other OP used the same night image so day image it is edition
Other urls found in this thread:
sleep soon lads i guess
Bit burnt out on /britfeel/ tbqh.
fucking lightfags; ruining the fucking OP. hate em I do
Where can I find women from different countries that will pay me to get married to them for a visa?
Any of you lot played Not Tonight yet? I'd figured that be something that /britfeel/, which is basically /Britpol/ at this point
Do I watch blade or hellboy lads
fukkin kuffars
DM is a noncer.
Post the chatlogs
>which is basically /Britpol/ at this point
I miss oldfeel when it was actually about robrits and not r_britpolcasual. I can't even dodge them in my comfy night hours
wow, nonce posting, racebait posting. here we are again eh
comfy's gone. i know i know, fight against it, but a year of it has done me in desu. fighting to no avail is disheartening desu
Got the munchies at work lads.
You're probably posting the racebait to create yet another false narrative. I'm only interested in seeing the chatlogs. Post them and I will happily shut up and fuck off...but you wont. because you're a bunch of nonces who were manipulating a child into sending you nudes.
#NonceNest OUT
tekking ova t'cuntreh
I'm not, and nice bit of subterfuge there racebaiter, but post yer proof
Oh wait, you can't
Yes, you are. You're constantly trying to deflect attention away from posting the chatlogs.
Now's a great time to post them.
Settled on an x box lads. What games are good?
Would be a good time to post your proof
Also, thanks for posting the racebait stuff, you are a good little puppet
didn't see you complaining about the brainlets mocking the white working class, lad.
You mean the racebaiting stuff? I've said my piece on that
You're deflecting again. Post the chatlogs, lad. What did a 31 year old man say to a 15 year old kid in care that he doesn't want the /britfeel/ lads to see?
How do you know so much about the affairs of a child
Not seen any posts from the child speaking of this, but you know a lot
>noggin joggin time
I'm a regular itt. Now, post the chatlogs, lad. What are you hiding?
Ffs nevermind stupid cunts arguing about stupid cunt shit. I need a new home, where can I go?
innit bruv
jus as bri'sh as kuffar dog whitey
Your confused lad, i'm a regular as well, but not the 1 you think
Again, how do you know so much? The only 1 posting about it is you. Not the child backing you up
I mean fair do's lad, I've bit and I've bit hard. If you was a fisherman and me the fish, I'd be on the bank, bait securely in muh belly
Also, i'm tired now so off to bed
Chris are you here
I'm going to reply to you
Ignore my lack of trip
I don't even use discord or know who you're talking about but leave me out of your shitposting
time to go get raped by a badger on my river walk
Just woke up an hour ago, feels real bad being so out of sync
No reason to be in a day cycle until i go back to uni, and even then cuz its 3rd year I barely have lectures and mainly self study and support if I need it.
30 days until autumn lads
which one. the newest one has nothing that wouldn't be better on PC; the older two have some top shit
Just a refurbished x box one. Trying not to piss all my money away.
Sorry but PS4 is where the exclusives are; they have some standalones+all the jap shit. XBone is sports titles and downgraded PC titles.
Fuck. Idk what to do now.
Thank me later and use this as a lesson to learn to look into large purchases in advance. The only tangible reason I'd use an XB1 is if I had mates who played on it; but you're on /britfeel/ at 5 in the morning so we can rule that one out
I am looking into it hence why I'm spazzing out in the thread about it. And no the only friends I have are people here and I've been told that doesn't count.
Do you have a PC that's capable of playing current gen games? If not just play them on your xbox, who gives a fuck
Yes I have a pc, it plays games fine
What time do normans get up for work these days?
Continued work on my skate park design. About am hours work. Been awake 13 hours now, after waking up and 5pm.
Can't think of anything else I've done. Wanked 3-4 times maybe.
Fuck this neet life.
No idea but i just got
My neck is hurting can't even sit up right on this bunk cab too low
Let's see then
Lads I got a phone call yesterday, I got the job. Gainfully employed faggot coming through. I'm over the moon about it.
I'm in bed and laptop is off so not right now. Probably sleep soon. Another day not applying for jobs or being awakened call backs.
Feel so sorry for myself and not helping myself either. Moaning about it to user on /britfeel/. So sad.
lucky bastard; I've been looking for months and nobody wants me
Congratulations lad. Good luck! What is it?
Full time Bartender at a quiet old man pub, chill work.
Don't worry pal. It's just a bad patch. Things will get better. Have a comfy sleep lid
Take me up and let me down
And hold me when Im sad
Take my eyes to look around
Take my ears to listen to the stars
This is what you are
Knock me down, knock me out
Make me feel shy
But when you hold me in your arms
I could just forget the tears Ive cried
This is what you are
This is what you are
>tfw still no scouse gf
Sounds comfy ngl
Unload lorries
Had a gay nightmare lads, not comfy
What happened in it? Were you a right fruity bumder?
Thankfully i didn't wake up with a boner
But I want to hear about it. Spare no gory details
well i want to forget about it
I'm off to co-op to see if they sell dairy free chocolate does anyone want anything?
I hate leaving the house but I need to force myself to.
I'm going to remember about it until the day I die
beef bbq super noodles and those 4 big store brand cookies for a quid pls
If you remember in 3 days i'll tell you
Ok lid, meet me here same time on Friday?
Why dairy free?
Netflix is like one of those dvd bargin bins, it's full of meh stuff with the odd great movie or tv show.
So bored i'm thinking of watching Continuum, anyone seen it?
Mornin cunts too early I'll fuckin headbutt all of yis
Fucking lol, i thought it was 8pm
how do we solve the northener problem?
move the scottish border south
Got you the cookies but they didn't have the beef supernoodles. What's your address I'll mail the cookies to you?
Can't have dairy.
>move the Scottish border South
Ok but not too far south.
oi bruv am not a problum like
i do my bit, walk to bennies office all by myself an all
Oi cunt say that again an i'll glass you
It started with a kiss
Never thought I would cum on her tits
>spacker pops up on telly
>mum starts laughing out loud
Who will Tim's bear be today?
My bets on cheer bear. Should be revealed in a few minutes
5 minutes into piano practice and chill and he gives you this look
Mister Byrne, are you trying to seduce me?
It was team moose today
Has Tim ever had time off sick where there are no videos
How to I get some fanny lads? Normally I'm fine with no gf or sex but the past week or so it's all I want. I've tried tinder and tantan with no luck. What works for you guys?
>girl asks me to be her bf
>I say yes even though I don't want to
>ghost her because I'm a pussy
for me it's always going to be TM
Just autistically moved all my furniture around at 8am. My television's position was stressing me greatly. I think I now have it in a better spot but I'm sacrificing tidiness and aesthetics. My room is a dump anyway.
>asking /britfeel/ for advice on getting fanny
>just tried eyeliner
lads this is the most amazing shit in the world, its literally a +1 to your aesthetics, no questions asked.
I did this once when I was 13
You should know better
Of course, it brings attention to your eyes and makes them stand out. It makes boring eyes look better and highlights pretty eyes
>no questions asked
Apart from all the people asking why you are wearing eyeliner
I have a question: why are you wearing eyeliner you bumder?
There's normies in here every day talking about girls. They can't all be larpers surely?
automatic +1 to avoid you
>GCSE results day on thursday
>remember getting a D in DT because I destroyed my coursework project in an autistic rage
arrrrrrrh big juicy black cocks
>GCSE results
You have to be 18 to post here. Come back when you've got some hair on your bollocks
Suck my juicy cock lad, what was it like getting a U in english?