Are there any good programs focused on general health and athleticism that make you go to the gym every other day or...

Are there any good programs focused on general health and athleticism that make you go to the gym every other day or three times a week?

I enjoy going to the gym, but I don't want to go every day because I also like to go running, hiking, swimming or do Yoga. Most programs make you go 4, 5 or 6 times a week and that is too much for my taste.

Any pointers are appreciated.

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You already excercise for general health and athleticism outside of the gym op. What you want to sprint faster/jump higher/pull heavier/push heavier? Then go lift weights for muscle strength.

Don't know but here's more clint

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What I mean by that is that I don't want to focus on powerlifting or something like that. I just want to be healthy and fit overall, and that includes weight training. But I'm not sure which program is suitable, because most seem to be centered around only going to the gym and not doing anything else.

I lift heavy every other day and do sprints and bike in between alternating.
Well here's something you can do every other day increasing the weight by 5lbs every workout until you stall. Start with just the barbell.
Squat 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Deadlift 3x5
Barbell row 3x5 alternate every workout with OHP 3x5
Do whatever you want on your days off, even on days you lift feel free to do some activities.

Look into full-body, three times a week routines - something like Greyskull LP maybe.

I thought SS and SL were just for beginners. I did this almost 5 years ago.

Guess what I'm doing here.

Modified 531 to fit into 3 or even 2 days. It's all in the book. Go buy it so Jim can bulk harder this winter.

The way you asked your original question makes me think you are a beginner. If you have been lifting for five years and can't program I don't know what to tell you user. What do you ohp/bench/squat/deadlift?

Great, now this thread is about me having to prove my lifting credentials instead of getting recommendations for programs. Apparently all Jow Forums is good for now is brap-threads, lifting for hitler and complaining about women.

Just be honest so I can see we're you are in the intermediate stage or possibly advanced.

If you go back and read old-school lifting stuff general 'health and fitness' programs are similar to those old school York posters you may or may not have seen (pic attached). Basically they're routines of 20 minutes 3xweek where you do 10-15 exercises (primarily large compounds) for 1 set of 8-15 reps and progress by increasing weight once 15 reps feels easy. This may be a solution for you.

As you're training for health and enjoyment, there's nothing wrong with turning up 3xweek and having fun without a clear goal. Mess about on the machines, do an hour of cardio on the rowing machine if the desire takes you, see how far you can get up the DB rack snatching, ditch it completely and do a yoga class so you can stare at the girl's arses. Just do something and make sure to push yourself. You are even likely to find that you'll look better at the end of a year than nerds from here who have spent the same time strictly programming powerlifting routines.

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Also height and weight


To finish, and if you want a structured routine, I have found the Dorian Yates program attached here to be the best 3xweek program I have ever done for enjoyment and muscle building. The 3 sets are 75% of max/Max/90% of max, 4= 50/75/m/90, 2= 75/m. If you pay attention while doing the routine it will teach you very nearly everything about lifting that you need to know.

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I have a buddy who does this, he enjoys it but he is not goal oriented. I am goal oriented so it is difficult for me to find that motivation with my limited time. Still a good suggestion though.

I totally hate just fucking around without a plan. Also 20 minutes is way too little lifting. 60-90 minutes would be more to my liking.

just so you know Clint used to lift on the daily (with moderate intensity, though)

5/3/1, juggernaut, SS if noob

>running, hiking,

Literally go do jogging/sprint intervalls, find some place with a horizontal bar and do some pullups, pushups, legraises, etc. Don't eat like a retard and do this consistently, congratz you're now healthy for all intents and purposes.

i didnt realize clint was such a monster. he always seemed so lean in the skeddi westerns

>he doesnt hike
>he doesnt even run

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