Tfw no lebanon gf

>tfw no lebanon gf

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Syria is just Kurdistan with a hat.

>tfw no lebanon gf who says "'aysh?"

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Imagine nuking them all just thinking about puts a big smile on my face

No Satan. The eyes are small and the face more bitchy.

Ancient Arabia best girl.

We don't say aysh wtf is this inaccurate representation?

We Lebanese are the superior arabs.
We have straight hair and light eyes.
t. lebanese-european mixed guy

>user, is it true you think that Arabs are "sandniggers"?

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>tfw no traditionally dressed lebanon gf

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You know you aren't stop kidding yourself. Yala roo7 rfa3 l degonter w ntek nem

that's because the burka is making her sweat and it's getting in her eyes.

The modern Israelis are not actually descents of Ancient Israel they are from eastern Europe
It would make me happy too

Making non-east-asian countries into anime caricatures makes me nauseous. Saudi Arabia should be represented by a girl wearing a fucking burka. Posting the towelhead males for that country is incredibly obnoxious. Don't hide the ridiculous state of these countries by some cutesy anime male.

really? what do you say, then?

i know these countries are utter shitholes (i am from there, after all.) i just posted this because i want lebanon to be my gf is that really so much to ask for

>muh stronk army girls meme

Why is this a thing? I literally don't understand it at all.

t. kikes.

We say "shu" not "aysh"

>closest to mediterranean sea
>helped develop written number system
>so rich they had their own marine (europe was literal shit at the time)
>meanwhile other arabs where living off eating each other in the middle of the desert
need any more?

i don't think its supposed to be a "stronk army girl" meme, she's just showcasing a military uniform since she's supposed to be the representation of a country.

lmao all these family trees to make it seem like all these third world wahabis aren't just the same ratty brown muzzie

It's for propaganda they don't actually fight on the front because they would get recked/raped

I've met some genuinely pretty arab girls desu
I'd say the average arab is prettier than the average whitey

No i hate jews and sand niggers both

Honestly if I could draw, I would draw nothing but females no matter the occupation.

>Modern Assyrians arent on the chart
>Druze and Armenians arent either
Whats the point

60 percent of Jews in Israel are not of European Descent and Jews have been in Europe thousands of years before the Kazhars came into existence so that entire theory is stupid.

sure you do, kike. You can't fool me.

Most sand Nigers are ugly but they only show off the pretty ones

Israel + Lebanon 4 lyfe

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cringe and cringepilled

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I'm not jewish i'm a white American i hate all desert monkeys

>blue eyes
>brown hair
w e w
there's like one mutt eyed dark brown haired Easterner for every ten that is dark as dark can be.

I know you jews call yourself white when it's convenient to blend in, but you're still a fucking jew.

brown hair is actually extremely common in the levant but only on girls, i'm not sure why.

fuck off Cheezwizz monkey this is a semetic only thread.

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10 dollar bet that you're a pakistani pretending to be Arab because you're ashamed of your Indian past.

These 2D pictures are not actually representative of real Lebanese people

I had a Lebanese girlfriend and it was awful.

Gold digging, christian nutcase.

Don't waste your time.

in my family all women have light eyes and straight hair
we white too but mostly because of european blood

>deflecting now
outed as a jew, please wear this from now on.

Attached: jude.png (2000x2250, 156K)

t. muhammad bin rial bin ali bin saud

>e-everyone in the middle east is arab!! that means they all look exactly like saudis!!

I have long smoth light brown/blond hair and a small nose and green eyes i look nothing like a jew

>being so incredibly jewish you only bet 10 dollars

>closest to the mediterranean sea
You realize syria, palestine, and all of north africa exist right?

>helped develop written number system
Yes HELPED they didn't do it on their own

>so rich they had their own marine (europe was literal shit at the time)
Why are you ahitting on half your ancestors retard + vikkings

>meanwhile other arabs where(were**) living off eating each other in the middle of the desert
Yeah and where are we now user it's easy to thinking about the glory days won't get us electricity and get the trash off the streets now will it?

>need any more?
Stop larping as a pheonician superhuman while having done nothing but smoking argile all day yourself

i'm not the poster you're replying too from before. I just find that all Pakistanis i've known speak exactly like you when you're put on the spotlight. All you can do is blame Jews for your problems. Not even Arabs hate Jews like you Pakistanis do.

>be 16
>acquire lebanon gf somehow
>she's basically a shut in, gets super pale, even little bit of sun, gets deliciously brown, best of both worlds

It was pretty great while it lasted. She was super artistic too. Last I heard she was in art school up in canada. Probably getting miles of dick because she was gorgeous and had a fat bush.

>I am a jew gene stealer
I know your kike mother worked very hard to ensure her child would have natural camouflage but you are still a jew, sorry.
Also a jew.

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>t. brown eyes in cope about being negroid
all you are is inferior

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These pics just look like white people with dark skin the indo European blood in real middle easterners is very thin in them if there at all

>le epic nordic huwhite man meme
imagine being this boring

whiteoid cope

Friendly reminder that this is a semtic only thread. all crackers, Negros, Croatians and chinks please leave.

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My mom is mostly English and Welsh my dad is mostly duch German and a small part native American

Proud to be a Jewish Hebrew Israelite. I bet you can't say the same thing about you being a Pakistani . That's why you always lie and tell people you're either Indian or Arab in public because you know on the inside you're ashamed of your people and country and history.

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Other than the Lebanese you had the egyptians and the romans
Vikings were and still are numbskull barbarians lmfao, allowing assyrian shitskins to flood their countries llike that
I don't live in Lebanon
It's completely trashed these days and who did that?
Europeans.Damned barbarians.

may god bless you with a levantine gf my semitic brother

>we wuz part native my great great grandma was a cherokee princess
why do crackers always claim this? is it because they know they have no real culture so they have to steal other peoples'?

I'm not coping i'm stating a fact that most middle easterners have dark skin dark hari and dark eyes

No my grandmother had dark skin and high check bones but she was only half

>does this look dark to you?

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Are Georgians honorary semites?

>part native American
so much for "I'm white"
Not even pakistani, but all peoples, sand or not, should hate the jew.

Ya southern semites are really dark but Levantine Semites are a lot lighter since they probably mixed with Greeks and Romans back int he day since those were the major trading partners. Weren't like most of Egypt's nobility greek?

>tfw Lebanese and have fucked girls of every race except my own
they scare me lads

Hate to say it but you got a whitey in you family tree some where or you just have a lot of indo Europe blood

> Lebanese are the superior arabs
You guys are the gayest fucking population out there. You are literal try hards at wanting to be westernised it's cringy. Also I've never met a Lebanese "man" that acts like a man, the accent along is utter faggery

I'm like 95% white dude i don't really look anything like a native American

t. probably has a monkey dialect
where are you from?

at least im not a shitskinned ape

I wish the middle east would become like Europe one day in that we would be able to travel around freely and there would be no war.

>I'm like not entirely white dude
You're not white then. "looking white" does not actually make you white. See , still a jew.

W lesh e3ed hon. Ntek la bara l board

Italian that lived in UAE for 10 years. Lebanese people try to relate themselves to Europe as much as they could. The majority of Lebanese bitches I've met claim to be somehow one-tenth french or European somehow. Just accept that you're sandniggers and that you'll never be European

>your not white
I'm not Jewish and i'm not white so what am i? A native American?

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hal board lal normies anyway though

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As a fellow lebanese. Nah fuck lebanese girls they're all trash

A mutt. Plain and simple.

Ah yes the good old lebanese men are feminine thing. You know if you guys could beat israel at least once that would've helped your argument huh?

>gay dialect
You seem to attract ashrafieh faggots

Wala btefham

>Making non-east-asian countries into anime caricatures makes me nauseous

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>A blonde hair green eyed pale skinned mutt
You sand niggers are mutts too you got Arab indo European blood in you and god knows what else

>yfw you'll never have the perfect levantine skintone.

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5alas 5alik ba3melak wasta ma3 l mods

> If you could beat Israel once.
You realise Israel fucked Lebanon during war and turned it into the shithole it is now right

Yet we can't seem to fix any of our problems and re-elect the same fucking politicians every year. Because we are so "superior to the other arab countries".

YET the UAE has an economy that we will never reach but still
>muh lebanese
>muh we invited the alphabet and shit

Rou7o nemo wle ayre be hal balad

>Having dark skin
No thanks i think lots of dark skin women can be hot but i like having pale skin

no they fucked Hezbollah controlled areas . Rest of Lebanon is still BALLLIN

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hahhahahhaha. good meme op

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>>A blonde hair green eyed pale skinned mutt
Yes, I am glad you accept it, mutt.

The real question is. Leh ba3dak we3e sari 3am

>posts meme that only makes sense for turks in a thread about the lebanese
utter brainlet, not very unexpected from a Jow Forumstard though.

>implying it wasn't a shithole before

War is measured by gains shlomo.
You got kicked out in the first war, and didn't achieve any of your goals in the second war.

Well then mutt pride worldwide my fellow mixed breed

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>These pics just look like white people with dark skin
Thats literally how 90% of middle easterners look. Only gulf states and desert arabs have a higher percentage of darker people and people with radically different facial features.

Economy is shittier than India's streets.
>Rest of Lebanon is ballin.
Yeah right keep telling yourself that, sandnigger

Bkra m3ayyid la ayre

>darker skin than that
>supposed to be pure northern European Aryan master race
>know in the back of my mind my blood's not pure

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I have never been to the middle east but i think that's a little high

War is measured by final outcomes retard. Israel now stands strong in the middle east with its people ready to die for their country and a strong military, on top of all of that they have a solid economy. Arabs on the other hand are all bark but no bite, no sense of belonging to the country as they keep fleeing military service. and aside from gulf countries, the rest of the arab world is utter trash

The absolute state of burgefats.

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