Suppose you wake up one day and find yourself in this body

Suppose you wake up one day and find yourself in this body.

What do you do to unfuck yourself?

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A bullet probably.


not worth living at that point, no surgery will make me not look like a cockroach bread man

Start eating healthier and exercise.

simply delicious

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go to sleep
wake up in 3 years

Cut and exercize, lipo too as its literally probably medically necessary because of all that damn skin.

Nobody ever would wake up in this body. Obesity like this requires conscious effort.
If we're speaking hypotheticals, theres nothing you can do to rid yourself from a body like this.

If you have a blank canvas, you can paint a masterpiece,

if you shit on and stretch your canvas, then try to paint the same picture, its not going to look the same.

Kill myself and bank on a better roll for the next game.

1. Spin myself into a crystalis
2. Hybernate in pod until transformation is complete
3. Emerge a beautiful butterfly
4. Profit

Where did you get this? It's uncanny

What is that bulbous sack hanging between his calves? Is that his abdominal cavity?

Probably a fucked up case of inguinal hernia

he's the globglogabgalab

that's a really nice story, really warmed the heart. thanks user.

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Holy fuck!

Elaborate cry for help from a 600 pound man

The only viable option would be suicide.

Stream cowadoody, cry on cam, beg for money.

In all seriousness tho probably get some goofy shit together and try to make a funny internet video to become a meme. Or just sign up for fat guy gigs in tv and movies and work my way up.

The yeast of thots.

ah yes, hmmmm

you won't ever look normal. the skin will have permanent stretch marks, and be flabby
The final solution is to get jew gold

>mfw this seems like a troll answer but its true

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I'd monetise my weight loss so people donate money based on how much I lose. After losing 1kg a week for a few years I'd be famous and have enough money for surgery for my skin. Would probably still die really young but oh well.

Look through my treasure-trove of books for a solution.

Probably gradually fast for longer periods until I'm a circus tent.

Pretty sure I’d call the mods on you.
Blue board means blue balls boy.

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