What level are you on? I'm on level 7.
Women hate
>literally no option to treat them and all other human beings exactly the same
Imagine being weak enough to hate someone without knowing anything about them other than physical characteristics.
Level 5, the happiest level.
get the fuck out you fucking normie scum. we don't hate women because of their physical characteristics. we hate them because they're women
Wherever marrying an Asian girl is.
>listened to my twisted world audiobook
>We don't hate them because of their physical characteristics, we hate them because we assume things about them due to their physical characteristics despite knowing literally nothing about them
Yeah you sure showed me champ.
lol. i needed that
also choose level 5 to avoid level 4
>skyfairy shit
stopped reading there. I hate white whores as much as the next guy but fuck christcucks are unbearable.
kek made me laugh thanks op
>imagine being this much of a bluepilled cuck
you belong on reddit, nigger-kun
cinge and bluepilled
I use to be a Level 5, now that I have a gf I'm a level 2. Level 4 is inevitable, but I'm just so lonely. I still want to believe that my perfect fantasy girl exists irl. I want to love someone and have them love me back just as much. ;_;
why are you so upset kike lover?
Surprisingly level 4
I don't really hate women because i don't really interact with them to be able to hate them. I hate most men more than i hate women because it's men who are constantly trying to challenge you and flaunt their superiority over others. Women might silently judge you but if you don't go out of your way to bother them or make a huge fucking ass of yourself they won't even register you enough to judge you. People who complain about women all the time are just failed normies who are mad that they can't hold a relationship and keep getting cucked by Chad or that the hottest girl in class rejected them. True robots don't even ask anyone out because it's painfully obvious they'd get rejected.
beyond 8 bro I am the Thing Beyond
Between 3 and 4 to be honest.
I was about to type in my own sob story but damn you spoke well for me
Level 3. Haven't been traumatized enough by roasties to outright hate them but they are near all cunts in some form.
I hate men too but, for different reasons.
I hate women even more.
They really have no honor or integrity.
Ah nothing much I can say that hasn't been said already.
Christians are the reason why Minneapolis is full of Somali subhumans. Fuckin Lutherans
I want to say I'm a 6, but realistically I'm a 3.
Not a single person on the planet treats men and women the same. This idea of treating everyone equally is only brought up when a group is getting btfo and needs someone to cover for them.
7. I go out of my way to make women feel like shit now for them doing to the same to me first for years.
Level three, spot on. I only talk shit about women that I explicitly don't like though, if I like them or have no opinion then I don't really get to that point.
like, 3 or 4 my dude
The original and absolute state of white people
I was surprised by how much I fit in level 6, Eggmans blackpill series is kino.
This is comedy gold. Someone put these in an "infographic"
I remember the ranger shit. My old infantry friend was pissed about it and going on long ass rants in military groups about it
Basically this
The eggman shit doesn't fit into level 6 since he's a normalfag.
I am a living representation of level 7. Roasties unironically ruined my life and I wish they would all get Ted Bundy'd
Definitely on level 3, when can I ascended to another level my fellow robots?
It's all just made up by humans. You're a spiritual cuck if you just trust that the bible contains any truth about God.
level 5 take the 2d pill
Fuck this gay earth. There is no hope for any of us.
level 6 easily. level 7 happens naturally though. i cant come within 10ft of a female without them becoming uncomfortable i dont even say anything or make eye contact
OP did you make this?
2D pill is not about chasing traps it is about rejecting all 3D and being comfy with 2D as 2D looks better as you have rewired your brain by ONLY fapping to 2D for so long.
I dunno man, I'm not even a virgin or anything (have gotten lucky a handful of times, not a chad by any stretch) but I simply can't relate to 99% of the women i see whatsoever and i certainly don't respect them. Women are just really boring and really dumb, I guess I can only blame myself for internalizing feminism and taking it seriously and treating women equally to men and holding them to men's standards. It seems chads don't have this problem because they internally reject feminism and don't expect anything more from women.
I am level 5 2D pill. It is a comfy existence, would recommend.
my brother in arms user
Level 6 except banned from incels me
Oh yeah anyone who points out how ridiculous religion is must automatically be a fedora-tipping plebbitor.
Unironically neck yourself
2d is retarded cope. Literally worshipping an idol of a female knowing youll never be with one
I don't fit on this chart. I simply don't care about finding a girlfriend/wife. None of that shit matters.
>falling for the asian gf meme
>2d is retarded cope
but I have no interest in 3DPD it isnt a cope.
we are just enlightened.
I'm married, and yet I treat my women and all other women like shit. I beat my wife and call her a cunt, manipulate her, and act barely tolerable around the women in her family.
At work I act civil to the women who determine my job and always respond with absolute politeness and go out of my way to help them with work wherever I can. I think they're all lying whores and deserve the rope in private. I prefer 2D women and give my 2D wife the best treatment.
Where do I fit on this list? It's like a mix of 6, 5, and 4 but I'm not divorced.
>he didn't read the leaked manuscript on the day of the attacks
fucking pleb
If you have no problems with women you aren't ugly enough.
Women are heartless and despise anyone they see as lesser than them, and they will make it 100% clear.
Why do you think men hate you in the first place? Because the girls turn them against you.
They may deny it, but all men are thirsty as hell, and no matter how much they project their independence otherwise, they will subconciously suck up to women in hopes of getting laid. And girls will use that against you because they are evil, heartless, cruel monsters.