You think life is hard, you fucking incel? Imagine fighting in the eastern front in 1944

You think life is hard, you fucking incel? Imagine fighting in the eastern front in 1944.

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At least they had girlfriends

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at least they had something to fight and die for

Oh no my life isnt hard and I have it easy. Im just depressed because my brain is fucked up and Im constantly in a state of worrying. I think fighting in a war is more meaningful than living a pointless 9-5 life. Through hardship and adversity comes strength of mind. But im not an incel either.

I'd rather die gloriously than live a meaningless life for 85 years

At least they got to die

Most of them were only promised girlfriends if they came back heroes. And plenty of the ones who came back had their brains ruined anyway so they couldn't enjoy it

Can you feel it?

I believe I have the same anxiety levels as these soldiers did but for my entire life, I started losing my hair because of depression and anxiety when I was 19

>not an incel
>king robot

KYS normal nigger

>tfw no white aryan race to die for

this... this hurts lads.

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lmao @ all u cucks saying Germans in 1944 Russian were fighting for a glorious cause.

They were retreating and being hunted by Russians. Life would have been miserable and pointless, especially in the winter. Its a very good chance you would never see combat, just sit in a barrack or trench exactly like a NEET does in his house... waiting. You would be losing a pointless war in a foreign land for what reason at that point?

And then a shell fired from advancing Russian artillery kills you indiscriminately, or disease does.

If you guys want to kill yourself over not having a GF, why do you even for one second think you would be of use to anyone in WW2?

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i'm willing to bet both of those soldiers had happier childhoods and teen years and a better life then i did.

I do all the time because no matter how hard the struggle those soldiers had each other and were working together for a greater good. The life I have is just an abyss of emptiness.

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Nah, my great grandfather (only) got his leg shred to tears by bullets and lost two fingers to frostbite
He was transported back and a month later the Russian were already here and put him in front of a wall every night, but never shot him

I cant give you what you want, but il try

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I like to think I'm a lot like young Hitler, and he had the best time being a soldier. I think I'd really enjoy it.

i like to call this arguing point of "No i'm more miserable" or "No HE'S more miserable" The No true starving african child fallacy. This is a poor boomer attempt to raise younger generations moral but they lack the foresight and wisdom to understand that no matter who you are or where you are from, life is a terrible thing and that all complaints are relatively valid to ones own. Some whips hurt more than others but they all are painful.

Hitler may have been a robot who was too weak for his own military but he was a passionate and great example of a german soldier.

I wish hitler would have won
the hitler youth is like boy scouts on steroids
the technology was advancing like crazy
people were happy in a booming economy
it was paradise

Okay I imagined it. Now what?

I would rather be fighting there than here tbqh

now you are supposed to feel as if your major life problems don't exist and you can now be normie.

perfect candidate for le aryan vs jew meme.

Start shit, get hit. Eternal teuton should have stayed the fuck home.