trigger Jow Forums with a single image
why does sv3rige have a gf and I don’t REEEEEEEEEE
based & brappilled
and you are boring GYMCEL
>actually thinking you need money and looks to get a gf
Jow Forums btfo
the virgin Goldenone
the Chad Gatis
That'll do it
High test alpha desu
Find literally one other image of a really fit guy with an ugly fatty who isn't a male prostitute or a stripper tho. You cant because the only ones who go for fat fucks are guys who cant do any better
the caption triggers me, yes i agree.
but, as a meat eater those with a higher meat consumption in their diet do smell worse compared to those with more vegetables.
i only saw it the first time
it's gone forever :/
What magic is this
No homo, but i thought that was a badly photoshopped images of his nude ass from the thumbnail.
What the fuck is this autism?
You pick the outcome that you want. It’s a reward for helping. Them.
>someone actually sat down and took their time to write up this drivel and then make an image out of it that is some chris-chan level autismo.
that shadow makes it look like the jew has a bicep vein
ma joj ne taj...
here's your (you)
>asian guy and literal 3/10 white girl
>triggering anybody
if this isn't one of your triggers
your parents were probably niggers
Ugly face desu
I don't understand
> source: chemical senses
Could that be any more obscure
>You cant because the only ones who go for fat fucks are guys who cant do any better
This is literally every user here that promotes the thicc = high test meme. They can't get actually attractive people so they have to deceive themselves into thinking that liking thicc (aka fat girls) is better than anything else.
If she was my gf, she would never have to use toilet paper
lmao same
All those brap idiots and those stupid girls with their big fucking ass... Good luck in ur 40's and 50's.
alpha dadmode 200lbs jew vs virgin bobblehead manlet
Is this the anti-bog?
Why is there not an option for "no"?
As if a woman would admit to loving the smell of meaty man balls during a study like this. If you'd ever had an actual girlfriend you'd know that as soon as they feel safe from the judgement of others they'll bury their face in your sweaty crotch and inhale the juices.
Skyrim is for the Nords
Probably a fetish or something.
>internally rotate it
>when an Imperial dates a wood elf
Brother is literally cuckshit clickbait. It's buzzfeed for basedboys who try to be more (((masculine)))
BRAAAAAAAAAAPPPP snifffffffff mmmmmmmmmmmm that was a smelly one my dear... snnniffffffffffff is that eggs I smell mmmmmm
Imagine being this delusional.
>have you heard of the high elves?
an ironic post made by a brainlet
Yes yes yessss
lol ok kid
This should be a motivational image for how an ugly but confident dude can still score a 7+/10 gf.
Actually there might be some veracity to this one. I was nearly full vegan for about 2 months last year and I had no literally no body odor. The trade-off was being lower test; my sex-drive essentially vanished for that period.
So yeah if you want to be a low-test cuck and have no body odor go vegan
See you guys in a while
this is epic
imagine the smelle
I don't get it
Doesn't trigger me. I'm glad someone who looks so stupid can get a decent looking gf. But why is there another man sitting right next to her on a bed?
are u retarded
I have a subhuman face like that. I think it's really ugly but people post guys like this all the time and my mom said girls were really into my dad. What is the consensus on this face?
hahahha jebem ti nevena ciganovića
shit bait
yeah this one is really shit
we're humans not animals
apparently so
He doesn't have a ~personality~ I've seen a video of him at the beach with a group of friends. They were all awkward autists. It's the one where he sucks the blood from a guy's wound.
Please no
I didnt ask for this feel
this only triggers me because i know this chick and shes a hoe
Asslet COPE
Audible kek
This looks like megsquatz
The reason why that kind of face is ugly has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with your oral posture when you were younger.
He’s right you know
this, the guitar looks like his asscrack on a quick glance lmao
Bro thats megsquats she has a yt channel shes kinda annoying and built like an umpa lumpa
Reminder that social status and personality is everything
Holy fuck that’s nasty
I thinks I lost brain cells reading all that, what absolute beta thought about making these.
this is why we men can't have nice things
a woman would never consider dating someone so much lower than her league
this guy is a roastie factory for fat ugly entitled subhumans and needs to be shamed for it
It is
Delete this or I am calling the mods
By guys wound I hope you mean girls(guys) pussy(wound)
Fucking savage.
The way Jow Forums and /b/ view women, this would fuck 70% of them up into a rage of insecurity