Suicide, how would you do it

I don't see myself getting any better and my living conditions are uncertain.

If it was possible, I'll purchase a double barrel shotgun and get 00 buckshot.
stuff if it in my mouth and pull the trigger, a nice Kurt Cobain cut.

How would you guys go?

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I wouldn't lol, fuck you

now see for insulting me the only way you're gonna leave this thread is in the inside of my trunk

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Strangulation, probably in my room, by hanging on a surface not too far from the ground. I'm aware that this is regarded as exceptionally painful, but I've been strangled before and I actually enjoy the initial feeling somewhat. Also it seems more fitting that I suffer in such a manner.
I'd probably wear some kind of a sack over my face to reduce the possibility of my parents seeing my face. That way I'd be able to have an open coffin funeral, etc.
Maybe I'd livestream it like Shauiby, and I wouldn't a bunch of faggots online to see my bloated face either.

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Stupid fucking idea. This asshole has clearly never committed suicide. I would cut my carotid artery probably. Or if you're feeling adventurous jump off a really tall building. Maybe during the walk up you'll change your mind

Work at an airport, just walk into an engine.

Alternatively I ride a motorcycle so death always looms.

>This asshole has clearly never committed suicide.
A... Are you joking?

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because i'm a romantic

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walking into an airplane engine is pretty brutal.
like woah.
I think there's a few pictures up there where all you see is broken rotors, bone fragments, and just a nice chopped up red paste.

I figured overdosing on Heroine is the most romantic way of dying, and usually the most pleasant way to go.

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It is brutal, but its over in an instant, no pain

nah, jumping is classic poetic angst move
overdosing on heroin is just a dime a dozen in 2018 america.

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I would neck myself from a nice height to make sure I break my neck. But I wouldn't kill myself I still have hope.

no one in this thread has done their suicidal homework

answer is simple, xanax and alcohol. everyones got 10$ for enough xanax to take you down mixed with any hard liqueur you can take from daddys beer cabnit

I think it depends on the context.
I consider hanging a fitting death for me because it's a criminal's death. The kind of death I'd deserve for even getting to such a point in my life that I'd need it.

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With OD's you're just another drug case. If you really want to make a statement, some part of your body must be obliterated in the process

>With OD's you're just another drug case.
This, pretty much.

the charcoal method sounds good to me but I'm waiting until my last shred of hope finally disappears

How did you learn about this way? I always figured it was slow and painful but I have toyed with it and if im not careful, I'll collapse after my visioon goes dark. I always figured such wouldnt work since all you have to do is stand up but thats not possible when you black out.

There is still a high rate of failure with xanax. Unless you can get your hands on barbiturates death by pills is hard to achieve. A large enough dose of heroin is easier to come by but still difficult for most robots because of our lack of social connections.

I did a number of martial arts that involved blood chokes.

>I always figured it was slow and painful but I have toyed with it and if im not careful, I'll collapse after my visioon goes dark.
You'll go out QUICK if it's done right, and at least initially it doesn't feel that bad.

>I always figured such wouldnt work since all you have to do is stand up
There's a video of some kid from Europe doing it successfully and it's not that hard to find. I'd suggest modelling it after him.

>livestream jumping off a building
I would watch it.

Its so simple, pain free and easy. Do you think the reason it isnt mentioned a lot is because people try to keep it under wraps since literally anyone could do it on a whim?

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nice clown.
what crime have you committed?
all I've ever done seriously enough is sell drugs and purchase them.
spent a good few years during highschool that the DEA would bust down my door.

I wouldn't have it any other way, an "accidental" death like falling on the train tracks or an overdose sounds alright.

man they found her body pretty quickly, there's some pictures where they are just a bloated mess and they are hanging only by a thin stretched out neck all but ready to be decapitated by gravity/weight alone.

>Its so simple, pain free and easy.
It's not pain free and is often not successful. I've only come close to blacking out, so I can only tell you what it feels like at that point, and if you're using a taught noose or garrote it will feel significantly different.

>Do you think the reason it isnt mentioned a lot is because people try to keep it under wraps since literally anyone could do it on a whim?
I don't know what you're talking about. People kill themselves by hanging all the time. I knew a chad who hung himself in his exes' back lawn irl.

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Exit bag. Put on nice music. No mess no hassle. Just an end to the sadness.

>what crime have you committed?
The crime of suicide, and whatever would bring me to the point to commit suicide.
Most recently it was trusting my best friend to help my girlfriend with her depression while I worked without cucking me.

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also I forgot to mention that hanging or choking isn't pain free.
not in the slightest, I tried doing the doorknob hanging.
the pain alone made me struggle enough to break my doorknob (and the flimsy wooden door)
eye's were burning and my neck was sore as heck, had to cover my neck for a few weeks due to the marks
perhaps I failed on the noose.

pic related

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I hope you tie up those loose ends before going off yourself.

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I'll probably down a bunch of antidepressants but if I don't have the balls I'll just drink and smoke until that does the trick.

ive done it to the point of blacking out probably a hundred times and never felt any pain. felt weird feelings though, had a few seizures and such.

I did. I got a hotter girlfriend and new friends, and I've succeeded in other avenues, so I decided against it, but the possibility remains.

You're not really supposed to be hanging from it like with your full weight, it's just supposed to be enough pressure to compress your carotid arteries, you pass out in like 20 seconds and die if no one interrupts.

Well, did you get cucked?

>best friend

fucking normie

Heroin for sure

If i could choose my capital punishment it ought to be death by hanging. there's just something about a man's body hanging by the neck

I also plan to use gunfire. 9mm through the roof of my mouth, simultaneous with a 45 through my temple. It's optimal compared to a double-barreled shotgun, but I don't have a boomstick lying around. I do however have convenient access to two handguns.
Guys, Anons have figured out the secret to pain-free asphyxiation suicide. You've gotta make yourself really light-headed by fucking up your blood circulation to your brain first, so once you start hanging you pass out too rapidly to feel shit.

What you do is, you stand with your head between your knees for a while, then quickly straighten up, slip the noose on, and drop. It's a variant of a game dumbass kids used to play to get high. You can field-test it by making yourself light-headed through positioning, and then when you straighten jam the edges of your hands against your carotid and jugular to shut off blood flow to the brain. You should go unconscious in short order; make sure you have something soft to fall on as you experiment. It should give you a baseline of how quickly you lose sensation and black out, the same dynamics will apply with a rope.

An user on Jow Forums was detailing this a few months back, but he suddenly stopped posting about this lifehack...deathhack, a while ago. Presumably he killed himself.

*not optimal compared to a double-barrelled shotgun.

>Well, did you get cucked?
Yeah, I got cucked. I figured I implied that.

>fucking normie
I was among many Chad circles and proved superior to chads in certain physical capacities. I've been, and still continue to be in both circles to a certain extent.
The possibility of suicide remains and perhaps is more likely, because I've experienced more in life than I did before.

I'd still probably do it all at once. Again, like a criminal.

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>I do however have convenient access to two handguns.
>simultaneous with a 45 through my temple
Pretty similiar to Elliot Rodger, my boi

if you are using small arms, don't aim for the roof of the mouth.

line up the pistol where it will hit the brain stem of your brain, make sure you use a semi good caliber.
the 45 sounds nice enough.

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at least you have good taste in 2D goth girls