There are attractive anons browsing this board but there being held back by their personalities and bad habits why...

There are attractive anons browsing this board but there being held back by their personalities and bad habits why...why don't you guys better yourself you have a chance !

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Because i dont like social interactions, its mentally draining

Changing your personality can be as hard or harder than changing your physical appearance.

So fight through it force your self to do it do user do it NOW !

I used to be a robot and I visited Jow Forums a lot. I grew out of my robot ways, but I still feel drawn back to this place every so often. I guess it's true, you're here forever. Also, this thread is gonna be such a massive circlejerk.

Glad you better yourself and yes once you come here more then once you will never leave

i have a tiny penis like 3.5 inch erect
so im insecure

I don't even know if I'm attractive.

I posted on reddit and they rated me about 7.5/10 but when I look in the mirror I just see some hideous caricature like Nigel Thornberry, so I don't know if I'm attractive or not. I'm also afraid of sex.

I am lucky to hold down a job because of anxieties and inability to socialize normally, i have fought tooth and claw to get where i am and its still not enough to come close to having a bf or gf, i cant fucking improve my personality anymore then i have..

I have severe autism
I'd rather be ugly and be ignored by women than be attractive but spill my spaghetti everytime

>why don't you guys better yourself
better myself at what?

I don't want to be a normalfag. I have different dreams, that don't involve living in a way to constantly search for companionship. Thanks for the concern, though.

Women don't want me because I'm 1,75 m height.

Working for a living exhausts me to the point where I quite simply don't have the energy to do anything more than just barely survive. My cats are happy and healthy and love me, and near as I can figure, that's absolutely the most I could possibly hope for in this lifetime.

I know them feels user, the ride never ends..

Sounds like you're depressed or have chronic fatigue. Have you told your doctor that you feel shitty?

Yep. I've got some pills that do genuinely improve things. But you can only solve so many problems that way.

I'm sorry that you know how it feels. While I have no hope for myself, I hope things improve for you.

Not attractive enough for women

Because I fucking hate talking to normalfags. I can literally only do it in a professional setting cause the roof over my head depends on it, otherwise I probably wouldn't anyway. Pussy is unnecessary so I don't care enough to bother.

no interest anymore. no motivation. like trying to start a fire without any heat

i'm not top tier attractive by any means but i went through a non-meme self-improvement phase a while ago and it took me more time even after losing weight/becoming more attractive/getting able to talk to people (girls) because i still felt like the ugly fat awkward kid for so long

everyone thinks they are "attractive" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. (p.s. if the opposite sex does not show interest in you ever you are not attractive)

I've been like this far too long. My mind is broken.