What do if do if your parents are gains goblins?

>wake up at 5am by mom and grandma vacuum cleaning, (they have personal vacuumers)
>11am and they are still vacuum
>everday i get a huge headache because of this so cant get up until 3-4pm
>every third day or so headache gets so bad has to vomit for 30-40mins
>cant leave the house because dad crashed my car (hes an alcoholic)
>nearest store is about 12miles away, has to use my bike there
>grandma is nice though cooks meals for me with beef and chicken
>mom sometimes eat my prepped meals claiming she thought it was hers
>dad sometimes wakes me up in the middle of the night drunk and crying

no i cant move out, cant get a job because no car and basically no jobs in my state, and i dont even have a high school degree

anyone else here with gains goblins parents? what do?

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buy ear plugs and have a serious fucking talk with your dad, try to help him

>6 hours of vacuuming

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go to bed before 9pm so you can get up at 5am without trouble.

help your dad as best you can, but you aren't responsible for his tragedies.

>6 hours of vacuuming every day
get the fuck out of here

join the military then use the money from there to get a rental car. use that to get a job and apartment and move out

I was thinking about starting this fucking thread earlier.

>mother goes over my place while i'm not home
>decided to "tidy up" my kitchen
>threw out multiple protein bars etc. that were outside of the box
>emptied out one of my protein powders and threw that away too
>brings sodas to put in my fridge and junk food
She does shit like this all the time. I wish she would kindly fuck off

>her having access
Memed yourself fuckwit

You have bigger problems than trying to get fit

I'd say leave your family behind. Join the military and never go back. They'll only bring you down. Sorry bro.

I gave her a "temporary" spare key when I had to go on a trip.
If you knew her then you would know she isn't giving that back

why don't you just go rage mode and scream at her?


Home is no place for a young man anyway.

There's the military. There's the sea. There aren't less opportunities to do mans work, the sort of work that comes with a bunk, anymore there are more but they are no longer in the public eye.

Watch some Jordan Peterson and try to sort out the issues within yourself as well as your family. It will not be easy. You should try to help these people or concentrate all your energy on getting out of there.

Why so many fucking retarded military shills? Yeah user go kill yourself overseas

It's more interesting than dying a slow death at home. And maybe he'll get a spine out of it.

just join the guard if going overseas is too scary for you, you can go to college easily with it

Military. At least for 4-5 years it will set you free.

You sound like a fucking loser.

Do this

>You choose your MOS
>You rarely get deployed
>10% of the military is combat related
>Only 3% of the combat related MOS see combat as the rest of the fucking people get medical waivers

3%. Get a waiver if your scared of combat.

Take it back you oedipal bloodcuck.

Fuck off faggot.

change the locks problem solved

Yea just call her a stupid cunt and tell her to leave you alone. Works 90 percent of the time. She might cry, but tell her you do not come to her house and throw her soda and junk food away.

>>wake up at 5am by mom and grandma vacuum cleaning, (they have personal vacuumers)
am and they are still vacuum
do you live in a fucking mansion? no way someone is vacuuming for 6 fucking hours.

>hurricane Florence about to frick us up
>turns out its huge meme and isn't that bad
>mom "prepares"
>buys 10 lbs of junk food

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this, if you want to go to a comfy dorm and be a fulltime student, join the guard and sign on for a 6 by 2 contract (6 years being a guardsman, 2 being in the reserves)

Do not doubt the capabilities of female weaponized autism, us here on fit think we have Asperger's and shit, but live with a woman for a year and you will understand what its like to have to deal with someone having a panic attack over a hairbrush.

Tell them how you feel?
I mean they're your family after all.
If they don't want to listen enlist in the military

Families like that do not listen, they are amalgamations of many human failures, all festering and causing depression in people with potential.

literally if I were you, there are 2 options:

1/ Steal money from family, and leave the bumfuck nowhere place you live in, move to a new city a thousand miles away and rent a shit hole apartment, and get a minimum wage job... this is the first step to being independent.

2/ join the military, save all your money, get out ASAP and start a new life...

you cant live with your parents and grandma forever.

I recognize this pasta.

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Go to bed earlier? What's the fucking problem? Real men get up before 5 am anyway.


>live within a mile of a grocery store, taco bell, mcdonalds, ice cream shop, and pizzeria

If it wasn't for steroids and lifting plus cardio 6 days a week I would be obese.

>basically no jobs in my state
fake news

Fucking fitbit jewed me out of a month of cutting. I linked it to Cronometer for activity logging and it was way over-estimating my calories burned. Waste of money.

Well they vacuum, clean etc but yeah 6hours more or less yes its fucking crazy but hey they do their thing in the house and they like to finish early in the day to watch soap operas at the afternoon and drink drinks and wine

Op here, this is not pasta



>6 hours of vacuuming every single day
>Makes me stay in bed until almost evening
>Nobody would be willing to give me a ride to work
>My family all lives together and are retarded children.

I don't believe you.

>get a shitty job
>get a shitty apartment

this will be an improvement

Terrible time to be doing this in fall but if you live in the southern states where it is warmer this is what you need to do. If you live in a northern state. Do this next spring.
go to bed at 8-9pm wake up at 5am pack all your belongings into a bag and take your bike to the nearest large city you can get to; hitch hike, jump on a train, just get your ass to someplace with people and jobs. Go to the library and use the computer to go on craigslist and apply for every job you can find, talk to homeless shelters to see if they have any work programs. Sleep in either a homeless shelter or find a nice quite park (what I did) and hidden away in the brush make yourself a little nature fort.
Save up enough money to rent a room somewhere and then start your life.

>i have done this and it works
>quit being a faggot pussy and make it.