Co-workers think I like short haired girls

>Co-workers think I like short haired girls


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Y-you mean you don't?

>coworkers know i go on the chan
>think im an alt right shooter
>be extra nice to me

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My coworkers been introducing to these flat ass, flat chested short haird women. Im pretty sure theyre trying to tell me something

How did you get your coworkers to introduce you to women?

By being friendly and talking about stuff other than work

It's probably related to what you talk to them about. So if you ramble about your interest in anime and taxidermy, they're going to think "oh, I know a girl who likes anime and taxidermy" and chances are she's going to look something like what you described. Or if your conversations sound like "I'M SO FUCKING LONELY AND HORNY AAAAAAAAAA", then they're going to pair you up with a similarly desperate girl, who is probably not conventionally attractive.

The way to rectify this is to make sure that all conversations revolve around your passions for cocaine, water skiing, and girls who look like they belong on a magazine cover.

Short hair can be ridiculously cute though

>flat chested short haird women
sounds like the dream though, you lucky fuck

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How the fuck do I steal your life and where the fuck do I find qt tomboys?


Just be more open to your coworkers user. They're just people who want to pass the time while working. Maybe they'll help you

this holy fuark
>be me a few years ago
>have a rare reverse trap gun nut waif
>people kept mistaking her for my younger brother
>basically pic related irl
>she wanted to get married and pop out lots of babbies
>felt I wasn't ready to be a dad so I went full retard and
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck niggas don't be like me

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Man I don't wanna rub salt in your wounds but you a dumb motherfucker. If she looked even a little bit like that.

You got it great, OP.

She looked 100% like that and yea man I know I'm the dumbest motherfucker alive

Why would you

because my brain went
>man this girl is great but
>I dunno if I wanna be a dad
>and I have this dangerous job that has me going to terminal shitholes all the time
>will probably get my ass killed someday
>I'm pretty psycho sometimes too
>yea I'm probably not the best choice for her
instead of
>ok time to nut up, get a safer job, marry my dream girl, and be a dad

basically I'm the retard master, and managed to inherit both my dad's ability to "logic" his way out of making good decisions, and my mom's ability to fuck up sure things. OP nigga, you still here, don't be like me, ok? get that tomboy.

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Just tell them you're not gay, I guess. It's literally not that hard.

don't be a fag user, short haired tomboys are the pinnacle of the female form.

Just admit you're gay, user. If you go for masculine girls you're literally attracted to boys.

god, forgive this dumbass nigga for he does not yet know the Truth

Who said masculine girls? I like androgynous girls without penis and with small tits. And with a girls brain, who has boyish interests but is still feminine.

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>referring to tomboys as "masculine girls"
>thinking peak female form is gay
>>literally being that guy
>>>projecting your homosexuality

What's your image of a qt, OP?
Legit curious.
Also, what do you think is better, "cute", "beautiful" or "sexy"?

When I was a kid, my brother and sister were under the impression that I had a crush on Janet Jackson. I don't know where the fuck they got it from, I don't even think I was a fan of any of her songs back then.