You literally cannot be a robot if you don't have acne

You smooth skins are living life on easy mode complaining about no GF, when I can't even go outdoors without people being disgusted and repulsed. I've given so much up habits, tried every "home remedy", and tried a shitload of products to no avail.

>inb4 user just take accutane muh (insert friend/family) took it and their face cleared up in 2mins xD

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Other urls found in this thread:

I had really bad acne for a long time and I'm scarred from it because I'm the kind of person who picks and pops, but I unironically have managed to make it go away with time and effort.

What if I only have acne on my back/chest?

What if I have a bunch of bumps under my eyes like pic related

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I started getting acne in primary/elementary school. I still have it at 24. It was cystic until my late teens and I've picked at it for over a decade now. Its mostly gone these days but I have not had a completely clear face since I was a child. The scars are bad but they're hard to see unless under harsh light.

You mean millia? Not acne, but at least it's not as much a eyesore as acne
Depends how bad it is.

>You mean millia? Not acne, but at least it's not as much a eyesore as acne
Do you know how I would get rid of it?

>Don't worry, user! It'll be gone when you get older!
>Don't worry, user! Just wash your face!
>26 years old and have a daily skin routine that leaves me soft as a baby's ass but STILL get acne
>each pimple leaves a scar/dark mark that lasts at least a month even though I never pick or pop them

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Nope, I have no expertise. You would have better luck off Google...

Mexican andy my boi
Sad nigga hours

get them popped by a professional, they marks go away completely after a week.

How about scars?

>mfw I never wash my face, leaving my skin dry and crusty but have never gotten a single zit in my life
dunno I feel

What kind of professional? And how much does it cost to them get them popped?

You should look into an air purifier, also a cheap $100 PM 2.5 laser air particle counter.

>eat clean
>change sheets
>wash face
>tried a bunch of soaps and creams over the years
>over 20
>still have greasy skin and acne
fuck normalshits and their ""advice""

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Thanks for the suggestion, the air purifier might be solid advice for me.

Take accutane hehe
I cleared my face in half a year cycle, 40 mg daily

Lately I've been researching light therapy. I've known about it for years but I thought it was a scam. Well, turns out that there is actual science behind it. The main point is that when you use a light source with a narrow spectrum like an LED in the correct wavelength, it can kill acne bacteria (and many other bacteria as well). For acne, 415 nm "blue" (it's actually violet, but every study refers to it as blue) light works best.

You can go to a derm and pay 100 USD for a 15 minute session for a month, which comes down to thousands of dollars (and this is the actual scam part). There are also home appliances that go for 2000+ USD, which is the uber scam for what is essentially a bunch of LEDs in a special fixture, even if it works. Or you can do what I'm doing and order high power 415 nm LEDs on eBay from China for 10 bucks.

I haven't gotten them yet, but I've been reading tons of research on the topic. Here's a good summarizing study:

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Have several skin diseases as well general shit skin.

This stuff was much more severe as a child, was really mentally burdening.

>I've given so much up habits, tried every "home remedy", and tried a shitload of products to no avail.

Have you gone to a determatologist and got some actual medicine? Start treating it like a disease you dumb shit

does eternal eczema count?

>plagued by acne/backne/neckne throughout puberty
>this kills the self-esteem
>went through 8 month accutane treatment
>acne returned within 6 months
>tried every method the Internet names for the next 4 years, nothing works
>what was left of my self esteem deteriorates further
>finally gave in and visited doctor again
>prescribed me doxycyclin for a month
>didn't have any impact whatsoever, but managed to destroy my digestive tract so bad I shit liquid stink for months
>went to dermatologist, get put on accutane-poison again for another 7 months
>acne on face went away, backne didn't
>dermatologist calls me a special case, legitimately doesn't know how to help me

>this was last year
>face acne is returning again
26 years old now. I've had this shit for more than half my life now. The disgust I have for myself for and the disgust others have for me keeps building up, overshadowing everything, tearing away all hope, ambition and self worth I have. And there is no end to it. Not to mention the dozen other mental and physical health issues I've got.

I might be clear now but I was a total pizza face growing up, constantly getting new whiteheads every single night. Thanks to my autistic yet enjoyable popping of every new one that showed up, I have a good bunch of scaring. I wish my parents taught me about skin care.

I'm exactly like you, friend. Only I never tried accutane (I don't even think it's a thing in my country).
>tfw 27
>body acne since age 12
>can't go to the beach or a pool
>fucked my confidence up for life
>can't wear white tshirts because it might get blood stains from acne
>also a manlet
>also balding
It's pretty much over for me. And my parents don't understand why I'm """depressed""". Even when I redpill them on acne, they just say stuff like "omg like who cares" or "everyone has faults, son, some people are fat etc..."

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Start taking estrogen. It has helped me a lot.

define manlet

i had a super charismatic roommate once that was balding and couldnt wear white shirts because he was scared it would bleed through. he was 5'10 and banged like 3 women that i thought were 10s within a month

he wasnt even all that good looking, just had an attractive personality

nearly 26 and still get it. though it has declined somewhat in the past year

>define manlet
Between 5'6 and 5'7

>never had acne
>29 year old virgin

thanks user

YOU are ME minus the balding and trying to redpill my parents
the world wont know our pain

Pretty true, people look at you like you're some diseased freak and try their best to not associate with you. It's also evident when you're sitting somewhere, on the bus, the train, or in class, and the entire area around you is always empty because nobody wants to sit near you.
I've had regular acne since I got into two digits of age, then at the end of highschool started getting cystic that absolutely wrecked when they popped by themselves.

I'm pretty sure if I had gotten more sun as a kid this wouldn't have happened, but lately I've been taking 2000-3000 IU of Vitamin D3 with each meal daily and getting sun where possible for 5-10 minutes daily on the face. It works for me to some extent, face is less oily (one of my main causes of acne) and you feel more energized, less gloomy and depressed, though actually sitting in the sun for a bit does this far better. I also take 1000mg-1500mg of Vit C daily after meals to help with the immune system and scarring.

There are no side effects to Vit C and D3 so you really can't go wrong with trying it out if you haven't already, and it's impossible to take too much Vit C because you just pee the excess out, and D3 is very difficult to overdose on since you'd need to be taking a ton (more than fistfuls) for extended periods then you might have some problems.

He's no robot, just a subhuman

I never wash my face and I get almost nothing man HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH beta

>getting sun where possible for 5-10 minutes daily on the face. It works for me to some extent, face is less oily
See my post here Obviously the sun is would be the ultimate light therapy if it wasn't for UV and skin cancer.

Accutane literally is the only solution if you have moderate/severe acne though. Trust me, I went through the same bullshit when I was 18 and I tried a bullshit complicated skincare routine and it was expensive as hell while doing nothing for my acne. I don't understand why so many people buy into the fear mongering of accutane, it's only a huge risk if you're a sexually active woman because of the birth defect issue.

and what if accutane doesnt work, genius

I always wondered if getting a tan would do anything

>accutane doesnt work
then you're probably a subhuman with severe hormonal imbalance, you should visit endocrinologist or kill yourself

This. I'm a 19 year old manlet suffering from acne and literally nothing works.
Women are repulsed by me, everyone is either scared of me or treats me like a sub-human, and just touching my face alone will add a new pimple.
It's fucking torture. Especially when you have pale skin because it stands out better.

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that's bullshit ive got bad skin but girls still like me

eczema makes you more of a robot than some greasy acne ridden nigga. thats true suffering right there, along with psoriasis

>Especially when you have pale skin because it stands out better
Niggers are truly superior.

Stop eating all that junk food. Drink water. Clean your pillows, bed sheets and clothes. Wash your face in the morning and scrub. its that ez

"wash your face" is the b yourself of acne

Good thing I'm not a robot. Enjoy self handicapping with a dogshit label retard

>self handicapping
>acne is self inflicted
This is what normalniggers actually believe.

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You can't read at all Jesus Christ

Do you eat carbohydrates? I'm not talking about sugar (as in sweets), I'l talking about carbohydrates in general.

>inb4 user just take accutane muh (insert friend/family) took it and their face cleared up in 2mins xD
Take accutane. I took it and it cleared my face and more importantly my back which was way worse. Took it for 6 months and it took a bit more time after that to clear all.

At least you know for a fact you should stop trying to get a girlfriend seeing you have the beta genes. Let's be honest, chad's face never broke out at any point in his life. Not everyone has these retarded sebum infested, dirt collecting, exaggerate genes, and especially not chad.

here. Given OP didn't answer I assume he does eat carbs. If you have acne problems stop eating carbs (don't even think about dairy) and it should get better. I am 26 and used to get get cystic acne until I gave up on carbs. Whenever I slack off and eat a pizza, pasta or some shit like that my acne breaks out again and I hate myself.

I've tried low-carb diets for weeks but it doesn't effect my breakouts.
Yeah I know my place, my dad had acne too.
Fuck no.