What are demons? Could I be one? Currently banned from /x/ for posting about how karma is bullshit. Pic unrelated.
What are demons? Could I be one? Currently banned from /x/ for posting about how karma is bullshit. Pic unrelated
There is nothing supernatural in this world. I would love there to be something. But there is just nothing. All the people claiming to see/experience supernatural stuff are just liars. All of them.
Or schizos. Don't forget the schizos.
>We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice.
>Satanism is not about vampires.
Yo what if I'm a blood-drinker tho
Whatever helps you sleep at night, materialboi.
/x/ has moderators? Are you shitting me?
Apparently there's nothing paranormal about the discussion of karma. At least not if you're going to make valid points that it doesn't exist.
Ie Dick Chenney.
You're thinking of the "what goes around, comes around" kind of karma, right? Not the actual Eastern concept?
The amount of comforting myths /x/ subscribes to is staggering.
The Eastern concept is literally just an excuse for the caste system.
>lol born poor? better luck next incarnation
It's intended to promote trying to live the most benevolent life as you have it now, and many eastern faiths actually disown the material world, like Mahayana Buddhism for instance. In that, reincarnation is also the Hell which you try to use your experiences in Samsara to escape. You're thinking too politically, when this is meant to be beyond that.
Are you Buddhist or Hindu? Don't bother answering if you're white.
Neither, I just find Tibet and the Greater Vehicle interesting.
Dude you have no idea. I wish I could have your innocence.
>What are demons?
Conduits of evil, and direct workers of the evil deity. They are spirits but can take over corporeal bodies.
>Could I be one?
No but you could be possessed by one.
What's interesting about a serf state being occupied by communists?
Gib straight answer to my post pls
I don't really want to go into it but when I was a sophmore me and a friend were involved in an incident that I could only describe as demonic. None of us were on drugs, we were completely lucid and we heard something completely inhuman not once but twice that no human throat could have made.
Like I said I really don't want to go into it. Just know it lead from being an agnostic to an Orthodox Christian.
Just have a read through some declassifieds on the cia website.
I'm literally banned for posting words and sentences. And they won't lift it ever
>when I was youngand stupid I heard a sound that made me shit my pants
>demons and shit tried to kill me....just ignore the part where i soiled myself
Look, I'm not asking you to believe me. You asked for proof and I gave you something I experienced first hand. I'm just saying that I hope you never experience something that throws your idea of how the universe works straight out the window.
Funniest part is when they go
>"really don't want to go into it",
like its some sort of a horrifying story, when in actuality its a retarded bullshit tale of how two room temperature iq faggots heard the sound of a broken pipe while in their poverty cave. Goddam it, i hate /x/
Its probably a mental cover for some homosexual activity that happened instead
Ok fine. You've goaded me enough. I don't know why I'm typing this because I know you edgelords aren't going to believe me anyway but here is my story.
Back in highschool I had a friend staying over. He was and still is one of those non-denominational Christians whose super Bible happy. At the time I was an agnostic. Around three in the morning we both sitting outside the window of my room and he dragged me into a conversation about God and religion because, like I said, he was super Christian. I go along unrelentingly saying there's no real way to know if God exists or not but I don't look down on people who do believe. Out of nowhere we hear this scream.
Now look, I want to describe how this scream sounded in detail: it sounded like a woman, or something mimicking a woman, and at the time I though it sounded like someone being murdured. Looking back on it, it sounded like a woman in the worst kind of despair you could imagine. The weird thing about it is that it seemed to have no point of origin, like I couldn't place where it came from. It seemed like the scream just ripped itself out of the air, the sound itself wasn't natural. Anyway, both of us froze and he asked me if I heard that, which I replied I did. It was then we heard the exact same scream a second time, only to me it sounded more distant.
Needless to say we stayed up the whole night. My friend, being a Christian, immediately said it was demonic. I was in shock because I didn't know how to process something that by the laws of physics should not possibly be.
Anyway, many years later, it led me back to Christianity. I have no other explanations as to what it could be other than demonism. I'm not expecting you to believe me. I just want to say please at least entertain the idea that there are things in this universe that we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of. Thats all I'm asking. As for me, I'm honestly convinced that there are laws behind the laws of nature that we as human beings haven't begun to understand.
>it led me back to Christianity
lol how do you feel about vampires
Haven't had a vampiric experience so I can't speak about vampirism. Like I said, I'm not expecting anyone to believe me I'm only stating what I've been through. If I was you I'd think I was full of bullshit too.
And have you entertained the idea your friend had something to do with it ? He planted the notion of demons in your head, if it wasnt for him what would you have thought about the whole ordeal ? Isnt it too convenient that shit happened while he was there ? Everything sounds scarier at night and with modern means, lots of things can be faked.
Faked how? I don't think he would have gone through the trouble of trying to set up props in my front yard seeing as how he lived far away from me and the noise we heard wan't electronic or anything. I'm trying to emphasize that I don't have a rational explanation for any of this. Thats the scary thing. It's easy to be mister super-rational Rick-and-Morty tier science-has-an-answer-for-everything. But the terrifying question is what if it doesn't?
I get it. We're used to thinking we know how the world or the cosmos works or at least have an idea. a+b=c, after all. But what if there are x factors that open up horrifying vistas of reality we can't even imagine? Thats what I'm left asking myself when I think back to this experience I had.
Project STARGATE is a goldmine. The military doesn't even question the existence of psychics, just wants to know how to optimise them as intelligence agents and weapons.
>tfw military is probably remote-viewing some materialbois using psychics right now
they could also have made this shit up to fuck with you.
A demon is a soulless vessel. Its there to make life hard and a struggle for us. I think all women and most men fit into this category.
A demon is a concept that forces you to act against your will or what you think should be right. e.g. when you serve your gambling demon you've become an addict
so yes you can become a demon, all you have to do is force people into a decision they don't want .
What about the demon that guided Socrates?
this force doesn't have to be negative,people don't want to suffer from training but it will actually help them.
Whites are limited to the belief systems they can have. Youre a self hating white huh.
>Woman screams
>It's the demons
>I must post this on /x/
What you probably heard was a Fox glad you found God again though
>there has been a human consensus about the supernatural (it is very real) for 99.999% of our existence. if you lived in any other time, it'd be as real as anything
>humans now live in a small period of time (approx 10 decades) where the consensus is the supernatural isn't real. everyone inside this bubble experiences no cognitive dissonance over their unusual beliefs
>modern man is completely out of touch with the natural world
>sees nothing wrong with saying that something that we always knew was real is unreal
>world going into the gutter
>we are making the right decisions, somehow, and nothing is wrong with our beliefs
really. makes. u. think. huh
>magic is real because ooga booga ancestors believed it
I hate /x/-fags so much.
Demons are just angels who have committed sin and have fallen from the grace of god.
>Could I be one
No you would have had to start your existence as an angel but from what I heard you can be a host to one or many like that one crazed man that ran into Jesus.
>in the past we believed something was right so obviously it must be correct
muh slavery
muh old gods
muh universe revolves around the earth
>you will live in a society which is both technologically and spiritually advanced
Feels bad man