By popular demand two designated shitposters (Australians) are allowed to post in this one.

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Winston Peters is the best politician and if you voted for Labour you are a disgusting commie.

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ehy bru got some fesh n chipz bru?
fuck off /nz/ this is a /ausfeels/ thread NOW.

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You guys will never know if I'm /aus/ or /nz/

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Fuck off
Nobody cares either way

what city?


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aww fuck of bruu it's a /nz/ thread
yeah nah fuck off poof it's our thread now

NZFirst aligned with Labour to form this government you dumb cunt.

This country sucks. Just filled with binge drinkers and potheads.

so true. live in christchurch, nothing to do.
everyone stays at home, drinks and gets high

>Literally conceded to all of Labour's commie policies
>Done nothing on immigration
I'm never voting for them again

>best politician

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>tfw its the same in Hamilton and Palmy as well

There's really just not a great deal to do in country. Even tramping gets stale after a while.

aight, thanks mate.
bruce here reporting for shit post duty.

What you fellas been up to?
I spent the day fapping to tentacle doujins and collecting my cum in a bottle for the R9K cum race.
im representing my country.

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how full is the bottle

Ive done a piss poor effort and even missed some of my nuts, im doing bad mate.

here you can join if you want.
Just register with gunjy a trip code to be offical cum racer
>you can watch or participate. 13 days to go

Hello lads. What's for dinner tonight?

dude you nearly had magic numbers mate

Yeah. Bummer.

im goin for the get
I love Megumin

hello anyone wanna race me up one tree hill right now

any wellyfag?

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hello ed is that u

Who here comfy in bed?

you, i bet haha
hope you're comfy, user, stay warm :)

I am indeed. Thanks, wish I had a cute girl to cuddle with in here I will never get to experience this feel. :(

wow dont make it weird

nelson fag reporting in

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Hi I want friends in Auckland. CBD area. I'm a guy so don't add me if you're looking to get laid. I like anime, single player RPGs and shit. If you can sell me drugs that's cool too.

email me if you're interested

[email protected]

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Your country is a bunch of maori degenerates

t. American