Early 2000s were completely different. Unironically less GMOs and less shitty food in general meant that girls didn't mature so fast looks wise. No Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. Myspace didn't have a literal LITERAL whore (as in get paid to have sex) culture like Instagram. No Tinder. This is one of the biggest differences, as Tinder has completely destroyed and permanently damaged the relationship between men and women. Seriously, imagine the time when a girl had to either meet someone in her social circle or had to go to a local bar/club to meet guys or had to meet guys (in person) at college or highschool or whatever. Only Instagram comes close to causing as much damage as Tinder. Rock at the time was somewhat degenerate with some songs about drugs, but it was not even close to the pure degeneracy of hip hop (I say this as a huge trap hip hop fan). All of this has led to nasty women who age like shit.
Early 2000s were completely different...
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember when "does this look my butt look fat?" Was a thing?
A cute! a cuute!
take off your nostalgia glasses, you fucking retard. you're barely allowed to post on this site and yet you consider your life experience to be worth sharing.
fuck you and die no one cares, underageb&
>muh nostalgia nonsense
It was the same bullshit back then, you just didn't know about it cause you were probably fucking 2 and didn't have it shown to you on a platter cause of no heavy internet.
t. mad fat old men stuck on this site for the rest of their lives
>It was the same bullshit back then
Tell me more about tinder in the 90s
You do know hip hop in the 2000s was worse for kids then it is now, right?
So I'm not sure what the comparison to rock was for.
>go on aol
>spam that shit until u find a girl near u
>steal money from parents
>beg them to borrow their car to stay the night at your friend's to play resident evil 2 on psx
>drive to the next state
>5'9" hottie turns out to be 5'1" dwarfess
>only does hand stuff
>sees her dad beat the shit out of her when u drop her off
>drive home worried
>log onto aol
>try to send "r u ok" to her screen name
>get a "This is not a known user." message because her dad cancelled aol in the meantime
don't worry about me. worry about yourself wasting your life away on the internet. you could be having the time of your life and instead you choose to frequent this shithole. i had my share but you won't.
they don't mean it as a joke when they say you are here forever.
Where have the GMOs increased? i am genuinely curious and would like more info/reading material on this
end of thread
Wrong. I was a teenager in the early 00's. Op is absolutely correct. The level of degeneracy a decade and a half later doesn't even compare.
If you seriously think early 2000s girls were pure, go educate yourself by reading My Immortal. It's the unadulterated id of that era's teenage girls.
This. The ONLY difference is it is played out online more. Absolutely nothing has changed.
Better than wasting the best years of your life on an ancient website for old people.
I was an adult in the 00's, you sound like you're just another sheltered idiot.
>redit spacing
Kill yourself gramsp.
>huuurrrr le ruddut spayshing!
You'd know, you belong there.
>I was an adult in the 00's
aka not in touch with the age group OP is talking about
Fundamentally, everything the age group are doing is the same thing as they were doing then and will continue to do.
[spoilers]I think this modern day culture is degenerate too but there's no use in complaining about it[/spoilers]
It was kind of weird to grow up in the late 90's early 00's with the idea that dating and relationships progressed like it was still the 70's, and then the moment you enter university Tinder comes along and it turns into a free-for-all where you're not supposed to want emotional attachment, and if you're not in the top 5 or 10% of men you're going to have a hard time.
Now everyone emulates braindead negroids.
>things were different
right, that's why the columbine shooters and the dozens of other school shooters that attacked their school in the 90s and early 2000s basically had all of the exact complaints and issues that robots nowadays do. Stop looking at everything with nostalgia glasses, it's always been this way throughout all of human history, it's just more noticeable now that you're older and you're trying to apply what you know in the modern age (tinder, facebook, instagram, etc.) as an explanation for why women are acting the same way they have for ages
I was only 8 during the end of the scene era (2008) and even I managed to get a taste of goth gf through my 13 year old friends. I miss it, man. All the girls in my age group are thots
Remember when I wanted to cum on her braces?
Get the fuck out retard
shootings were a weekly thing for half of 2018. when school starts again they'll be back at it.
If you think the world isn't getting shittier you really are a fucking retard.
>I miss it, man.
you miss being a kid not the time period retard.
That died because woman became fatter in America. Over time the landwhale became normal.
Not even remotely similar.
>Saying that as a bad thing
Early 00's
>Internet like the wild west in the early 00's
>Little to zero social media - the ones that are around strictly advises not to post face pictures or personal information
>Actually good cartoons and tv shows
>Actually interesting stuff on during the early hours
>Cars looked pretty good
>Internet policed to fuck
>Social media almost taking over - some consider a person weird or dangerous if you DON'T have a social media with a face pic and personal info posted
>Shit shows on tv, shit cartoons these days, very little repeats of older stuff
>Early hours of the morning tv is usually a feed of some casino show channel
>Most cars look hideous
I want to go back, everything seemed a lot simpler back in the early 00's. Only good thing these days are the games and advances in technology.
Our culture has been submerged in degeneracy. It is glorified.
Morality has gone out the window and any hope for a stable civilization with it.
>I was only 8 during the end of the scene era (2008)
>There are literal zoomers posting on this board
There's some great anime at least, even if there was lots of good shows in the early 2000's
The internet ruined civilization
It seriously did. Instant communication ruined... well, just about everything,
Sometimes I wish I was born in the 20s so I could be an adult in 1950s America where women weren't "independent" whores obsessed with Instagram likes. Maybe I could have a wife then, and a nice family.
You probably woulda been blown up in WW2 and if you hadn't, your wife would still be a whore. Existence as a human male not in the top 20% of humans was never good.
>your wife would still be a whore
yes but you could literally beat her every night and nobody would say shit
It unironically did.. when you start thinking about how bad it has gotten remember we are barely even starting to see the effects. We are on a hard nosedive you just wait and see what's in store
>HURR DURR I'm too lazy to seek out modern things that I like
The 2010s might be shit, but that's not what your post is really about. You can't get a girl now. You're blaming your failings on the world, which is one of the least intelligent thing a person can do. Stay mad.
>remember i knew who that thot was
>reverse search the pic
>"Acacia Brinley"
>memories of 2012 inundate my head
>decide to check what ever happened to her