When did you become NEET and why?

when did you become NEET and why?

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Autism and the natural progression of things.

Fuck that's me.

Surely unoriginal.

finished highschool and almost failed the last class
had a depresiv phase afterwards and family issues so i just stayed at home and mom got all the money i guarded he house

Truly the natural progression of things is an interesting subject.

>Help pay for niggers by wage slaving
Will be a neet till we get a entho state

whats NEET again?
new fag of about six months here.

lurk moar newfag. summer just ended shoo.

After I entered a independent studies highschool, no longer had any people to talk to and went downhill from there

Lurk 2 years before posting. What has happened to this board

not only are you a newfag but also a moron
google > neet
wow that was hard

shut the fuck up and lurk moar fagotron

After I graduated from high school. Reasons? I just don't find anything amusing me other than vidya and PC

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They kicked me from high first year and after changing school several times my mom said whatever.
Im just uncompatible with this world.

my epically superior genetics and the slow decomposition of my brain

This is you 10 years later.

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autistic and Jewish, rich Jew is a meme

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Is the unfunny smug wojak user 30? I think I'll keep posting comfy pepes when I'm 30, unlike your autistic ass.

death is preferable to full time wageslavery. if you live a very simple life, earning enough on the side isn't hard

How do I earn simple side cash fuck I hate goyim

2008 happened. It was almost Depression era unemployment levels in the Detroit area. I saw business with business shut down and closed.

i broke down pretty early on like around 6th or 7th grade, spent alot of time alone watching discovery channel and nat geo documentaries back then those channels actually had interesting stuff about nature, space, technology and well brainiac. Those things affected me alot for some reason created a feeling of dread and hopelessness early on, something about endless meaningless space and time, the inner machinations of society and our degenerate biological existence really affects the young mind. now it feels like ive thought of everything i can think of and my thought lines are now just repeating over and over and over again. I fail to act on anything because i see no reason for it i see the end of my action before i even start it and suddenly find it uninteresting to act at all. also i fear opening doors and walking on a certain path because it closes off so many other doors and paths. i dont think im even on a path just darkness empty space with no light nomatter where i look. In the end im just a coward and probably autistic since i was affected by all of this so much.

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I'm officially not a neet but technically am. I don't go school even though I'm supposed to. And I also plan on killing myself, so I don't want to do school or work in my last year.

>why do your parents allow you to be a man baby?

2015, I just finished HS and completely failed at college and it was too expensive here in NL anyway. Don't regret it in the slightest, I've seen what money did to my father.

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Wow 6 fucking months how do you not know what a neet is?


Now 23 and kind of volunteering now, been a roller coaster

Around age 17-18 i realised i was basically going to spend time earning money for the sake of it since i would never have a gf or a family or something.
So i just droppes everything since i didnt need the money

TFW your a wagie slavie roastie tastie.

who only makes 200k,

TFW you wake up at 5 50 am to play games and excercise by running around

tfw you leave for work at 7:40 and drive a whole 2 miles which takes 5 minutes to ge tto work.

TFW you have to get off work at 4 20 pm, and have to spend a GRUELING 2 minutes drive back home.

JUST FUCKING END IT!!!!!!!!! i have no debt or college degree or normie raostie whore friends


what good is ownling a house, or land REEEEEE!!!

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After HS and my compulsary community service at an hospital, it was the logical and natural consequence of my life (includes genes, environment I grew up in, experience and the decisions I made/didn't make).

Fast forward almost 12 years later, NEET life is already the maximum best outcome for me.
It only can get worse.

I was the best at school and at uni classes.
Then I did Lasik two years ago, ruined my dim light vision and I am completely depressed ever since.
Doing nothing else than browsing the web all day long on a monitor adjusted to maximum brightness (so that my pupils shrink, which makes my vision a lot better)
looks like I was on a really good path..but one wrong decision and it all went to hell

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>Graduate HS with no plan
>Autistic and depressed
>Over 2 years now and it looks like it's just gonna continue

I apply for entry level jobs that I think would fit me but I always get rejected because no experience

You are similar to me except HS was 4 years ago for me. I don't want to discourage you from getting a job (I don't have one either) but after a long enough period of time not leaving your house you become too retarded to even get a job.

I'm pretty sure I got a temporary retail job one time out of pity, they fired me 2 weeks later because I was "slow and i don't seem to know what i'm doing". Goodluck... i think

>tfw got injured at work
>not really sore but unable to do my job
>tfw it's my dad's job
>he told me I can't work due to legal reasons
>tfw got about 4 months of cozy NEET-dom on sick leave so I have cash anyway

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mum got me fired and I started selling drugs to buy food, after a few years I got busted and became a NEET.
im a hikki NEET loser now I graduated, fuck im pathetic

9 years ago now. when i was a teen my mom and stepdad grounded me a lot, for months at a time, and i wasn't allowed to leave my room except for use of the bathroom, to eat, and to go to school

my mom was also over protective and didn't want me having a job at 16. when i graduated i thought i was too dumb for college so i just ended up doing nothing. because of how much i was forced to stay in my room i don't like leaving it now.

It's been over a year now. Being a NEET was always part of the plan. I lived small, worked a high paying job, and now I can coast for a long while, possibly forever.

I burned out on school before I even finished high school, so when I inevitably crashed and burned in college I just stopped trying and found a way to get autism bucks.
I didn't consider reintegration or some other form of income until only recently, but now I'm somewhat trapped.

I miss my NEET days so much :(

Was dating a girl for 2 months and git her pregnant accidentally. She wanted to keep the baby so broke up with me and applied for child support. As long as I stay below the poverty line, I don't have to pay her shit. (She gets $30,000 a year from the government). Take that you bitch

I'm 37 and I have worked for about 20 months in my whole life. I'm not lazy, I just hate working for other people and loathe dealing with customers and that's like 90% of the job market. My only options are dead end wageslaving jobs. I just made a wrong decision and got an unsuitable degree and now I can't get a job I like. I got a job 3 weeks ago and I'm already thinking about quitting, which I'll definitely do in less than a year. I'm just not made for wageslaving. I don't know how people do it.

I hated school so much that after I graduated I said I would never go to college. I thought I would do nothing for just 1 year and then decide what to do with my life. That 1 years ended up turning into 12. My parents are pressuring me to get a job though, my dad even though I could work at a broom factory that his friend has. Just thinking about working a dead end job with a bunch of normalfags makes me anxious, I don't know if I can take it. I'll probably try to study something online just to buy more time and not have to work a while longer

Aren't you concerned with how the kid is going to turn out, under the "guidance" of a single mother, especially if it's a boy?

I feel like I'd end up depressed and dejected as a NEET but at the same time I have zero ambition and no interest in any sort of work with a half-decent job market
am I just doomed for life basically?

You should definitely take up on that offer, it's basically lined up on a tray. You can earn some cash (and something is better than nothing, even if it isn't too much), just take it upon yourself and you'll see you can make it. Just a few months, if you don't like it you don't have to stay there forever. It would also help you get more accustomed to people, which isn't a bad thing. In the freetime you could be actively searching for something better and study/work on something useful.

Don't make a mistake man, you've already wasted 12 years, don't make it another 12. Go do it.

Of course I am, but what am I supposed to do? Spend thousands of dollars on lawyers in the vague hope of getting custody, despite literally 90% of custody cases goes to the woman?

I figure I might as well cut my losses, at least only one life will be ruined that way.

I quit my full time job after 3 years because, one, I hated it there, and two, the work gave me contact dermatitis on my hands. Which made basic life tasks very painful. I've been NEET for nearly a year, hands fully recovered, but no ambition to find another job

5 years ago
In short, I'm a born failure. I'm too stupid for smart jobs, too out of shape for physical jobs, and not clever enough for meme shit like crypto or drop-shipping.

NEET life is really the best outcome for me until they probably drop the whole system and I kill myself.

Was it a psychological thing or did you deal with chemicals?

I just gave up, I've been a NEET for over six years now and I'm 23 years old, I don't know if I can escape this.

17, finished school, never got up to much after that

I was a neet from 16-23

I dropped out of high school and had no motivation to do anything. So I did nothing. If I could go back I would continue my education for sure. But I don't think about it much anymore, I've wasted enough time on regret.

Brotherman bill told me to.

Im mentally fucked and couldn't hold a job if I tried. It wasn't really by choice. Actually, I hate it. It's lonely, boring, and feels like living in purgatory.
Having no money, friends, and a distant family that seems to be waiting for me to kill myself


>Because I've got the income and neetbux to make it work
>I hate people
>and I love spending my time getting high and playing vidya in peace.

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>finish high school (or rather the eu equivalent)
>become a neet
>get first job year later
>quit after 3 months
>neet status
>get another job ~2 years later
>after 6 months your contract ended and they didn't want you anymore
>neet again
>get another job ~2 years later
>quit after one year because it's too much stress, too much normies and you have to suck customers dick and act like beta faggot
it's been over a year since then and i just sit in my room and shitpost. I've got no hobbies, nothing to do and no will or energy to do anything

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>Be 17
>Drop out of highschool because of autism and bipolar mixed with bad family life.
>Be 18
>Get GED
>Be 19
>Go into trade school to work on computers then flunk out because of autism, bipolar and bad family life.
>Get job remodeling shitty houses and doing forest management stuff.
>Be 20 lose job because of autism, bipolar, and a healthy dose of alcoholism
>Be 21
>Live with parents again and unable to hold down job.
>Hope I can get back into the workforce but I may have to get disability.

I almost forgot to add. Don't be like me. It's better to get mental health care sooner rather than later. If you keep brushing your problems under the rug and trying to hide from them they will only get worse and they will ruin your life like they did mine. Get off Jow Forums and don't come back until you're getting therapy and have some grounding in life.

3-4 weeks ago
got a dui and lost my job

I wagecucked for a year as a temp at a bank, it was great pay for data entry but the job eventually got automated. I loved that job (well not really but it was easy and stress free) and I doubt I'll get anything like it again.

At 31 I'm doing better guys. A lot of problems since childhood but lately I have been on a possitive stride. You can do it too but you have to make changes. I still live with mom and I'm from the third world but it can be done.

Yeah, pure Wojak is best Wojak.

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It was my lifelong dream. It was very easy to do.

18 to 21 yo now just working with the min wage not paying my mom bills i have some savings but its not too much too start alone by now.

I just want to enjoy my life

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I'm a NEET because I have zero ambitions, am extremely lazy and dislike work and school, and the only things that have ever made me happy are TV, anime, video games, and junk food. Also I feel zero guilt about leeching off the government or my family.

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NEET = Not in Education, Employment, or Training
Someone who refuses to be shackled by wage slavery.

Not to mention how much of my freedom I will lose, I really don't want to be some rich fag's buttmonkey. They will throw me away just as soon as I'm no longer needed to them. I don't want to support them. I think the only way to have self-respect is self-employment so I hope I can figure something out.

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This except 2 years ago

You know those 25+ threads? That's gonna be you in 2 short years. If you don't have it somewhat together by then, you're fucked for good. Time to get moving, bucko.

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meant for

I know, I plan getting a GED and going to CC.

2 years ago after failing college because i was too lazy to even show up in class. NEET life is the best thing that ever happened to me but it all ends in about a month when i finally start to work for a shitty loan just so i can continue being a NEET in the future.

Make sure you take something you can actually get a job in; you don't have time to fuck around with a useless degree. If you want some other options there's also trade-school or the military.

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Is it leeching if you're an only child? I mean eventually you would it get via inheritance anyway.