What kind of women are attracted to you?

What kind of women are attracted to you?

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sometimes White women. but i run from them too when theyre who i want, i really am terrified of the possibility of commitment

Whores and BPD.

Absolutely desperate fat as fuck single mothers.

if she doesnt fulfill this list, shes trash:
>not fat
>innie pusy
>no stds
>long black hair
>pale to light skin
>5'7'' max
>brown eyes
>nice shaped tits
>good size butt

dam thats a revelation. im so terrified about commitment that even the slightest prospect of it has me dancing away in the opposite direction.

Dominant loli

Absolutely abysmal taste my man, kill yourself.

>tfw years of posting responses to this kind of thing and no robots ever have the same answer as me
I've decided I'm not answering these kinds of questions anymore.

lol but you were with me up until then?

None that I know of, probably obese single mothers

My 2D wife is attracted to me very much.

I just want someone that is quiet and modest but those are the hardest to find in Burgerland. I'm seriously considering going to another country for a long vacation and trying my luck.

Trying to remember a time when a girl showed interest in me

Why do I come here if not to feel?

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Women would actually quietly crush on me, but then they try to get to know me and my creepy autistic ass and then they stop talkin to me. I give no fucks, jerkin off to hentai does enough for me.



Characters in visual novels/dating sims

mental ill skinny chicks
(fat bastard it weird but near most of women in my family mental ill)

I'm attracted to mentally ill men with dark circles which is half this board.

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clarification: this entire board

>What kind of women are attracted to you?
This kind of woman
RMS in an Asian girl's body

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I get bitten by mosquitos a lot, and only female mosquitos bite, so I'm gonna go with "bloodsucking women"

Fuck I read that wrong
I thought you asked what kind of women are you attracted to

No women are attracted to me

You're forgetting the RPing normies.

anyone moderately attractive to me, not super fat, not depressing as all hell to be around, and not too much more mentally unstable than myself.
Honestly that's about 90% of women around my age.

Unfortunately I have a very hard time talking to humans and I would only want to date someone if I enjoy talking to them about things that matter to me. Both of these problems compound and leave me thinking I might be alone forever.

You ever notice that 90% of r9k is robots talking to themselves?

This kind of "women"

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yea but who even cares

As if there's anyone else to talk to.

Uhm, literally none at all? Where do you think you are?
You can't be a robot if a biological female of the human species (homo sapiens sapiens) was even slighrly attracted to you.

What if she's a nigger?

This but they gotta be tan and builtfat too.

Perfect daddy material

I think a lot of anons misread the OP. It says what kind of women ARE ATTRACTED TO YOU, not what you are you attracted to.

The only correct answer is none. Normalfags aren't welcome

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user, it doesn't matter
a roastie is a roastie regardless of color

Sometimes 7/10 broettes ride up hard, full face me, smile, and wait for me to spit game. When they see the blank insecurity, the light goes out and they drift away.

Doesn't the disconnection leave you cold and uninterested?

Fuck off /tv/


One downie girl on a wheelchair called me pretty boy
feels good somehow

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Single mothers mostly, but also a bunch of preppy whores who try to pass themselves off as good people

The wrong kind of women.

Men of culture as well

based and checked user

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For some reason middle aged women seem to hit on me a lot. Same with faggots. I guess I look really young for my age.

why do you rub it in that none are desu

I had a drama queen, a fake who plays well her role and a trophy seeker.

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you're not helping the problem user

If anyone, only the sort of mentally ill and ugly chicks that are so lonely that any male attention at all turns them into pic related.
If anyone. Have 30+ years of zero female attentions to my knowledge. Not even fat chicks.

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Every woman I have ever attracted has been an artist of some skill or degree. Its kinda weird.

old hags in their 30s and 40s

>implying robots aren't the perfect target for fatass single mothers to take advantage of

Usually non existent ones

Quit talking to yourself, doofus.

I never had a woman be attracted to me.

ha ha ha ya ummm

kill yourself

>girl using a thinkpad instead of crapple

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oregano oregano let me posterano

Kill yourself op. Of course no girl has ever been attracted to me. and never will

I don't really know, I guess geeky ones and otakus, but I have oneitis, so it's hard to tell. If I got rid of oneitis I could probably very easily get a gf

A woman has never approached me. My online encounters have been mostly white and asian e-thots that talk to me but none of them know what I look like.

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There isn't a woman in the world who under any circumstances would be attracted to me

No one has ever shown interest in me in that way.

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Black ones for some reason


women without dick for a start

Jewish women, especially Jewish Hapas.

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none. Woman do not like orcs

I've never met a woman that showed even the slightest bit of interest in me. If it ever actually happened I'd probably think she was mocking me or something

None, i rarely leave home and talk to women. Not a meme.

asking that here if all places...

fuck you op

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Literally every single woman that was attracted to me was diagnosed with BPD and fucked me up even more than I was before

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>Glasses (optional)
No africans :^(

>able to give consent

Pick uno

Fucking underrated comment; good one user

That's a pretty cruel thing to ask, user.

enjoy being a virgin for the rest of your life
kill yourself

The wretched, post wall women I'd imagine since I've only been shown blatant interest once. Still a virgin though, I have some self-respect.

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You were doing well

Suicidal women.

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Ones that I'm not that attracted to. Usually older than me and kinda fucked up

The ones that don't exists

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original single mothers

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Skinny girls. Bonus points if they have a nice ass despite being thin as a rail.

Older women and assertive women. I think other kinds of women are, but they are probably waiting for me to make a move and I'm too autistic to understand if I should invade a woman's personal space to elicit the desired response.

Fat and ugly. And that's one type, not 2 separated ones. Feels pretty fucking shit.

mentally ill black girls

>5'7" max

Lmao fucking manlets

the kind that think im disgusting and would rather die on the spot than talk to me aka traps

None. Where the fuck do you think you are?

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The ones who like gingers with long hair, so not many i'd assume

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Ugly and fat because they're no-maintenance.

Crazy sluts who act innocent and then tell me about their promiscuous past despite telling them I don't want to know that shit

>open thread
>think its "what kind of women you like"
>get my redheaded girls paragraphs ready for professor OP
then I read the fine print and see
>women attracted to you
Fuck off retard

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>women that are attracted to you
don't even think of it

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Topkek. I can relate to this user.

Just doing a rutine test dont mind me

One was a chubby girl with dyed hair and the other one was a blonde girl who was slim and taller than me, but I messed it up with them both. Also, my ex who I dumped was a fat girl with a cute face. I'm still a virgin though, so I belong here.

exclude the latina part and the skin part and this is what it makes a great woman

>What kind of women are attracted to you?

Go away, failed norman