Do you wear anime-related merchandise outside?
Why or why not?
Do you wear anime-related merchandise outside?
Why or why not?
Anime is okay, but I'm not into it enough to buy merchandise of it. If I was super into it, I would wear it so long as it wasn't obnoxiously over-the-top.
>why no one likes me :((((
>why iam so lonely :((((
>wearing gay anime-related merchandise outside
kys OP
>Do you
>why not
don't like anime really
No because anime clothing is trash. Figures and posters are cool but all there really is are graphic tees of shows or characters.
I used to. I had some I liked, and got more positive than negative attention for it, when I'd wear it, but I go outside so rarely these days, that I'd rather wear something to help my comfort and confidence. I like thinking about how my waifu would like how I look, and have mostly outgrown the old funny/cool t-shirt thing, in that.
Just buy an anime related merch and wear it op no one cares.
i carry a plush doll of my waifu with me everywhere i go, when i go shopping, to the doctors, go to a movie or go out for food
i'm never alone and she makes me feel comfortable and less anxious to be outside
plus it's lots of fun when we go on dates
you can't just say that and not post a pic related user
Just bought an akatsuki cloak friend
yes i use anime shirts and bags because i like them a lot also live in japan so its more acceptable than in other countries
Yes. I have a couple of anime and gaming related t-shirts that I regularly wear outside. You shouldn't be ashamed of what you enjoy or what you like. Own it and you'll star to realise the majority of people don't give a fuck what your wearing. Also shows you have a personality rather than just flocking to supreme to buy a 60 quid t shirt.
Mods please ban this underaged faggot, no adult would do this
I don't go outside so no.
An adult? No.
Some of the people over the age of 18 who browse this board? You bet.
I used to have a FMA shirt with a transmutation circle on it and the words "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost" around the border. I wore it all the time and other than people who watch anime and recognized it everyone didn't just thought it was a band t-shirt. I miss that shirt. I never got anything but postive attention from all but a few hyper weeb elitists who hated FMA.
As long as it's actually well designed and plastered with lolis or looks like you turned a daki into clothes or something anime merch is pretty acceptable.
On that note don't get anything too autistic. Some guy at my college used to walk around with kirito cloak from soa. He may have more self confidence than I could ever hope to have, but he also be high an the autistic spectrum.
the two of us at a footy game
I would just assume that you're a dad who has a daughter and you're carrying it for her, or are taking pictures of the doll "doing things" for your daughter.
that is cute user, thank you
>no adult would do this
lolwhat? an adult wouldn't give a flying fuck what other people think of him, only a teenager wouldn't wear something like that because "that's fucking gay nerdy shit if i wear that girls want want to have sex with me"
you just gave yourself away as an underage highschool possibly even middle school kid
fuck yeah mate, gonna be at the game this sunday against west choke
That's right, user. Adults have no regard for appropriateness, presentation, or tact and do and say as they please constantly regardless of what others think about them. It's why I, and many other true adults, attend weddings dressed in sweatpants and rock band t-shirts. Who gives a fuck what other people think about us, right?
did you just compare attending a wedding to bumming around the mall?
>Do you wear anime-related merchandise outside?
>Why or why not?
It's cute
Are you retarded no sane person would wear an anime shirt in a wedding are you an aho? Also who said something about a wedding when op is talking about wearing something casual outside? Its fine OP. I have an anime merch shirt i wear it sometimes. Its a gray shirt with the uchiha logo on the back
So, then, are you saying that appropriateness, presentation, and tact do, in fact, matter? Would you perhaps then entertain the notion that other people would draw the line elsewhere for acceptability in various situations? Wouldn't you say that would extend to "anime clothes," then?
To take it in another direction, lots of people like face tattoos, other people find them disgusting and unprofessional. Neither is "wrong," per se, but to say that somebody with a fucking face tattoo would be "acceptable" in a large number of situations is absurd. Sure, they can say "AN ADULT WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THEM, SO I DON'T!" But, they could also take into consideration that it reflects poorly on them, and will limit them.
It's obviously an extreme comparison and not 1:1 (I posted earlier as and am sort of in between the two of your positions), it was simply meant to get you thinking about what an absurd position that is to take. Analogies often aren't 1:1, and it's usually to illustrate a point.
Calm down mr. lawyer. All you said, it proves nothing.
hiow would you classify a red leather jacket
See . It was simply to illustrate a point by using a trumped up analogy to get the poster to realize that everybody draws the line somewhere, and that his reasoning had an absurd justification. The fact that you couldn't use critical thought to figure that out is quite the personal indictment of you.
That's your rebuttal? Seriously? Instead of defending your position, responding in any meaningful way, or giving the matter any actual thought, that's what you go with?
mate look, i'm not reading that fucking wall of text and i know that this is Jow Forums but have you not been outside in the last 10 years?
1 out of 10 normal fags wears some form of marvel or dc shirt in casual settings
go to your local mall and just wander around the food court for 5 minutes and you will spot a few
literally no adult who isn't an insecure try hard who spends all their money on cosmetics and brand name fashion gives a flying fuck what you wear
if it wasn't your hands you could 100% pass a female with that hair.
>taking this seriously
My IQ would go down by 10 points if i argue with you on this so.. no thanks
Hey brainlet, I was earlier in the thread. Maybe actually read a fucking post to understand what they're actually saying instead of popping off like a screeching retard.
>I was # earlier in the thread
You couldve said so
a 6'3 female?
Fuck off, retard. You don't even have 10 IQ points to begin with, Mr. "an adult wouldn't give a flying fuck what other people think of him."
no, because i dont want to look like a fucking weeb.
I did say so, actually. In the very post that you replied to and refused to read.
implying anyone gives a fuck what you have to say, nobody cares mate
bad bait
You cared enough to reply to what I had to say with an equally long post and continuous replies, you lazy kangaroo fucking mouthbreathing illiterate retard.
i have a lewd super pochaco shirt but im a chad so everyone thinks its ironic and funny
i didn't care enough to read your wall of text now go do your homework and remember to fit the dress standard
i wear these around the house because they're cheap and comfy
Wow, great comeback on that one. You sure got me. "Like, go do ya homewahk, mate! Hah! Go do yah homewahk! ...Also, don't forget 'bout 'dem dress whoits, mate! Hah!" Quit trying to save face, you fucking brain damaged didgeridoo. You're too fucking stupid and lazy to read nine fucking sentences, for Christ's sake, yet somehow "cared enough" to write up an equally long response? What the fuck are they putting in the water over there, "mate?" Maybe your "mum" smoked crack when she was pregnant?
stopped reading there, literal school yard phrase
Of course you stopped reading there, you've proven yourself incapable of reading anything that's more than two sentences. It's a common affliction amongst ADD-riddled retards such as yourself.
Holy fuck you are actually serious. Good on ya mate, id die of shame myself even tho id be nice to eat with someone rather then alone... does she get dirty, how often do you wash her? Do you talk to her?
i talk to her all the time, out load when people are all around us i couldn't give a rats ass what they think im happy and not hurting anyone
i wash her every month or so depending
No way! Thats awesome! How do people react? Are they weirded out, intrigued or just don't care? I see the lads in the back smiling but I don't know... its really cute what you are doing, keep it for the people that are too shy! She is very cute as well, where'd ya get her?
some people (mostly older women) say that she is cute, i don't think most people really care but i do occasionally have someone try and hang shit on me but i don't pay it any mind. i'm 6'3 so i can just say to them if i was as short as you i wouldn't make fun of others
(pic we won a meat tray down the local)
I went to a county fair recently and saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that had some anime chick in a bikini with giant tiddies and a maga hat. (he didn't have the hat, the girl on his shirt did)
if I would have remembered to bring my phone I could have taken a picture for my cringe compilation
Haha she looks rather excited. Its very wholesome and cute! Where did you get her?
rreeeeee i want a pub with meat prizes
>and plastered with lolis
Fug. I meant not plastered with lolis. Do not so that. It would be a very very bad idea.
got them all online from various sites (dw it's all the same waifu) more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
No, it's embarrassing and such.
I only have like one piece of anime merch anyway and it's pretty shitty, if I had something nice looking I would maybe wear it.
Pic very related, except without the skirt because there's only so far my faggotry goes. Only occasionally worn when I want to look more absurd than usual.