Reddit is down. Got they ass!

Reddit is down. Got they ass!

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>using "they" as a substitute for "their"
Something tells me you're a Redditor yourself.

Same OP is a faggot

Redfags are mad their site is down

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What do you mean it's down you fucking retard?
I can still access it

>has an iPhone
>believes himself to be in a position to call others Redditors
End your life, I implore you. Stop existing.

>newfag from reddit turned edgy cause he visited Jow Forums for the first time
I am shaking in my boots

It must have just got back up. Been down for almost 2 hours.

You're shaking in your heels, you flaming faggot.

Yup, you talk just like a redfag. Stop talking to me roastie

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With each successive post you make you cement the facts that you frequent Reddit and have a double digit IQ.

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Eh, you talk like how a softy redfag would so... eh

>eh blah blah blah eh
Go back to posting Pony porn or something, you assblasted Redditor.

Can let the thread die in peace. You tainted it, redfag

I may've tainted your shitty thread, but at least I didn't taint the entire board. Your existence alone is a blight upon this world.

>Le big boy vocabulary
Fuck off my board redfag. Youre mad cause your site got bodied

>le i cannot accept the fact that everyone doesn't speak Ebonics and like a nigger
Again, your low IQ rears it head.

>got angry over a cartoon frog
>end your life, i implore you. stop existing

>blight upon this world
Redditor spotted

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>resorted to googling unnecessary words and using them to argue on Jow Forums
You must be really bored without your site huh?

Why are you typing like a Negroid speaks?

KEK my bros. This roastie entertained me today

why so butt blasted

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Memeing to get redfags mad

With the snap of his fingers he can snuff out half the testosterone in the universe

Another roastie toastie dismantled yoooooooo

I'll speak in terms you brainlets can understand if anything above nigger-speak is too complex for you: return to the hole you crawled from.

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>Leonardo DiCaprio
I think you should take your own advice

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You should return to reddi- oh what you cant

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>he posted Leonardo DiCaprio because that is worth pointing out for some reason I won't care to explain
Quit with the empty responses, or is your brain unable to make a post with actual substance?

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>Continued replies to this shitty thread without sages

I thought you were better than this you absolute mongoloids, stop feeding this fag

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obviously didn't see what epic buttblastery just happened because of a frog picture

There is no mention of a frog anywhere in this thread

Op pic you dumbass. Redfag confirmed

Do you seriously think the "buttblastery" began as a result of the picture in the OP? Are you retarded?

Obviously the picture didnt cause it but the thread in general blasted your ass

>triggered when correctly referred to as a Redditor
Where's your self awareness, you assblasted negro? Also, the proper terminology is just "Redditor", not "Redfag".

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Only a redfag would know what reddit users are called. Fuck out my board

>Reddit users
That's even more correct, keep digging yourself even deeper into that hole, you completely assblasted illiterate teenager.

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Eh, looks like the redfag learned how to shitpost

Alright fags, partys over

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This is the last (you) I'll contribute to this shitpile of a thread: stop polluting the board with your retarded phoneposting, the likes of you belong in pic related

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>le funny *snap* maymay

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Eh, You can stop replying now. This got boring real quick

uploading to r/Jow Forums right now bois

>two redditors brawling it out
Pathetic, really.

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Stop replying to this bullshit, it only makes it worse

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Ima keep it alive for now