Tfw Moscow

>tfw Moscow

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Other urls found in this thread:,_1956–1962

Motherland is bae

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slavs have it the worst of all robots

>robot is slavic rooted word, for menial worker without freedom
>crypto-matriarchal society where women control all aspects of life except most obvious ones
>horrible weather all the time which makes you stay inside
>everyone is nigger, everyone has nigger mentality of might = right
>in past, there was even tax on people who didn't have gf called bachelor's tax, also tax for not having kids, and being a neet was a crime, and these taxes are coming back

>in past, there was even tax on people who didn't have gf called bachelor's tax, also tax for not having kids, and being a neet was a crime, and these taxes are coming back

Pretty much goes against what everyone in the US thinks communism is like. It's pretty much just like capitalism but with government bureaucrats in place of CEO's.

Nigger Moscow is fucking awesome

Only authoritarians think that.

I wish I lived in fucking Moscow

fuck off, there are tons of qts

What are talking about Russia looks great

Isn't that why people don't like it? I could always quit my job without having to run through gunfire and not worry about getting taken out behind the woodshed by HR if my company spirit isn't high enough.

and the qts are all dating mobsters

It's the most liberal and capitalistic city in Russia. And has better night life than most of European cities.

What mobsters Moscow is not fucking Rostov.

I heard youse did a crossover.

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also we do always say "eyoo"

Most of the laymen I asked said the USSR failed because everyone was on benefits and got equal pay. Like any country would ever do that.

>communism is about everyone having an equal share (unless you're in with the government, but they don't tell you that one)
I agree on the benefits one, but you really think they didn't do that?
It didn't fail because of that, however. It failed because of human nature. Of course only the layman would be given the bare bones minimum while leaders live in opulence. It's what every communist today fails to understand, that their ideal vision of communism starts and ends in their own propaganda.

>I agree on the benefits one, but you really think they didn't do that?
Nope, workers got paid different wages for different positions in the USSR not unlike other countries.

Ok, not to sound like a fag, but where did you learn of this?

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If you are not from post-soviet states or some African shithole pls dont

Nah not really, "all Russian women are beautiful" is a myth,_1956–1962

Nigger, don't include us all in your shitty russian wasteland.

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There is no government in communism, faggot.

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Moscow may be the most liberal and capitalistic place in Russia which is not saying a lot because the whole country is a shithole because you need bribe money to get anything done and for other reasons.

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Not a robot, just a poorfag pidoraha, who likes to blame everything that happens in his life on a country he happened to be born in

I'm not from Russia. I just saw the reality when I visited.

And I live here and it's pretty great. You can live and rent a place on an average Moscow wage unlike in fucking jew york or california where you will spend all your money on rent and it's a great and giant city. I don't even know what you may need bribes for, never given one in my life.

This, I live in SPB and rent a nice flat near city center. Never bribed anyone in my life, probably because I dont drive cars

>horrible weather all the time which makes you stay inside
Croatia is slavic and has amazing landscape and weather. Youre speaking specifically about russia, not slavic countries

Ye its great (cuz the rest of the country is not)but its still in Mordor though

t.never been to literally any other city

Spb is decent also though*

Literally born in one of them

Kazan, Sochi, N.Novgorod, Kaliningrad
These ones at the very least are fine

Yeah, that's the pink dragon they want you to chase. And some people will chase it all the way to the receiving end of the firing line when they install a dictator.
I get that the communism that communists want can work for very basic societies, but what works on a micro level probably doesn't always work on the macro level, and vice versa. It's easy to redistribute wages without an overly large government when you live in a secluded commune, but it's hard to do for an entire nation with basically no government involvement.

Kazan and Sochi is great tourist destinations, but life there probably will be not so great, my close friend lived there for quite long time and described it like a soviet dying city, with typical problems : nowhere to work, nothing to do , i don't know much about N.Novgorod , you got me there , but probably same shit, of course these cities are not unbearable, but if you have ambition and vigor you will move to Moscow or S.Pb .

My close friend lived in Kaliningrad*

I was considering moscow as a place to move to, live out my robot dreams.
It's not a good place?

>tfw poland
>got beaten up and robbed about 15 times already

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>the whole country is a shithole because you need bribe money to get anything done
Can confirm.

I'm going to poland in a week, is it that bad?

>tfw Macedonia
>tfw everybody here thinks we wuz Alexander n shiet

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No, I've lived in Warsaw for a year and I've never had a single problem. Just don't be a minority and nothing will happen.

I'm white, ok let's see what happends

>t. never been outside of srodmiescie and powisle

Weird thing is that vocal whiners are actually people who have internet, free time and money to do the whining, while people that actually live infinitely worse than you don't have that luxury.

Fuck off idiot I live in Praga

that's where I live. It's a fucking shithole

Russian robot here, give me a cute goth gf.

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Move to Crimea coastline, Nigger.

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Go to Vladivostok instead, easily fly over to Tokyo when you feel like it.

>tfw Hong Kong
>barely liveable capitalist shithole
>attitude here is asian jews

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Slavs are just Australians but whinier, think about it;
>live in apartments in compact cities
>people try to be attractive and go out of there way to talk to women
>going to other countries act like chads and flirt with women in their funny accents
>have shit electrics and internet
>sparse as fuck (and still sparse in denser countries)
>everyone who is even slightly outside major urban areas is a wandering drug dealer or addict
>tons of alcohol, women are cheap whores
>men are also cheap whores
>those who go outside often have that fucking weird combo of natural tan but bright blue eyes that doesn't look right

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All chinese exhibit jewish behavior when present in another nation

Russian internet is better than this fucking monopoly in us.

He is more like about eastern slavs. Have the same shit in Belarus, both in society and weather aspects. I bet south slavs and west ones have it better.

Been to Poland, it was fucking burning, the glass buildings fuck off everywhere didn't help.

Id have to disagree with you on that note. Tons of russian qts from what I can tell

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Russia has it's warm southern regions too, like Crimea :^)

The worst thing about """Gamer Thots""", " Weeb thots", "So lonely xD depression meme thots" is how slutty, promiscous and whorish they are the polar oposite of what their male counterparts behave.

Filthy trollops.

>tfw Moscow after dark

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You better live up to his legacy faggot.

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Fremd und geheimnisvoll....

Da bratello, tut huevo dlya robotov

Enough said.

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Actually Russian and Eastern European internet and electricity are pretty good, even better than Australian ones.
Weather can be alright. In countries such as Croatia, Ukraine, and Estonia it's pretty nice, but in shitholes like Lithuania or god-forgotten parts of Russia you're fucked because the weather is literally like in Chicago.
As it comes to jobs, aussies get paid better and easier gets jobs, meanwhile slavs work even shittier jobs for cheaper, and most likely half of them don't even work the jobs by degree, they work blue collar jobs in US, Norway, UK, or Germany.
Women is a matter of taste. You have variety in slav countries. Same goes for men.

Also don't forget that some things are dirt cheap in slav countries, while some things that are essential for life are batshit expensive.
Also the taxes are going higher.

>present in another nation
>implying that the city wasn't once a chinese fishing village
You've got it all wrong. They exhibit jewish behavior wherever a trading opportunity presents itself

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At least you aren't the Hercegovian Gypojew Subhuman.

God i hate them, day of the rope soon.

Do germanics hate each other like slavs do?

At least you're not lithuanian. We kill ourselves or sell ourselves to prostitution and slavery, or get deeply into alcoholism or drugs until we OD, we suffer and submit to jews, and our government is made of traitors and cucks. Shit is so expensive, that we are forced to buy everything from Poland or Ukraine.

God, I hope my country get split by russians and polish people.

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Yes. Poland at least has decent economy, unlike Baltic countries.

sausages country

sausages people, sausages area

The fuck he meant with this?

How much for Lithuanian sex slave? Asking out of curiosity, it's not like I have enough money anyway.

ah Moscow
grey, struggle, ballet, continuous feeling of living in a fallen giant, dub techno, booze, drugs, poverty, frowning passing people on the street. what a beauty.

moscow user meetup when

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Can meet up at kitay gorod today if you are still up to it.

when where what drugs to bring

you mean the park near the abandoned building where are the skater kids are?