What are your religious (or non religious) beliefs?

What are your religious (or non religious) beliefs?

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>What are your religious (or non religious) beliefs?

I for one worship Atua.

Please, do elaborate user

There is no god and anyone who believes there is one is fucking retarded

How far did this belief system take you in life, user?

I'm a unitarian universalist

I'm a Mormon, please feel free to ask any question

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Life is generally confusing and can't be understood, so every day I will try my best to help and uplift as many people as possible and make them feel comfortable, safe, and happy in any way I can.
I base my entire life around this ever since my second suicide attempt failed, and it's helped me sleep at night.

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So Moroni was a homosexual, right?

He wasn't, we was a captain of soldiers.

Ooooh, yes SIR!~

>(or non religious) beliefs?
White nationalism is the big one. I'm an atheist though

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Prove you're a mormon. Why be on Jow Forums? What do you think of all the criticisms of your church and faith? Are you a tbm who's a virgin until marriage, stays away from coffee, alcohol, and drugs, etc?

>There is no god and anyone who believes there is one is fucking retarded
I wouldnt be surprised if people like this actually were birthed from monkeys because of how stupid they are

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I've been tripping extremely heavily on shrooms. There's a lot of crazy ideas that have popped into my head, but ultimately, I can only say I believe in the absolute truth:

Our mere existence is beautiful beyond human comprehension.

Im agnostic, used to be christian but realized the plausibility of every religion since miracles and coincidences can be unanimously exchanged depending on circumstance or exaggerated as time goes on. I do try to be nice guy though to as many people as possible

Addressing the criticisms on Jow Forums, the bible verses and such actually support our religion. The verse about the false prophet does not apply to us, the modern prophet is completely pure. It's the only way he could be the prophet. And yes I am a virgin, stay away from coffee, tea, alcohol, and drugs. Now many people have more criticisms but the stories people have told have been true. Such as the one time I understood a talk this girl was giving even though I didn't know the language she was speaking

Well I guess we should believe some faggot's fever dream hallucinations. Everyone pack up.

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Have you donated your 37 liters of blood today?

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Read some Jung and you might be able to understand what he's talking about

Atheist, but I have been binging on pastor Anderson videos this week

Not much 'worship' but I follow the teachings of Odin. And the Gods.

Yeah, I read Jung,
He was a fucking hack.

register you faggots you have 98 days before tsuki an heros

I was a pagan for like three years but now I'm Eastern Orthodox.

Is there a religion that says that life is a swirling, churning, nightmare of nonsense? One that says that 7,000,000,000 unique, thinking living breathing people is too many to comprehend? That if you try to grab ahold of one problem in society and yank it up by the roots, you'll only find that it's interconnected to every single problem in the world? One that says that most people who self-identify as poor just need to keep their fucking houses clean and they'll feel better about it?

>Inquisitor Fedora then logged off the internet, having bested the heretic
>he then opened his copy of The God Delusion and began reading it again
>yep, just another day of struggle being an edgy atheist on the internet
>why can't the religitards just believe in science? I'm such an individual

yeah a gay one


Religion is for weak people that want a life insurance policy. It is the most obscene type of vanity to assume there is some procedure you can go through to live forever.

What's worse is the complete misunderstanding of morality that religious people have.

I believe in religion for its inherent beauty but don't believe in inerrant or inspired truth. So I don't believe a consistent mythology or doctrine is important.

I'm a skeptic. I'm willing to believe, but only if it's true, and I can know it's true. I don't have any reason to believe, though, and for a number reasons religion looks false, in my opinion. If anyone would like to convince me to be religious, I would love to have that discussion, if you don't mind me criticizing your arguments. I understand that faith is a deeply personal thing for a lot of people, however, and that just having something to believe makes some people's lives better. That's ok, that's a bit different. It is by no means my job to sort out those types of things for you and I won't judge you holding that position, but I just can't follow you in it. I'm not in the business of arguing people out of religion, that's not my job, I just love to talk about it, and if it is true, I want to know it, and if it isn't, I want to know that too. If you decide to respond, thank you. I'll probably be boring your head off in minutes with rambling and uninteresting conversation, but I do think it would be nice to discuss faith with the people on this site.

If anyone would like to discuss religion with me, or really anything philosophical, just, religion is the relevant topic, just get in tough with me on Discord. Thanks.


KYS heteric. also why do you not drink tea or coffee

Used to be catholic but i was creeped out byt its symbolism and bloody history.

The Mormons I've met have actually been kinder to me than most Protestants or other denominations have. Although I haven't met many Mormons, admittedly. Only a few.

i don't know if this is religious but this is the actual truth anons:
life is a shitty meme
once death comes you will see this, all that life leads up to is a really shitty meme that's not even funny, i saw it myself but i don't know how to describe it to somebody who hasn't seen it
but its all just a shitty meme

Raised Catholic. Still VERY Catholic at heart. Had an atheist phase. Had an agnostic phase. Had a trippy, Eastern-ish, spiritual-y phase. I've just stopped talking about it altogether. Too many of my friends disagree on it. Smart folks on both sides. I've changed my own mind too many times.
At the end of the day I do believe in God or I wouldn't constantly be talking to Him. Obviously don't understand how it works, but that's part of the package and I don't feel like being ripped apart or called a retard by some fucking skeptic douche for not being able to provide evidence.
I believe that God shows His face in the faces of the people I love, and that means I have to be able to see the face of God in sinners.

You fucking retard I'm going to to you apart unless you can provide evidence

Sorry that some skeptics have been assholes to you, quite a few of us are. I don't believe, but it doesn't offend me that you do, and even if it's just a matter of comfort that's your own business and it's not my job to try to take that from you. It's not my job to tell you what to believe, and I don't think that you are any less intelligent than me because you do believe. I probably have quite a few positions that you would think are incorrect, and would be right for disagreeing with me on. It could even be this position. I don't think it is, but it definitely could be. If you wouldn't mind me responding to them, I'd love to hear your arguments for religion, I totally understand if you're not up for that, like, if it just isn't your thing to try to convert people, or it's just not something you think can be reasoned to. or, you know, just whatever the case is. However, if you would like to discuss it, I would, too. Here's my Discord again if you would like to.

It could be possible that there's some kind of God but all religions are made up by humans.
It's stupid to obey rules from some other human just because he says that God made those rules.

There are no gods period.

It is easy to be kind on the surface.

I guess. The most experience I have with a Mormon was this girl in my high school class. We talked sometimes, that's all.

The thing is, I don't really have an argument in favor of religion. The Church itself honestly creeps me out and inspires an ironically very Catholic paranoia in me. I'm pretty sure they're working for the devil.
I know it's a cliche, but I have a "personal relationship" with God or whatever you want to call it. He talks in your heart, but also through things like serendipity and coincidence and music, and we don't always recognize it. I know that sounds schizo, but I honestly don't give a shit, and besides, if the voices in my head are saying stuff like "call your sister" or "forgive that person" or "stop smoking" or "I love you," I don't think that's really all that malignant a disorder.

Esoteric Hitlerist

I only believe in Judaism for getting SHITFACED DRUNK on holidays.
>cue klezmer music

Whassup /lit/?

>Im agnostic, used to be christian but realized the plausibility of every religion

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I can respect that, even if I disagree with you. It doesn't convince me, but if it makes life more comfortable and better for you, I perfectly understand and don't judge you for it. I just, personally, don't think it satisfies Occam's Razor. I don't think you're crazy, I just think you use religion as a way to form a narrative and center your values, as a way to inspire you to what you think is right. Even if I don't agree, I still think I should respect that position, and definitely should, and do, respect your right to hold it. If there is a God, if this is the type of person he wants a pious person to be, he seems like a pretty decent person to follow. I hope life is good to you, man.

the Earth is a Donut, the Universe is a Donut, ALL IS DONUT.

I hope life is good to you, too, dude. Love ya bunches.

4D donut

Christian, believe in God for reasons that are felt spiritually, and for me it's all the evidence I've ever needed.

For me, Explaining my spirituality and what it feels like to a non spiritual person is like explaining ASMR to a person that does not feel ASMR. Very very difficult. I know it's weird to compare how I feel God and his light and love and compassion inside of me, to ASMR. But seriously just like how ASMR is an actual real scientific physical response that only a select few people out of the population feel. I can feel it. with God. And to a lot of people that can't feel it, will say that it doesn't exist, and that God doesn't exist, but when you've feel it, you will know that it's real. I just feel sorry for people that willingly choose not to let God into their heart simply because of a skepticism. Forget about the after life when you have God in your life, things feel better now, without the the waiting around to die.

But most people won't accept this truth, they'd rather wallow in disbelief because they think not believing in something is intellectual.

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This is the conclusion I've come to, but it's based off of my christian upbringing so I don't know how biased this would be when compared to other religions
>God created the universe
>He then started populating planets with life
>Every so often he picks out/makes planets with just the right qualifications for more complex life i.e. flora and fauna
>With the knowledge we have right now, it would be impossible to tell if Earth is the first, last or anything inbetween
>Doing this would be a painstakingly hard thing to do, even for a god, so he can only do one at a time
>Lets nature take it's course, then decides what species on that planet will inherit sentience
>Whenever the sentient beings create a god/diety, since God is the god of everything, he can place a bit of his power into whatever that god resembles, and puts more energy into those which resemble multiple things or are meant to be depictions of himself
>When these gods are no longer worshiped, their energy returns to God
>Every once in a while, he blesses humans with his own powers so they can bestow knowledge and philosophies than can help mankind i.e. Jesus, Moses, Buddha, etc.
>Once Jesus died, God left St. Peter in charge of Heaven and went off into the cosmos to populate the universe further
>Essentially God is okay with whatever we do as long as it leads to our self-improvement, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else i.e. Rape or Murder
>God doesn't create miracles unless it's for truly good people and for a very good reason
Can't think of anything else on the top of my head, but that's basically the gist of it

>thinks the devil is working in the church
>religion is merely a personal relationship with god
>still VERY Catholic at heart

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At what age were you diagnosed as a moron user?

That's literally the plot of Ridley Scott's Alien franchise (1979) you cunt.


Oh.. my..
user, they might all be true, they might all be false, or some are true.
They cannot all be true as they contradict each other.
If some are true they must be able to coexist and if miracles are interchangeable, you ate correct in saying that miracles cannot be evidence for any one religion, so how do you choose?
Or, they are all false

I used to want to believe in God and ghosts and an afterlife but I just can't. I learned about other belief systems but nothing clicks with me, I just don't think I'm spiritual. I tried mushrooms and acid and just got crazy visuals and felt emotional but I wouldn't describe any of that as spiritual. I think some of us just aren't built to be religious, I'm glad other people get some comfort from religion and use it to accomplish things and help people but it isn't for me.

I've never seen that movie
so idk, maybe we think alike

I didn't choose not to feel God. Even if I could feel it, I couldn't believe that Christianity or any other tool for getting people to behave had any truth about him

Based anti theist poster. Very cogent deduction.
I don't think like you christfag. You think like everyone else. Literally everyone else. You are a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of

I meant Ridley Scott, not you.

i dont believe in anything religiously, because religion is fucking retarded, especially christianity, but i do believe 2 things.
1. when you are born everything that happens everyday is set in stone and cant be changed
2. when we die, our conscious creates a dream world for us to live in

It is very nice, so yea.
Staying here.

I'm a christian important beliefs:
Gays are bad
Muslims are worse

I believe that god is kind of a concept that can't really be entirely captured by one civilization but that it is very real.

In essense I believe every religion is just a flawed interpretation of something as beyond our scope as god. I believe from a statistical standpoint, when you consider the possibility of the many worlds theory and/or the big crunch theory of universal death. It is extremely unlikely that no sentient species did not progress to nigh godlike power with technological growth within a parallel universe or a cycle of our own universe.

Wether or not "god" is benevolent is debatable, but I think the fact that we still exist is a pretty big point in the benevolent category.

Thanks user, first time my arguments have been called cogent, I appreciate it

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I see no physical evidence for God so while I am open to the idea, I don't think there is a higher power until I see otherwise. You cannot absolutely disprove the existence of a God, but that is not a good argument to its existence.

gods could exist
spirits could exist too I guess
dunno, never left this plane of existence

i believe in >shaw

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever beliveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus

All living beings in the universe are connected, being permutations of a single unified superconsciousness in four-dimensional spacetime. As they live, grow, divide, die and are reconstituted, the structure branches out through spacetime and goes all the way back to the synthesis of the first organic particles.
Any being in a given physical dimension can perceive all of the dimensions below it and a single infinitely thin slice of the dimension above it. Just as a 2D being exists in a single slice of a 3D plane, a 3D being like you or I perceives a single slice of the fourth dimension, time, which is to say a single ever-changing instance of time. The four-dimensional entity itself perceives a single instance of the fifth dimension (all possible progressions of time possible due to probability) which is to say a single timeline.

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How often do you fap to loli doujins?


Hail Eris, motherfucker

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basically the majority of religious prophets lol

There's nothingbeyond what pic related shows in terms of religious beliefs from what I know.
There's no winning in this game, you are fucked no matter who you worship and who is your god.
But I'd definately rather people to worship the right side.

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Pulling from a hat of everything I believe,
>Atheistic Materialism
>Atheistic Existentialism
>Ontological Primitivism

I don't know what's above or bellow, but right here on earth things don't seem to be going well. So I try to do what good I can. And if I have to pay later for the occasional cigar, booze and such afterwards, so be it.

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what the fuck man
i-i'm inclined to believe this now

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I personally do not believe that a higher power exists, but i don't look down on those who do, as we can't really know unless it leaves solid evidence of its existance. Spiritualism is a good tool to better oneself i presume

Organized religion is dumb and a scam though.

I don't believe in anything and am not spiritual in any way. I'm fine with friends, family or people I meet being religious or spiritual aslong as they don't push it onto me or do harmful things for their religion.

Agnostic Atheism.I grew up in a heavy roman catholic family and me leaving the parish during teenage years is just ignored by my older family members.

>there exists a supreme being but it is entirely beyond our mortal comprehension
>there is a society (no not the joos) or a group of people with unimaginable wealth and influence that secretly manipulates and influences everything.

Reformed Christianity. I don't believe I am of the elect though.

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Someplace where gnosticism, hermeticism, shamanism, and buddhism/hinduism meet. Although my approach to religion is generally syncretic because even if they interpret archetypes differently they all generally still reference the same ideas, especially when you approach them from esoteric angles.

Also if you're like this guy, you're a retard full of hubris who found a safe, certain place in atheistic scientism and fail to realize you cling to that comfy "certainty" for the same reasons religious people go to religion.

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Time is a human abstraction because of our material vessel's inability to process the whole. "Time" is a fractal lattice of all potentiality. Every possible quantum state since the big bang, and that which follows that state (differences could be very large especially with accumulation). We exist only really ever understanding a single point, we only observe the unfolding (there is nothing new, it has always been). Free will is not inherent but it is achievable, true free will is the ability to move between local timelines to your own. This freedom is found in mind. Mind is the manifestation of the higher dimensional.

I believe that once we die, our souls (or "we") go to the other side, which is a constantly developing afterlife that reacts to and learns from the souls inhabiting it. Sometimes it touches on the material world, causing paranormal phenomena or "divine" inspiration. Much like a human, what it becomes depends on what it's exposed to, so if it is in contact with a sufficent number or good souls, it becomes a benevolent place. Therefore, I believe that we should strive to bring as much good with us as we can when we die, to use it to create a better afterlife for everyone.

Basically the Warp, except it's not fucked up yet.

I grew up Catholic but I haven't been able to believe in anything for years. The way I see it, as long as I try to do well by others, if there is a God I should be alright, and if God is going to send me to hell for not having blind faith in him then he's not a just God anyways.

Basically this, we're dragging ourselves away from the imperfection of the material torwards the pleroma.

YHWH is the childish god of the material that sees itself as the only god and demands worship. It is the demiurge. Strange coincidence that is the jewish god, isn't it? The god of the old testament and the new testament are not the same entity. Jesus was a vessel of the true father, as we all are, he simply intuitively understood, although he is not the only one of his kind in history.

Also a pretty astute observation. I'm glad someone understands.

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>What's worse is the complete misunderstanding of morality that religious people have.

I'm an atheist but really don't care what other people believe. Live and let live and all. Islam's pretty garbage though, on the whole.

>I didn't choose not to feel God
But you did, you have to seek out God, because our sin separates us from him
>Even if I could feel it, I couldn't believe that Christianity
You actually would, but like I said you can't so you don't believe that you would believe
>I couldn't believe that Christianity or any other tool for getting people to behave had any truth about him
It's not about getting people to behave it's about knowing God. I hate talking to athiests because they always talk about the bible as if they've read it. You know nothing about God, and you know nothing about why people serve them other than what you've been told in a 7th grade Civics class, heard from another person, or discussed in an Anthropology 101 seminar.

You people are always talking about how you know things, but then won't even do the research, because like I said you're quote on quote "intelligence" makes you feel that you are wiser than you really are. The bible says that people typically turn away from God when they become wise in their own eyes. And it's true.

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I believe in Christianity but I don't call myself Christian because I did some things the religion doesn't approve of so I don't think I deserve the title, so instead, I'm just an onlooker; outside supporter.

Ok maybe I'm this instead.

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