It is exaclty 12:00am here, that means I am 18, I can post here now and there is nothing boomer mods can do about it.
Zoomer master race thread.
It is exaclty 12:00am here, that means I am 18, I can post here now and there is nothing boomer mods can do about it.
Zoomer master race thread.
little zoomer shit die
but then you're legally a newfag.
>exaclty 12:00am
You mean your whore of a mother shat you out at exactly that time? Bet you're still a few hours underage still.
yeah yeah gramps, go to bed now, don't forget to take your pills.
>t. 19 yo zoomers
I'm 28 actually, not like it matters once you reach your mid 20's. Bet you fucks don't even remember columbine or 9/11 being live on the news.
Here are instructions for newfags.
im just fucking around im 27 but who cares if little kids use this site
>I actually have been posting since 2015
Im 21, that was a lyric from The Coup.
Side note, Sorry To Bother You is one of the great anti-capitalist works of our time
I do because its like being in a room full of people my sisters age.
>he thinks 2015 isn't post-newfag era
Happy birthday though, user.
Happy birthday. I hope one day you won't feel the need to visit this board.
you are late officers, 3 years late.
Well, yeah but to be fair the only way I wouldn't be a newfag is if I had started lurking when I was 8.
In 3 months and a few days, people born in 2001 will be able to post on Jow Forums
>people born after 9/11 will soon start posting here
Post lewd pics of your sister
>>praise papa nergal
You do know zoomer is some sort of bronie rip off
3+ years of lurking is a bit much to ask
>laying in bed
>feeling bad about current life situation
>all the shit ive put my self into
>current worst is court/mental health counselor/being sued for 500,000 bugerbucks
>would do anything to have it be my 18th birthday again
>thinking that thought again while in bed
>see this thread
>take it as a sign
>i hope good things are in my way
>Post lewd pics of your sister
How was that original on r9k?
Anyway, do what that user said and post lewds of your sister.
pic unrelated
>he thinks that anywhere after 2006 isnt newfag era