>QTDDTOT This is thread for question that don't deserve their own thread
What routine should I use to achieve this as fast as possible?
I'm 6'2" and 95kg. Been training consistently for 3-4 months, and have some decent noob gains - feeling more confident with my body, and love training.
Having trouble deciding on a program and sticking to it (currently doing a PPL linear progression I modified for my use). I usually train 5 days a week - cardio on weekend - but due to work, I often only have 50 mins - 1 hour 10 mins per day. Right now I feel I have too many goals or want to do too many exercises - and have trouble fitting them all in.
I think you'd also need some salts and electrolytes - but depending on your body fat stores you can go for really long periods without eating (think weeks). It can be really bad for your organs, in particular your heart which requires particular minerals to contract properly.
Carson Nguyen
>be me >be skinny boy near skeletal >look up some basic compound exercises for each muscle group >look up a few extra compound exercises for each muscle group >go to the gym and just do whatever I feel like for my particular muscle group of that day >get fit without ever having to worry about programs and counting calories and other normie mememetrics
Jeremiah Robinson
My chest and my biceps are the only two parts of my body that aren’t growing I’ve mixed things up and am just doing incline and decline exercises for my chest instead of flat bench. Anything I should/shouldn’t be doing to make my chest grow? There’s really not much I can do for biceps, it’s not a particularly complex organ to work
also, I didn’t get many answers last time I asked this, but how do you stop feeling shame after asking a girl out and being rejected?