Sucidal thoughts

I just want some postive affirmations please...
I know how toxic this place is but it would still be nice for postive thoughts.

Attached: u-g-F86EH50.jpg (361x550, 22K)

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think about kots

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think about all the pain and suffering happening this very second to millions upon millions of people and animals alike, all the dying children, all the women being raped to death, all the cats being bashed with rocks, all the abductions and murders and war and famine and genocide and lies and toxicity throughout humankind. That cat you posted is most likely dead already, Have a great day,

and blankets straight from a dryer

4 7 6 43 2 4 4based redditor braap 69

Thanks that helped.
Am not sad

That picture put a smile on my face.

do u have a cat or a dog?

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Doggo m8

be careful not to cut yourself on that edge you faggot

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Appreciation of positivity is a rad trait. I like you for that alone.

Those moments between thoughts are what get me through these times. Our father's father's had hand crafts to get them through the bad times. The Internet seems to preclude the development of that kind of hobby, especially among the depressed and especially among those who find themselves in this corner of the internet. I'm not doing well myself currently. That's why I'm here hehe. But I hope that wherever you are, you can get some rest tonight.

well I hope you understand that you are pretty much all your dog has if you're living by yourself

Ok. I guess I'll have to do what needs to be done.

>When I die, fuck it, I wanna go to hell 'cause I'm a piece of shit, it ain't hard to fuckin' tell
>It don't make sense, goin' to heaven with the goodie-goodies dressed in white, I like black Tims and black hoodies

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>he thinks reality is edge


dearth march killl me

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These always make me feel better

Even though things are bad, you still have that essential magic in you which makes all good things possible. Because you're here and you're alive, love is possible. Kindness and compassion are things you can create in this world.

>essential magic

Literally what

He's a wizard you normie

Not gonna lie some of these things you guys said shows me that their is still hope in this broken society. Espically the one that said i just need my doggo.

Your sentience, your self-aware being. You ARE the magic, user!

And? Most animals on this planet are sentient in some capacity, it's nothing exclusive to me as an individual or to us as humans

If you have to think about it, you'll never understand. Everyone stops thinking one day, though.