k since no one will make an omegle thread
why are there so many cowards who wont show their face?
it makes your jealous tears all the more delish!
k since no one will make an omegle thread
why are there so many cowards who wont show their face?
it makes your jealous tears all the more delish!
y r there so many creepy people on what is this
also y did u skip me OP? do you not like girls?
I wear brown on the outside,
because I feel brown on the inside.
haha i love being in bed and checking the daily huffington post!
I wear blue on the outside because
i'mma put my fuckin blueballs down ur throat and choke u with them
come talk2me
no i wont talk first
fuck this guy. he skipped me when i was on the other day
kek i made her show tits
dubs gets tits
> see cute teeth girl
> get real nervous
> get bullied by cute teeth girl
> no idea what went wrong
Why is this my life? ;_;
haha btfo'd
Oh now my fellow brothers are roasting me.
When will Fan Man make a friend? Probably never.
she ugly. no thanks 4/10 face
discord users deserve it desu
fan man keeps skipping me. id be friends but he doesnt wanrt
nah, he gets bullied on here so don't expect him to talk to u user
You're just mad that I wont let you add me and be my qt girlfriend.
>yet you keep trying to talk to me whenever we connect
excuse me while I laugh at you
Is that zarr?
Only because you've been stalking me for the last six years and I want to expose you as a dingdong in front of the entire board. I bet you're a fembot and you just want me to breed you. Guess what? Not gonna happen captain.
So you admit trying to talk to me
you heard it here first guys, fanfag is being cucked by me
why does he get bullied?
small man syndrome
Since when is 5'6 ''small man syndrome''
how the fuck do you even know my height, you're clearly obsessed with me and have been stalking me. Maggot.
some dumb roastie doesn't know what impartial means
Haha, you little short manlet. When will you learn Fanlet I am the alpha roooler of this board. All the womens come to me and suck on my 42 inch mega cock. You ever skip me again Fanfag I'll find out where you live and twist your little manlet nipples, cuckold.
>faceposts while asking why nobody is on cam
gee, i dunno.
''5'6 isn't small man syndrome''
are you suggesting everyone's scared of me bc i'm on cam, user?
no i'm suggesting that you're fucking retarded actually
ah well, you sound upset, probably another blackcam who's afraid of me i guess
Who the fuck is posting a girl in here who isn't me? Pathetic. Come on my r9k discord server rn & i'll find out your i.p address and stalk you, find out your name and expose you, pos, you WILL give me attention.
post invite then faggot
not original
Faceposters killed these threads. 2-3 years ago they were very active.
Also thirsty faggots. If you see a female on r9k related tags and you don't instaskip her, you're probably part of the problem. The thirst problem is generalized and not specific to the r9k tag, though. The whole website is full of creepy old ass faggots (legit boomers) trying and failing to prey on girls.
reminder to skip the guys that ignore u if ur not female (shame them)
reminder to use r9k, omegler9k r9komegle etc tags
invite expired, can you post another
gasp! princess beast is finally on ^-^
it's not expired, you must have been kicked, hahahaha
why is she called princess beast user
me wants link me wants now
get an invite from one of your friends, fanlet.
kek jk you dont have any
i don't create the nicknames user
Want to say user, stay off the heroin forever.
got bored of princess beast, she liked talking about herself a bit too much
not to worry
Princess Yeast is here to take the mantle. uwu
I thought she was nice
oh woops, I meant the girl in your photo was nice, not whoever princess beast is
i agree. i am v nice.
it's dead tonight how pathetic
guys i got mad redpilled by this guy
Getting redpilled by someone on omegle
Have you considered the possibility that the strength of your convictions is exactly zero?
i dare say this but u are the funniest person on this board, please make more posts.
i was joking user he just started ranting conspiracy theories
Oh, kek
my bad anonoriginally
I wanna pat the cutie with the round glasses on head