Alright, let's get it rolling boys

Alright, let's get it rolling boys.
All clothing/EDC grids welcome

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extremely original template postenings

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first you have to post a template lad

I just did
here have another one princess

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edgy, I like it.

This is mine

Attached: Wear and Carry 2018.png (1400x1072, 1.19M)

this is good man
I like the ford and those Shures sound amazing
where can I get an adidas jacket that has that old style?

This is similar to what I usually wear and carry on me.
(Not actually me).

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are you vargs son?

those black leather boots are gay as fuck dude

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this is exactly what I wear to uni every single day
how boring am I?

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>sandals shorts and a winter jacket

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No burgundy color tho, I got mine from a 2nd hand clothes shop.

They're covered by the pant legs anyways, I use boots cause I don't like having my ankles unprotected.

what the fuck is OP pic quality
here a better for bump

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It's a windbreaker, but yeah it definitely looks a lot more like a winter jacket in that pic

it's not the part that gets covered that's the gay part, it's the super low sole, the pointy edge, and the way the leather is stitched. Something like pic-related is a much better choice

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thanks man
what do you think about buying old army gear from one of those surplus places? is it worth it or will I look like I have autism?

That's school shooter tier.

only a true robot would wear an outdoors jacket with shorts

btw I hate thick soled shoes because my car is manual transmission and not feeling the clutch pedal makes driving hard.

From one of the last times I went outside.

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no it isn't that's well-adjusted male tier, pic related is school shooter

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Then janitor-tier. They're ugly as fuck.

Alert! 30 year old boomer spotted!

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where can I get this? will it look too edgy on a skinny scandinavian with a shaved head?

I dunno, I just found the pic online. I don't think they'd look edgy at all if you wear something like that with some blue jeans (not skinny) and a clean shirt but if edgy is what your going for than you'd probably be wearing something else anyways

alright, I haven't seen boots like this in normal stores
maybe I will go to a hunting store or something and take a look

what i wore today

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Hey guys sorry I'm late
I'm not original

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hey anons am i cool
wow robots dress better then i thought

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