Squats or Running?

I want to join the Marines in a year and want to get better at running, so obviously I should run more.
But whenever I run, I'm too sore to do leg day. But whenever I do leg day, I'm always too sore to run.
I always stay sore for more than 3 days. Should I ditch squats and just run my ass off all week? Is leg day actually gonna do something for me when I'm joining the military?

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You don't stay sore for 3 days when you run for the second time, fucking lazy bum.

leg day probably wont do shit in the millitary, make running your focus. BUT try your best to incorporate both into your routine, maybe if it's sore take a couple days off for squatting but make sure you get back into it, and keep up the running.

I would honestly argue that you can get a good physique from running, maybe better than purely lifting. but remember its best to incoroporate both.

I have only started running since recently. However, I've been squatting for almost a year. Currently my 1RM is 140kg and I do a few sets of 90kg to failure. That shit makes me sore all week. Basically for the last year I haven't been able to walk normally because I'm sore from squats for 3+ days a week. I understand if you do something more often your body adapts to the movement, this hasn't happened to me with squats. I'm still as sore as the first time stepping in the gym.

our marine hopefuls are too pussy to squat and run on the same day baka.
i take it youre new to fitness? but that cardio is gonna help alleviate your soreness.

please dont defend our country if youre not gonna get serious or at least just be the guy who drives the robot.

I'm very serious. It just seems that running while barely even being able to walk is a recipe for injury. That will get me nowhere.

work in some other lower body lifts as well if you havent yet. maybe try volume over intensity. just spitballing here if you push yourself too hard every 3rd day overall in a years time you could do more volume goinf a little less balls to the wall every other day. anyway stretch for your runs and youll be alright. best of luck

Pay attention to your nutrition. If you are serious about joining the marines and making boot camp easier, then I would lay off the squats and just start running 3 to 5 miles a day. Maybe a 5 to 10 mile run once a week.

Do lots of push-ups and pull ups and crunches to. Ift and pft is pretty fucking easy to be honest.

Always do the squats, but don't run, you fucking SPRINT.

Sprint for a few minutes, then walk or jog a bit, then sprint again. Also, make sure you're wearing correct running shoes.

I do a sprint/walk around the track for about 30 minutes.

Stop being a pussy. Even more important than squats or running if you want to join the military

>Sprint for a few minutes

Not a man on earth that can sprint for a few minutes

I run 2-3x per week for 10+ miles in under an hour and squat 3x per week. Focus on squatting often so that you stop getting DOMS and then start running

>i like to nit pick
You damn well know what he means.
>10+ miles in under an hour
no you dont

>no you dont
You can get there by doing long distance runs consistently for over a year. You can start by running 3 miles/5km, aiming for under 30 minutes. Then start doing 6 miles/10km, working up to 15km over time. Then go back to 5km and start aiming to complete your runs under 20 minutes. Work your way up from there. To become a better runner you also need to really push yourself and grind when you’re starting to struggle. Focus on your breath over your tiredness and tell yourself that no matter what, you’re going to complete the distance

I know how to run you faggot and im telling you youre lying. No fucking way you maintain a 6min/mile pace for 10 miles.

Whats your best distance/time? How long have you been training for?

This isnt about me stop trying to weasel out of your lie. Just come clean you made that shit up.

Running and endurance is more important in the military.

morning: running
evening: lifting
next day: rest

wrong, always lift then run

>1 year
>140 kg
Jesus fucking christ

>1 year of soreness

Holy shit OP, quit eating garbage out of the trash can and smoking PCP. Your body is beat to shit. There is no fucking reason you should suffer from chronic soreness a week or two after lifting unless you dont get enough sleep, dont drink enough water, and dont put good stuff in your body (vegetables, meats, healthy fats, versus mcdonalds and oreos amd monster energy drinks).

Soreness is a meme invented by turds who live like shit. You should be a little sore after working out, not fucking crippled by the soreness.

Also, alternate push (squats, front squats, leg press, leg extension) and pull (good mornings, romanian deadlifts) on and off, one every other day, no need for ultra heavy weight, just mid range working weight and high frequency/high volume (drop sets, pyramids, etc) constantly. Run AFTER every workout, for like 15-20 minutes. I like to do a lap at max speed, then rest by doing lazy pace 3 count jumping jacks, then another sprint, and them jumping jacks, etc. Also, quit smoking, drinking, dipping, etc until youre in at least, for max progress during this year.

TLDR: Watch what you put in your body.

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This. The military does not care how much you squat or lift. They want a marathon runner not a sprinter.

>Squats or Running
farting, braaaap

>I want to join the Marines

I stopped reading here. Running. Being in the military is all about cardio and bodyweight exercises. They want otter mode guys that can run around and carry shit all day long. Your 1RMs don't mean shit.

better start running now. If you're scared of working out because you're sore you are going to be in a galaxy of hurt when you get sent off to basic. Do you think they're going to give a shit if your legs are sore?

You probably shouldn't join unless you think you're going to have an evolution there and learn how to suck it up

Can confirm
t.leet COD gamer

Nu-Marines: Oh sweetie, you can't run your 3 mile in 28 minutes? Thats okay. Heres your stress card. Now be a good little marine and say aye aye xir. Thank you for your service, infantryperson.

>prep for a year

dude go SEAL.

Stretching after your workouts will help a lot, also just dont eat garbage

marines don't have stresscards dumbfuck

>they don't want a sprinter
you sprint all the time at the depot dumbfuck. you've obviously never been chased by a DI who wants to kill you

If you're "always sore" after leg day then you aren't working out often enough.

Anyway, here are your options:

1. Lift first run after. This is the general rule of thumb because if you aren't a fat shit you should be able to get out a mile or two at a moderate pace even tired. This is optimal for maintaining strength gains.

2. Decrease squat volume to just maintain.

3. 5 mins of cardio on leg days and then equidistant between two leg days, do an endurance run once a week.

this is literally the only resource you need for prepping for infantry, marine, or SF

anything else enlisted your taking too seriously and are most likely overtraining. you may get a rank bump out of boot at best.


Focus on your squats. Nobody will teach you to run like the military.

>its another normies don't know what you will stop getting doms when your body adjusts to the stress you're putting on it and that doms is not your body way of telling you to stop working out

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