In my ass: brown dry erase marker?

Am I the only one who has this problem?

When I shit, I shit big. It’s satisfying, and I feel empty afterwards (literally not figuratively). But no matter how much I wipe, the toilet paper continues to have brown on it. Like there’s a brown marker up my ass.

It feels like all the shit has left my butt, but there’s an infinitely regenerating layer of poo that I can’t wipe away.

What gives? I eat a ton of protein in various forms, have a balanced diet, track my macros, and eat enough fiber.

Am I the only one? I’m tired of wiping my ass endlessly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>infinitely regenerating layer of poo
damn son, maybe you want to go see a doctor and not a tibetan sport fishing forum

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lick toilet paper

Water is essential for cleaning your asshole. Ideal is blasting it with the shower head but at the very least you should be using wet wipes.

I get so mad at that shit. I just say fuck it and take a quick shower if I'm able to.

Wet wipes

Shave your butt
Thank me later

I highly recommend the "step and go" toilet stool for shitting posture
As well as a sugar-free fiber supplement, my grocery store brand has one that's completely clear, no gritty taste or orange flavor
Also stop drinking and nicotine
I barely have to wipe on that regimen

I hate this shit
>wipe ass with dry toilet paper
>white as the drifting snow

>wipe ass with wet wipe/wet toilet paper
>more shit on paper than the original poop

I used to have this until I started washing my asshole in the shower.

it's parasites
use turpentine and Castro Oil

Attached: SFD vagworm.png (500x830, 222K)

you shouldn't eat brown crayon

what? why? how?

>he doesn’t have a bidet in his bathroom
Yikes and cringepilled

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it also work for children


Or try Kerozene if you quick result, you do not even need to go shit after a cure

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Bidet attachment or hop in the shower after taking a dump.
For the love of what's good and holy, please DO NOT follow this guy's advice.

You still have poo in your rectum and the TP keeps touching it. Whether it is a little or a lot I guess idk you just gotta shit the rest out or idk what to tell you

I get this too. Holy fuck is it worms? What do I do now?

Just take Metamucil. Works wonders for fags who need good bowel movements to be fuckable.

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Gay dude here. This is an issue in the Jow Forums gay community, but it’s easily resolved. It’s a result of liquid protein intake at high volumes. If you’re eating enough fiber but unwilling to stop drinking protein shakes, all you can do at this point is:

>enema once every couple of days.
>stick your finger up your ass and hook the ghost shit out of your rectum, then wipe a couple more times.

If your uncomfortable with #2, put a condom on your finger. Remember to wash your hands vigorously.

Do this and you won’t have to worry about sucking your own shit off your partner’s dick. Works wonders.

Take a Psyllium husk supplement.

I have a similar problem, sometimes my shit SMELLS like a dry erase marker. That can't be healthy/normal, right?

Being a fag sounds like way too much work.

Amonia. Your body is digesting amino acids, because you’re not giving yourself enough carbs to maintain your cardio. Stop cardio or eat more carbs.

If I do #2 can I go to the same store weekly and keep buying condoms so the cute clerk thinks I'm getting pussy on the daily?

>mfw my sink is arms distance from my toilet so I can put some water on my TP instead of spending thousands of dollars on wet wipes throughout my life

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>DO NOT follow this guy's advice
Why not
Isn't having a shitload of ass hair uncomfortable or something


Can we shave our hairy asses mister gay man?

That one user above says it’s bad for us? But I can’t see how

Wet toilet paper feels disgusting.

Pic related
Heed the advice user

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I think I've read this before. What about trimming or some shit?

You work with what life gives you.

>what life gives you
>decides to be gay

I know, right? Anyone can be gay. My life gave me sisters, so I decided to be a siscon.

That’s not how it works.

I know it's not a good as a cock up your ass but I'm sure you'll get used to it

Wash your ass with a jet of water after shit.

Nice projection.

thats part of her insides


Same user, I just dab a little bit of water on the paper and wipe then try and finish with dry but sometimes I give up and there will be a smudge of shit on my anus all day