I'm officially in love with a girl from this board

I'm officially in love with a girl from this board.

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its most likely a fat fagg anyways dont be sad user, just give up on it

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>this board

post her contact info

Oooooh user has a crush!

Who is it? Brooke?

Me too, man....
I know she lurks regularly. We even talk thru dm's in that bullshit called instagram
wat do bros

>being so horny you wanna fuck a larping whale

>its most likely a fat fagg anyways
It's not
>post her contact info
Why would I do that?
>Who is it? Brooke?
>falling in love with a whore
Haha you're funny
Not a whale, not even fat

A "fembot" is sleeping next to me right now , you L I T E R A L L Y have no excuses. Go for it and lose that wizard hat, anons.

teach me your ways, master. how did you do it? how did you meet up?
greentext that shit, i need some inspiration to make my move

I've greentexted it many times before, so I'll keep it short.
>post a chart in one of those chart threads in january 2017
>chart was filled out with crap and was poking fun at anons who took it really seriously
>next day see someone gave me two (You)s and wanted my contact info
>add them on skype and they call right away
>almost sperg out but pick up
>she wants me to read her a story, her timezone is 7 hours ahead of me and she's going to sleep
>read story and she falls asleep
>the next day wake up to like 20 increasingly angry messages asking me to get up and what I was doing
>talk about shit, she tells me she has bpd and how I should just ghost her already because I will eventually anyway
>somehow offends me and I hang up
>still talk the next day
>she's already acting like a jealous girlfriend on the third day of us talking, but it's girl attention so w/e
>end up talking about our mental issues to each other
>just talk a lot about all sort of shit
>"fall in love" over a few months
>want to be together but we're really far and both neets
>eventually in early augst she basically somehow steals a 20kg bag of coins from her parents' shop, takes it to the bank and sends me the money so I can get a plane ticket
>assures me it's going to be all good and I can stay with her parents
>decide to go for it
>arrive in aus with like $150
>get a hotel room for the first night
>we go straight to the hotel, talk about shit on the bus, both surprised about it not being awkward
>have sex in hotel, she says she loved it
>go out to eat
>go back and have sex again
>take a nap then go to her parents' house
>they're loaded, house has a fucking elevator inside, everything is made of marble and shit
>have a really awkward and weird convo with her parents, apparently she only really told them about me the same morning
>still they let me stay with them
>her mom is a cunt but I like her dad and he's nice
>they just gave us an apartment and we're moving out next week

I have to start posting in chart threads.

things that totally happened, the post, coming to a board near you

She's fucking Chad's huge dick RIGHT NOW.

they're banned from r9k now and soc is a cesspool. you can get away with veiled discord threads and get some #s though. the point is to talk to them and do your best not to sperg out
whatever helps you cope user

Ever since that fucking sticky appeared the days of meeting fembots on this board are long gone

I used to talk to girls from here on a weekly basis now its impossible fuck you faggots who just couldnt stop posting your fucking gay nigger faces all over the board

just find a girl here that's not too far away and don't be a complete asshole that should be enough and maybe have common interests with her

>do this
>get a poor Russian girl instead
>have to wage slave for her to see me once a year

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This never goes well OP, I know from experience
She'll ghost you sooner or later

lucky fucking faggot

it doesn't matter how she feels
there's millions left to take her place
leave her user
she is just a person

similar situation I'm in, except we meet twice a year
it's alright though, I'm in love, our families accept it, nothing can go wrong

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>I'm officially in love with a girl from this board.

me too bruh

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>tfw I was in love with a femanon called Shawn
>tfw I fucked it up
>tfw she won't talk to me

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Black fembots can still be baited out by black fembot threads. You'd be surprised how sweet they can be

You deserve all the pain that's coming

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By early august do you mean a few weeks ago? Bpd girls are fucking crazy, be very careful brother. I'm happy for you and I hope things work out but that shit is scary.

No I mean last year. I think most of these mental illnesses are a spectrum and not black and white, hers doesn't seem so bad and she's on meds so she's pretty stable for now

>tfw no bf who reminds you to take your pills every day

you rang user? oreganoly

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do you live in europe too? also I don't have bpd I have some other things

>that filename
>thinking that Shawn was a femanon

You're a faggot it more ways then one.

i do actually live in europe! not mainland though which is where everyone from here mostly seems to be :/

Dunnily enough that's exactly how it is. I always give her her meds before we go to bed, and recently I started making her take one pill on even days and two on odd ones instead of just two every day to lessen the side effects. She has more energy throughout the day now and says she hasn't noticed any downsides.

I mean funnily

>not mainland though which is where everyone from here mostly seems to be :/
well that's true for me I'm from germany
that's really cute. I bought a pillbox and told people to remind me but it's still hard sometimes. I don't have much side effects with my current medication luckily.

Feel sorry for you famalam, don't kill yourself over her

>tfw they're never from Britain

well hopefully you can find a kind bf near you to help remind you to take your meds soon user! Try your best to remember in the meantime~

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>what's an timestamp

>reddit spacing
>phone posting
You sir are the real faggot

Nigga that's so close. I flew from here to here for my gf.
What med is it?

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How did you know he was phoneosting senpai?

>tfw you can barley get anons to talk to you

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hello user how is life?

Shut up faggot no one cares
I care user. Im sorry such a thing would happen to you. You are a great person and deserve nothing but the best. Whenever you feel down always remember that you are loved. Goodnight user.

Me too, I hope you see this N

>tfw flew further for my gf

Get on my lvl pleb

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>even the other Autists are moving on with their lives, getting gfs and socializing
>but you're still here
what a horrible feel

>going to Australia for a bpd gf
Wew you've got balls user.

gib greentext
I didn't really have anything going for me at the time so I figured I'd just do it, couldn't really lose anything.

i also know this feel user.
try not to think about how many people she might be talking to on discord in addition to you

Fuck off brooke.REEEEEEEEE

Majestic roastie

Shawn is also a girl's name. Shawn Colvin par exemple.

same. its a little fucked that shes all the way in nz, but im doing everything i can right now to close the gap


get over it dude you allowed it to happen to yourself some self control and being above 18 would help here.

I am over 18, man. But she likes me too and wants us to form a couple.

One or the other, not both.