If you can make a Tinder and get laid then your life isn't hard.
If you can make a Tinder and get laid then your life isn't hard
You shouldn't base anything off tinder. That shit is for the lowest of the low. Its good fishing material if you can pull it off though.
if we can't even get fucked by the lowest of the low than we must really be ugly.
you know that game you used to enjoy but now you never play it anymore?
thats vaginas. it doesn't make life better.
>install Tinder in January
>lose my virginity
>decide to up my standards because that girl was a 6/10 at best
>keep going up and up
>had sex with 10 girls
>still feel empty inside
>even though the sex feels good I almost regret it afterwards
>uninstall Tinder
Fuck I just want a girlfriend
You must be hot. Whats your body fat percentage? Whats your weight and height?
Would you mind posting tinder profile pics of girls you had sex with?
Doesn't work for me and took some scientific look test that said I'm 8.51/10
I mean it in a different way, people who place so much value on sex and do it for the validation, they are mediocre simple people probably more desperate for sex then people on this board.
Wait a sec
I have a few screenshots on my PC but I uninstalled tinder and got a new phone
Hope my matches carried over
The one I actually fucked is the Asian girl on the far left
tinder doesn't work for brown men;
I found an overweight 3/10 girl to hook up with. I lost my virginity to her but it was impossible to get any matches other than two from some Asian women. One of them ghosted me after I said I only wanted sex and no relationship. I upgraded to the likes and managed to get a date but she was repulsed by me being religious. Another one didnt even show up. But this was all after swiping over and over again and getting nowhere. Im pretty sure im ugly but there will always be at least one girl willing to have sex with you even if youre ugly.
>being honest with women
You fucking dolt. You have to lie to get pussy.
>make tinder
>pay some hooker $100 to get laid
You never specified you have to get laid through tinder.
I actually remember this girl though
She tried to start the conversation by talking about video games
Im not good at lieing. Im autistic.
Kristy didn't unmatch me so I could post her photo on my new phone but I don't care enough to
>Whats your body fat percentage?
No idea
>Whats your weight and height?
171 and 6'0
This girls bio used to be different
Guess she stopped using Tinder so much
user do you want me to post every girl?
Don't like digging through my matches
Sure. Post every single one. You a lucky guy. I literally could never have sex with women like that.
This is the girl I lost my virginity to
Three of the girls either unmatched me or aren't on Tinder anymore
What can I do to increase my chances of getting laid on Tinder? I know it only works for hot people. Im obviously not a handsome guy but if I were to lose weight (im currently 193 at 6 0 and should get down to 170) and work out a little and dress nicely plus take a good pic I shouldnt have a problem? I tried it originally when I was over 200 lbs. I just dont want to have sex with really overweight women. Theres no point in trying to hook up with women youre not attracted to. I would have sex with any woman as long as she isnt grossly overweight. Being fit is a choice. Im trying to put all of my effort into slimming down. I want to date women that are also fit. They dont have to be hot.
If youre having sex with women like this then youre Chad. What do you look like?
Last girl who's still in my matches
>she's trying to use Tinder to get her stolen car back
Well the photos you have are pretty important
What worked for me was having a selfie so girls can see my face, a full body shot of me alone, and then a couple photos of me with my friends
You don't need to have them with your friends they just need to show that you don't sit inside all day
I also had my spotify and instagram linked but I have pretty normalfag taste in music
I don't know man I don't have a very high opinion of myself
Also sorry for the slow reply the Captcha is being trash again
See the reason why most women wont sleep with me is probably not just my looks but also my social status. I have a shitty reputation in some places from my past. This is due to being mentally fucked. Im legit crazy and I attract attention easily because of the way I look. Like people love to stare at me if im in big crowds. I doubt its because im good looking. I think they just notice how unnatractive I am. Afterall, ive literally had very little dating success. Im definitely autistic or bipolar. How else do you explain me not being able to get any matches until I paid for it.
I dont think it will Work for me. I dont have any other options since im 25 and out of college. I dont get to meet women in real life. Not at my job and not anywhere else I go. So these stupid dating sites are the only options I have and Tinder barely worked for me.
Tinder+ or whatever its called shows you to more people
>Im legit crazy and I attract attention easily because of the way I look. Like people love to stare at me if im in big crowds.
Don't know I had this same feeling through highschool when I was fat as fuck (nearly 250 at the heaviest) but it went away after I lost weight and realized people don't actually care about me
Unironically try going to church if you don't like Tinder for whatever reason
I live in a college town so there are a ton of girls my age
Also like I said I tried to get better looking girls each time
This was the last girl I slept with before I uninstalled Tinder
5'7 manlet
Do I have a chance on tinder
Face game is alright I suppose, some girls in hs liked me
>How else do you explain me not being able to get any matches until I paid for it.
Seriously man?
>make tinder
>swipe about 20k girls over a year
>get 80 matches
>ignored or ghosted by all of them
I had to pay 14 bucks a month and still no matches. I starting getting likes though but every single one I messaged didnt respond. I got stood up a date by some fat chick that had no personality. She agreed to show up and when I showed up she never showed up. Another one was also really overweight but she ghosted me because she found out I was religious. Again, I know its derogatory for me to sit here and belittle fat women but ive been made fun before for being overweight.