Hypotheticaly, how long would it take for an average person to recover from mild caffeine dependancy...

Hypotheticaly, how long would it take for an average person to recover from mild caffeine dependancy? From arguments sake let's say the subject consumed 1-2 cups of coffee/day

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1 year on, 1 year off. 5 years on, permanently altered gene expression = kill yourself.

I've tried to get into coffee, people seen to describe this feeling of mental clarity after imbibing but I just don't sense it.

i've done various experiments on this and i've found out that after a week the tolerance pretty much resets, and then after 1-2 days of coffee it comes back


i also noticed i never develop full tolerance

9 days

I drink coffee every day and i never had trouble, i took a week break every now and then to verify this and i had no withdrawal at all, then again i'm not a heavy coffee drinker, i just like to make coffee in the morning with a fuckton of ice and just sip through it for 2-3 hours.
Perhaps the time it takes to consume the entirety of the caffeine plays a major role in this.
I would imagine that downing the entire cup in a minute versus taking a few hours to finish it in a chill out manner has great difference on the spiking it causes, thus in the second version of events, there may be less chance of developing tolerance/dependance.
Can anyone verify if any of what i have said is valid?

I do the exact same thing; although, I find, when I go 1-3 days without coffee, the effects of mental clarity and focus are much higher. I haven't ever had a withdrawal or felt crabby without muh caffeine. I find it to be a useful tool when reading and taking notes, but not so much when doing physical activities.

try doing coldbrew instead of watering down hot coffee with ice, you can add ice to the cold brew.

>stop drinking coffee
>only manage to stay awake 8 hours before sleeping 16 hours straight

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>two years of drinking monster
>at worst its 6+ cans a day
>only liquid I consume is monster
>for two years
>start getting heart palpatations
>get kidney stones at the age of 23
>go cold turkey
>crippling headache for weeks
>pain in my sides

anyone else go full sperg wrt energy drinks?

It's been tested, it's literally 48 hours for all tolerance to reset.

Like a week

Jesus christ no. At my worst I had two in one day. How do you go through 6+ and not want to vomit?

Honestly I just slipped into it as a routine; I had a vodka red bull several weeks ago and that made me spew

You notice that your energy levels shot right up after packing it in?

I stopped drinking coffee and I felt incredibly lethargic for 2 days, even a little depressed. I wasn't able to do much during the day, so I started drinking again. I'm only at 2 cups a day though.

After drinking one cup though, I felt "normal" again, which to me is with a lot of energy.
So yeah, I would say I'm very dependent on caffeine.

Gene expression is determined by DNA - you think DNA is altered by diet? Fucking moron.

I dont drink a whole lot if it (one full mug a day), but most people from what i hear say it only takes a week or two at most to get the tolerance back to normal

Cold turkey for 2-3 weeks oughta do it.

Were on about a can a day as well, currently day 4 without any caffeine. Slightly drowsy but no headaches or severe mood swings. Had about a can to 2 cans a day for around 3 years

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what do you mean "only liquid"? no water either?

Yep. Occasionally a bottle of Coca Cola, honestly my urine was a deep, dark brown.

brah you are actually autistic

I was autistic

Now I'm like

Not that autistic

When I stopped drinking coffee I had withdrawal headaches for about 10 days, but I was a heavy caffeine user. 6-8 cups of coffee and 2-3 energy drinks a day type shit

Yes, consistent use of drugs eventually alters gene expression

It’s never a problem. I drink no more than two cups per day. Usually just one.

That's not an addiction or anything to be recovered from. Don't drink coffee tomorrow. You'll be fine.

-4 large lattes a day for the past 5 months, quit cold turkey and my worst symptom is kind of wishing I had coffee.

I'm sure it differs among people. For me it's much much worst than that. I'll drink moderate amounts of coffee, like maybe 4-6 cups for a week, and then if I try to quit cold turkey I'll get really depressed and lethargic for a couple of days, and I get these very intense nightmares. The withdrawal kind of reminds me of a mini version of nicotine withdrawal. I used to be a heavy smoker for 10 who has now quit.


Took me about 60 days.


This is what happens when you take memes from 4chib to your real life

2 weeks for sure

3-6 days

You might feel some light drowsiness and that's it. 1-2 cups isn't enough to cause strong headaches/withdrawals after quitting, even if you were at that point a day or two of headaches and youre back to normal (at least in my experience and I drink about 3-4 energy drinks a day)

I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee per day for about a year. Over the course of a bout 10 days I kept replacing coffee with black tea:
>3 days of 3 cups of coffee, 1 cup of tea;
>3 days of 2 cups of coffee, 2 cups of tea;
>3 days of 1 cup of coffee, 3 cups of tea;
Now it's been almost half a year and I usually drink about 1-2 cups of black tea per day and no coffee. With this method I felt absolutely zero negative symptoms. I'm still not 100% caffeine free since your typical cup of black tea has about 1/4th to 1/3rd of the caffeine that a cup of coffee has and I eat chocolate about once a week which also has caffeine but I have no cravings, no headaches, my sleep is 5 stars and I bet I saved a little bit of money by not buying coffee. When my coworkers drink coffee I can smell it and it smells good but I don't really miss it.

IDK but I drink 12 a day and I'm scared what will happen now if I stop.

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2 to 3 days

I've done it but it was too much trouble, i like to make my coffee quickly.
I have an espresso machine so i just make 2 shots of espresso and add a fuckton of ice in it, so that technicaly makes it an espresso freddo which is pretty damn good

2-5 days if you have a good sleep schedule. And this is coming from someone with intermittent 2000-3000mg/day usage
Most people blame caffeine for poor life decisions that aren't fixed by give up coffee. If you have a solid time each night that you eat & go to bed, and you have a good sleep environment, then less than 300-600mg of caffeine a day isn't going to be a issue.

Get plenty of sleep the night before. Drink plenty of water the next few days. If you're used to super sugary/sweet drinks you'll just get wound up more by swapping caffeinated for sweet & non-caffeinated. So don't do that.
Don't take three tons of naps. Just carry out a normal, non-hermit day and deal with the fact you're not going to feel like you have that buzz.

As for tolerance, I feel it varies per person and how you take you caffeine. 50% or more of mine is from a few kilo bags I bought a few years back. For less than what some people spend on candy coffee in half a month, I'm set for years