Shoutout to all the lurkers who are too weird for the normies but too normal for the weirdos

Shoutout to all the lurkers who are too weird for the normies but too normal for the weirdos

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>tfw this is me
I used to be a full on robot, worse than pretty much 99% of this board but I was able to change. I don't fit in anymore though anywhere.

Me, I have to get back the habit of reading posts on here instead of replying

I''m prof'dxed with autism too, and people on here have seen my face and told me the truth that I'm ugly, that was too real for me and ever since then I have realized the depth of "ignorance is bliss" and must go back to the Lurking Zone


>tfw passing the "I'm not a robot" test

>tfw I could get laid if I just started drinking again

Yah, you're called a failed normie. Get the hell outta here.

I'm not really weird for the normies, I just like this board.

How about being too weird for the robots?

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Checking in
If we would do a meet-up I'm always hated by neets, losers popular people and anyone else.

I've been alone for 35 years

>MFW This is Exactly Me


Theyre called cyborgs faggot

I Did the Robot Test Once And i Scored Just out of grand wizard, but i never posted, and i've always been called a normie by people on Jow Forums, and Always called someone from Jow Forums by the normies.

Let's band together and create an army of half-socially-functional humans

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Literally these, to be completely honest.

where can i sign up my guy

Holy Cheezits Thats a Great idea!

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i once made a cyborg thread and i got instantly flamed and then the thread died. fuck u guys

this is now the 19th thread that i have been the final poster in before the thread dies. am i really that fucking boring?

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feels bad and robloXXed man

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n-no, you're not I swear user ;_;

I can't imagine how pathetic you'd have to be to read through this drek without weighing in and engaging in the conversation. Not to mention, who would give a fuck if the choads on this board told you to go away or stop posting? Fuck 'em.

3 years user

3 years of going on Jow Forums and lurking for this exact reason

you finally called me out. good job

>been called cute alot lately
>had sex with a slut a few times
>still don't know how to have a romantic relationship or even how to initiate
>still can count.the amount of times I had sex on one hand
>still 5'4

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This condition as a name: failed normie

checking in

mentally ill, socially-awkward, but not incel or autistic

OP here back checking in. More failed robot than failed normie desu. Somehow my own self-destructive nature doesn't ever go far enough to push me over the limit, though it's been close.