Femanons, have you ever thought about being with Stacy instead of being with Chad?

Femanons, have you ever thought about being with Stacy instead of being with Chad?

Attached: giphy.gif (500x408, 998K)

Lesbian relationships almost never work out and even the ones that do usually get a man involved sexually with then and most lesbians are ugly anyway

Man I wish I could have two or more gfs at once.

Open relationships never work out

Yep, but Stacy doesn't want me, not even bisexual ones. I'm a girl but I sort of get treated like a male orbiter. Feels weird and bad.

Stacy hates me just as much as chad does, if not more.
Plus im straight.
t. uggo fembot

Such a stupid thread made by a little virgin faggot
I wanna rape a bitch ass lesbian

Nah, if I start drinking from the furry cup, she needs to be the whole package, not some bimbo blonde.

fuck it being open, have us all be in a relationship together equally. but I guess real life sucks anyways.

>Open relationships never work out
I'm in a MFF that's been working out pretty damn well for 11 years now.

I prefer stacies desu

>Has 2 gfs
>On Jow Forums
Do you really expect we to believe this bullshit

Please, explain this and give detailed instructions on how to achieve it.

> Bloo bloo bloo the Normans are invading our safe space and ruining everything!
> Anyone on Jow Forums who claims to be a normie is lying!
> Why doesn't anyone take us seriously!

>Please, explain this and give detailed instructions on how to achieve it.
We were preteens when we all met, so it's not something that can be easily replicated as an adult.

i fucking wish i could just magically make myself gay. it would eliminate a lot of the pain caused by men. but i feel nothing for women. i can appreciate how a girl looks from an objective standpoint and i love my friends, but i have no sexual feelings toward girls and i would never be able to emotionally connect with a girl past platonic feels. there could never be that soul deep connection i felt with my ex.

If you have two gfs you clearly have no problems getting with social interactions so get the fuck out summerfag this is not reddit you but i'm sure your full of shit

I'm not breaking any rules, so why don't you fuck off to wizchan if you don't like it.

But you don't belong here you dumb normie faggot you are just here to be apart of the "cool kids club" so you can feel special if you don't have something really wrong with you you can not be a robot and if your not a robot fuck off reddit you insurable piece of normie shit

1) This is an 'any topic' board, not a safe space for robots.
2) There is nothing 'cool' about robots and I have no interest in being a part of your 'club'.
3) I have plenty of things wrong with me, my love life just isn't one of them.
4) We've gotten way off the thread topic so I'm not replying to your butthurt anymore (and you should really see a proctologist before that causes permanent rectal damage).

Go larp somewhere else. Dork.

>i don't what to be apart of your club
Then get out faggot
>No a safe space for for robots
Do you even know the name off this board you dumb larping faggot?

You are a dumb fucking retard and i hope you and your imagery gfs die very painfully

>Do you even know the name off this board you dumb larping faggot?
That's the name of the originality filter, it has nothing to do with virginity.

That maybe but being a virgin and other wise a pities person is the culture of this board and you are not any of these thing's but yet here you are you are just like a ignorant disrespectful tourist and like i said if you don't want to be apart of this club you don't belong in said club

> muh board culture hurr durr
Nobody gives a shit.

tfw all girls ive flirted with told me someones gonna be lucky to have me as a gf, but ofc its always someone else

So basically you admitting you are not a robot?

I never once claimed to be one.

I want to be attracted to blokes because I know lesbian relationships never work out truly.

Why? Is it because an overwhelming amount are born out of passion instead of virtue. I can speak from experience that's how a lot of gay relationships work

Domestic violence rates are highest for lesbian couples. It's just too much craziness. Both sides are extremely entitled and spoiled bitches.

how about a gf(male)?

original literally none of this is true

>t. lesbian bulldyke

i thought her name was veronica