What's your saddest memory involving video games? I'll start

What's your saddest memory involving video games? I'll start.

>be me
>Super Smash Bros Brawl for Nintendo Wii just came out
>First game I ever pre ordered
>had to go to lame ass birthday party before i could go pick it up
>ate hella spicy chicken wings while there
>get game
>go home
>My cat (pretty much my only friend at that point in my life) was limping when i got home, he was old so probably why
>didn't think much about it just wanted to play smash
>hours pass im almost done with the story mode
>My mom yells for me to come downstairs
>My cat is dying
>I go up to his bed to pay my final respects
>he grabs my hand with both of his paws and gives me one last meow
>I alater had chronic diarrhea because of the chicken wings I ate

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>invest hundreds of hours into game
>hundreds of dollars too if it has micro transactions
>end up feeling hollow and like I have wasted so much time playing
>realize that all Ive done is rearrange some ones and zeros in a hard drive
>want to quit but would feel like it would make the time and money I spent on the game an even bigger waste.

Has happened many times, I just keep finding new games to fool myself with, maybe one day I will find the one that gives me the satisfaction and peace of mind I desire

>high school gf breaks up with me
>only dated like a month but I got super fucking attached
>a couple months go on
>I get super creepy, vagueposting and sending her weird messages
>she retaliates via angry vagueposts about me
>mom takes my phone for a week for unrelated reasons
>on browser on PS3
>see that she messaged me finally
>tells me if I try to contact her again shell fucking kill me
>put in Saints Row 3 (my obsession at the time)
>go up to the top of the penthouse
>jump off
>stare blankly as I watch my avatar fall to his death
>wish that it were me

Not really sad I guess, but I felt like I had to re-live that.

thank you, OP, you made me kek

That would be the countless of times both of my parents fought, and I used videogames to ignore my reality.
No matter how shit school or my home was, fantasy always would welcome me.

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>Be me 16
>High School Jr.
>Make friends with local autists at skewl
>All they do is play CSGO
>Decide it would be a good idea to introduce them to League of Legends because of similar competitive market
>They instantly become addicted
>Literally is all they do in their free time now
>Game starts to take over their Lives
>They start playing with randoms more
>Think maybe if I introduce them to smoking weed, they'll be less of losers, and start hanging out more
>mfw it turns them into even bigger losers
>Now all they do it get high and play League of Legends
>Friends won't even leave the house anymore, except to get weed.
>One friend meets a girl on League of Legends
>drives 10 hours to her house
>Knocks her up
>Drops out of Medical School
>is now working full time at a paper printing factory in Missouri
>Mfw I unintentionally ruined my friends entire Life

What about H E X A D E X I M A L ?

>be 8
>playing sonic adventure 2 battle
>raised chao with sister for literal hours
>every time a chao would die we would flip shit
>one day the memory card currupts
>the save data on the card displays a little picture that is just a random garbled mess where the chai should be
>worst day ever

>fast forward 4 years
>get action replay and be a god of chao and stop giving a fuck

I (boy) was molested by an older friend (boy) while we played Wind Waker :/

It's not like you forced him to fugg without a condom. Feel good about yourself.

>be 12 years old
>playing the first Gears of War on xbox 360
>damn good at it for some reason
>find out about these mlg online tournaments
>go on forums to this website find a team looking for a 4th member
>tryout in a few scrims they're all older then me one goes to NYU one is like 20 something eyar old guy
>after a few matches they realize im a beast and accept me on squad we pay the entry fee for the tournament
>80 teams competing for like 2k teams
>we get pretty far into the tournament the game that would put is in final 8 we lose
>team disbands never got another good enough team mom wouldnt let me go to the actual events
>team that knocked us out of the tournament goes on to win the first ever in person MLG lan
>LGD red
>remember playing against LGD fiberoptics and he destroyed us in that online match with his insane sniper


>little to no close friends my entire life
>no social media either so always missing out
>final year of school, exams coming soon
>turn 18 one day
>a few people know
>nobody cares
>come home late because studying for exams
>get on computer in dark room
>MGSV came out recently, really want to get it but no money
>look up non-spoiler cutscenes on youtube
>notice there's a birthday cutscene
>watch kaz and friends wheel out the cake for boss
>mfw I sat at home by myself watching the birthday cutscene in MGSV
>mfw nobody cared about my 18th birthday except virtual characters in a videogame
>happy birthday boss

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bump for more! good thread

>be me
>age 20-24
>Not into video games
>working out all the time, have to go to college
>have to go to work
>occasionally meetup with friends
>my younger brother would play video games maybe all day after school since he had no job or anything else to do
>I walk by his room and not judge him but say man why are you playing video games all day
>At the time i didn't understand at all
>Evenuntually I got sucked into online video games
>stopped working out, sucked my life into video games
>Than found Jow Forums, than got sucked into depression from the redpill
>stopped playing video games a few months ago, trying to get my life back to my old self
>I used to read a lot of books btw, and now i finish one book a month

>be me
>go to really small tech school for tech nerds
>have just lost a ton of weight and learned how to dress so my confidence is super high
>the school is almost all guys
>in our year there are 2 girls
>meet one at a get together with all the nerds
>she is really flirty with me
>I flirt back and we end up making out that night
>fast forward 3 months and she spends the night at my apartment every other night, sometimes for 3 days at a time
>she is straight up like tomoko, she can't make friends and would rather play dating sims on her ds
>we hang out in my bed and I play games on my vita/laptop and she plays games on her ds
>One day she gets me to play ghost trick (which is an amazing game) on her ds
>I have tons of memories of her and of playing videogames with her
>eventually she moves to another state to go to a different tech school
>we try the long distance thing and it's not working
>we both are horny and want to fuck people
>I suggest we try an open relationship, but we have to tell each other about anyone we're going to see and that we have to make sure the other person is comfortable with it and if at any point either of us becomes uncomfortable we'll stop
>she agrees
>I meet a guy who is really attractive and really into me
>I tell her about him and send her pictures of him
>she gives me the go ahead and I start fooling around with this guy
>it lasts maybe two months
>fast forward 3 months to december of that year
>I am talking to her at the beginning of the month and she's being shady and dodgy, I could tell somethings up so I basically demand she tell me what she's up to
>She then says that there is a couple she would like to see and have sex with
>I say ok, well tell me about them where are they how did you meet them, what do they look like
>she gets really fucking dodgy about this
>eventually find out they're two states over form where she is
>she wants to stay with them for two weeks
>she has already bought a five hundred dollar train ticket


>she basically says she's going and she hopes I'm ok with it
>I tell if I had demanded she not go she would have done one of two things, either a) gone anyway and lied or b)been heartbroken and held it against me
>so she goes and has a bunch of crazy fucking sex with these people
>it's christmas eve and I'm alone in my apartment because all my roommates have gone back to their families but I have no family
>I call her because I was having a depressive episode and I was freaking out
>She answers the phone and is all bothered and distant the whole time
>I could tell she just wanted to go fuck these people more
>Once she was back home we got into a couple huge fights about it and it basically ended our relationship

>gears 3 is coming out, very excited
>play beta, can't wait for release
>game gets delayed, bummed but still excited
>finally get the game
>move houses like the next day and have no internet
>miss out on mp, horde, beast, 4 player coop campaign with my buddies because I had no internet for several months
>finally get internet
>buddies stopped playing
>mp numbers dropped significantly
>tfw never got to truly experience the best game in my favourite franchise

How do two people play Wind Waker? Bullshit.

>knowing i'll never experince the first time beauty and fun of Fallout New Vegas as a child
>200 hours on a shitty old laptop with afterglow xbox 360 controller
>Those were the days, i miss :(

>friend overwrites your pokemon save

>playing ds
>about to capture Lugia in HG
>"friend" leans over and pops the game card out the back

Needlessly to say, we don't speak any more.

>play doki doki literature club
>fell in love with sayori
>convinced her i that i love her
>found she's dead
>bruised/bloody hands
>she tried to get out but it's too late

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>playing final fantasy 9 with my little nephew
>he's like my little brother and tries to be just like me
>he loves video games and wants to make them when he grows up
>collecting coins named after the zodiac signs in the game
>he finds the cancer coin and the game says "received cancer!"
>he's too little to understand and thinks it means real cancer and gets upset
>I explain what it means to him but he tells me it's not nice for the game to say that
>I laugh but then the thought of him getting cancer creeps into my head and I can't shake it
>I tell myself it's an irrational fear and try to let it go but can't
>a few years later my nephew is older and turning into a Chad
>he still looks up to me and is my best friend
>he starts having pain in his hip, he thinks it's from playing sports in school
>it's cancer
>watch it eat him alive for three years, they cut off his leg and pump him full of chemicals and drugs to keep him alive
>he dies a horrible painful death
I've been dead inside every since then. I'll never play another video game again

>be 9 year old
>madden is my shit
>dad asks to play with me
>I talk a lot of trash since none of my 9 year old friends ever beat me
>getting my ass handed to me by halftime
>start to cry a little
>dad notices and starts making stupid plays left and right to let me win
>he thanks me for letting him play and says he just hopes I had fun

>that i wont get to play any games because im too poor to afford a "beastly pc"

>be me in December
>decide to buy R6S because i have heard mainly positive reviews
>get in game, play a few rounds, is pretty fun and engaging, i like the game
>play it every day for the next 2 months
>exams start and i didn't even open the books or notebooks, but i still play Siege
>somehow pass them barely, but idc, I keep playing Siege
>new season started, very excited, can't wait to see the changes!
>horrible rubberbanding, connection issues, i got kicked out of the gane constantly, literally bullied by Ubisoft
>stop playing siege for the rest of the season, start learning, pay attention to my classes, socialise, go out almost every evening, things startto loom out good
>season is at its ending, i decide however to try playing a match because why not?
>everything is fixed, get addicted again, soon exams were supposed to start again, didn't care, i kept playing
>failed 4 outta 5 exams, still played siege
>dropped university and got a job as a waiter in some greek restaurant. Fuck Siege and fuck ubisoft and especially fuck me for ruining my life!!

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