>just got a job making 67k a year as a sheriff

Is this a good place in life for a fitizen at my age?

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as long as you clean the streets of criminal niggers I'd say you're at a good place.

Sweet good job user, I've heard there are tough background checks for those jobs, will being a coke addict with a youth criminal record bar me from entry?
Based and redpilled

I wish I could be a police officer but I am not a citizen. Thinking about marry an American girl but I don’t like white girls i only like latinas.

Those things will definitely put a stop to your application

Are you white? Im white and hate nigs but I love watching ebony nigresses get railed by big white cock

I hope this happens to you liveleak.com/view?i=969_1263249923

Enjoy never going to another decent party so long as you live.

Oh no the horror

So fucked up, I would go in to that job stone cold sober every day with a smile while finding new and clever ways to make the lives of negro motorists hell. I would compile lists of types of cars they're more likely to drive, take notes about what stickers, vanity plates, or signs exist to identify cars operated by negros, find new and creative ways to increase their ticket fees and quantities without detection from my superiors. But because of my past they'd block me and lose the best officer they'd ever have. It's a fucking bummer because I got really pumped about it reading your post. Take up my mantle user