degree?
its almost like u guys bend over backwards to fuck us shut up homo
Few hours ago
She's cheating on you.
She texted you that out of the blue to make herself feel better.
This, as someone who's been cucked multiple times they do this to not have to deal with the fact they're shitty people.
>bitch you cute or what eva
>im gonna dress hoe on a budget meets tana mongoose meets hannah c lmao
what language is this even. is this how americans text?
Sure thing I guess. Wew
Was friends with a girl online for 5 years, played video games and watched movies and anime with her. Met up with her 3 times irl. She later went psycho on me and we stopped talking. Never talk to psycho bpd girls. Learn from my mistakes anons, no matter how lonely you are mental illness is exactly that, tell the bpd thots to fuck right off. Currently been speaking to an ultra normie girl for the past 3 days although I'm running out if stuff to talk about with her.
You could ask if she wants you to fuck her at least
24 hours ago, talking to this girl who wants me to fill her up since I own her, but I decline like a retarded I am.
Why it retards like you are the ones to get so lucky? You're either larping or need to evacuate life asap. If a girl wanted me like that id be on it asap.
I ain't larping, she's easily to get sexually frustrated and sometimes has mood swings from that shit. Also here's the kicker, she's still not legal, thus the reason why I decline.
Im assuming she's not far off legal age just wait for her birthday and go to town on her.
She's 16/17 and lives in Ohio, so I gotta wait a little bit more user. Don't want FBI-kun coming at me.
Im a britbong mate she's legal to me. Umadbro.
I had a physical conversation with my wife this morning.
>hurry up wife or you'll miss the bus
OK user, see you tonight
>love you, have fun at work
Love you too user. You too
If we're going by text this. Work with her in IT.
N-no why w-would I?
Its legal in the state i live in. Ive been chatting up this 10/10 blonde 16 yr old cutie at work. I sure hope i get that prime pussy
like 2h ago.
fuck. my. life.
>why the fuck are you such a burden
>look at your brother, hes having straigth As
>what did I do to deserve this kind of son
why is she like this, anons
texted her while full of anxiety, insecurity, and loneliness. ive been trying to stop myself from succombing to those thoughts but tonight was a particularly rough night and i freaked out a little. she probably thinks less of me now, if not complete disinterest.