Why are female bartenders, waitresses and cashiers such absolute pieces of shit to non-chads...

Why are female bartenders, waitresses and cashiers such absolute pieces of shit to non-chads? It's their job to be nice to everyone but they treat ugly men like subhumans. Why?

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Its in their nature.

Original comment.

im a weirdo but theyre nice to me cause they want tips

They are subhuman themselves restaurant industry is notorious for bottom feeders.

They don't. Have you ever been to a bar?

Yes, and they've always acted like roasties. As if they're the hottest bitch in the room and I'm going to try and inevitably hit on them.

I'd like to note that I'm a guy. While you do have a point, I've worked in these fields and I can tell you exactly the problem. If you are a girl working in one of these industries, you will be hit on constantly, like literally every other guy costumer you have. But it's not random. The 'Chad's' that they treat nicely don't hit on them as much because they mostly already have girlfriends and achievable love interests and the ones that do, don't have spaghetti coming out of their pockets. On the other hand the 'ugly' men don't, and in an environment where the girl can't make any obvious statements of distaste like while working, people think it is OK to lay it on thick to cashiers and the like.

If you have ever worked in the service industry you will know what I'm saying that some things happen so often that even though they are small things they make you want to punch the customer in the face.

Ie *item doesn't scan correctly* guy: *joking* "That means its free right!?"

He thinks he is real clever, but you hear that about 1000 times a shift every shift you have ever worked and it just makes you want to kill him then yourself.

Now imagine for the 2000th time today some 2/10 neckbeard fedora comes through your line and hits on you. You will be understandably short with them as the number of times it has happened is driving you crazy.

That is why girls treat ugly people in their line like trash, because they are so used to their bullshit they don't give them the benefit of the doubt.

Halo effect at full force. Why do you defend shit people? Guys go through the same shit or worse yet you don't see them acting like these roastcunts do. If they don't like their job, they should fuck off elsewhere and work at a fucking mine or somewhere else where they won't be seen and hit on by "ugly" guys.

How about grit those teeth and deal with it sinve its your job and the least you can do ia make some ugly man feel less shit, since thats why they hire hot girls in the first place.

As an attractive man, who makes 200k six figures at the age of 24, with no college degree, no friends, or connections that got me the job, whos parents were janitors, who was a janitor at the age of 15, cleaning puke at bars with my mom and dad,

There is a reason i never tip, females. EVER! fuck them. and fuck the idiots that actually think tipping them will somehow get these women to suck their dick.

just buy a hooker for 30 minutes, it only cost like 60$ and she can jerk you off or suck you with a condom on.

Also i like how all these roastie stacey whores end up in service industry, basically trying to whore themselves in a "acceptable" manner by wearing slutty clothes. Fuck american women, a POX upon them.

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Maybe it's just you. Bartender girls have always been nice to me.

>attractive guy that makes 200k and women in the service industry treat you badly
holy shit how hideous and autistic must you be?
I'm a complete fucking loser but at least they provide me with common courtesy

So, what is your job exactly?

>carries a chip on his shoulder
>never tips his waitress
>gets horrible service
wow user. you're really making me think!

>St Patrick's day, go to bar for the first time in university
>have never been but pretend like I go all the time to impress this girl
>have no idea what to do so I just watch what others are doing
>notice people are ordering pitchers, look at the menu and select the cheapest one
>go to the bar, which is super busy and wait for the female bartender to notice me
>think I hear someone order what I'm about to order and get told they were out but not sure
>ask for pitcher of their bar-branded beer
>she looks at me like I'm wearing a skinned infant on my head
>"that's a fucking stupid question, and I don't answer fucking stupid questions"
>turns away from me and serves other people

I still think about and hate that cunt, years later. I'm a borderline alcoholic now you stupid bitch, I could order anything I want.

Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the goddamn roasties so the robots don't have to! I have woman skills; I am good at dealing with women. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!

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She was probably bleeding from her cunt or something, man.

Don't get worked up over something like that, it's bad for your health.

should have filed a complaint

Huh? I mean they obviously won't date us, but I've found that any woman in a position where she's expecting a tip from me is usually nice.

Things that didn't happen: the post. Tell us what actually happened?

> i go out to eat a lot, or at american restarautns where tipping is normmal or that im white

> i get treated like shit or badly, or that im ugly.

Way to have shitty reading comprehension. Where does it say that in my text? or do you just proejct yourself onto others?

equifax breach, how do you think they find out what happened? just the IT helpdesk guys?

>Way to have shitty reading comprehension. Where does it say that in my text? or do you just proejct yourself onto others?
I knew this would come up but where did you mention a valid reason to be so butthurt over them? I hate the men that kiss their asses too but that isn't their fault.

>no friends
>hates women for no apparent reason
Why would I not throw out a baseless projection?

>be cashier suffering from paranoia
>have basic bitches as colleagues
>hear constant complaints about customers from them
>one complaint was about a "creepy dude that keeps scanning his own products over the counter"
>never came across him until recently
>dude was this ordinary guy with a little cold
>notice his paranoid look and let him scan his stuff
>he pays and leaves without a fuss
And these faggots don't understand why I refuse to open up to them about my paranoia...

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because prostitution is "evil" but showing off your tits and trying to get money from some retard sap who thinks you will sleep with him is acceptable.

if your a roastie whore, just be honest and hire yourself as a prostittue.

>tfw very conflicted by that response
I wasn't quite ready for that

>guys go through the same shit or worse
I'd need you to cite an example, I can't think of any time in all my years working in service(worked all through high school and worked through Collage) in which I've seen a male worker treated in a similarly consistently shit way.

>that's why they hire hot girls in the first place
There are literally laws in place to make sure this does not happen in most settings, most interviews for service jobs are basically just to make sure you didn't lie on the resume and aren't to stupid/aukward to work there, generally they decide if they want you before you walk in. They would only hire a female instead of a male if she was better or they have too many guys on staff. The one big exception being bars and restaurants themed around girls (hooters, tilted kilt, strip joints), as they did sign up to be demeaned.

>it's what they are payed for
Most of these jobs are minimum wage and the ones that aren't have pretty shitty pay (waitresses despite tips, mostly make pretty shit pay, especially at less popular places). They are paid to scan groceries, fold cloths and put them on a rack or whatever is in their job description. Girls don't get these jobs because they want them, nobody wants to be a fucking cashier, it's cause when you are straight out of college or high school with no experience, it's the job you fucking get.

What was your first job seriously?

I'm ugly and have dated a bunch of bartenders. Maybe they just realize you're an asshole? They're good at reading people.

That sounds like it was pretty realistic, user. You're retarded

>There are literally laws in place to make sure this does not happen in most settings

Yeah no and it's likely you neither go out nor have ever worked in the sector, the vast majority of bars,pubs and restaurants have a ratio of 3 females to 1 male, or the smaller ones usually have the owner working there + a waitress, everyone knows that a hot/good looking girls attracts clients, hell how many times even back in school you would hear people going to a certain bar just because it had a hot girl serving there.

It's different in high end places but those are a vast minorty of the foodservice industry.

those are some advanced mental gymnastics user. if a tall guy with good facial aesthetics makes a move she will instantly drop her shitty attitude. if he's average or below then he's going to be treated badly.
even average bitches treat average men badly because they got pumped & dumped by chad once and now they think it's what they deserve.

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if you're a fat regular in a restaurant, they will treat you nice no matter how hideous you look.

It's literally one of the most competitive industries.

No you just have a bad personality and that's why people treat you badly. Women aren't as shallow as robots.

They'rr usually nice to me, does this mean I'm Chad now?

Someone in a customer service who is that rude has a high chance of being fired.

Wanna know the secret to dealing with these stuck up holes?
Treat them like your treat some pimple-faced teenage waiter. Aside from telling them your order, dont even look at them when you talk to them. This tactic works outside of work, too. Aloof, user. Be aloof. They want attention more than they want money.

They're at WORK not for money but attention? You're a dumbass.

>Ie *item doesn't scan correctly* guy: *joking* "That means its free right!?"
>He thinks he is real clever, but you hear that about 1000 times a shift every shift you have ever worked and it just makes you want to kill him then yourself.
I don't get people who behave like this. My vocabulary with cashiers is limited to, exactly:
I assume they don't want to bullshit around with the 247th asshole who walks through their checkout.

They also don't want some creepy autistic guy. Be a fucking human.

No, you fucking mong.
They WANT attention more than they want money. Obviously the primary purpose of work is to make money.
Dont ne such a contrarian cunt and actually comprehend what you're reading.

they want a man who is tall and has good facial aesthetics. the rest is really irrelevant.

jesus its like the same dumbass is making the same generic posts in every thread.

So they get jobs for attention and not money? You're an idiot.

Women aren't as shallow as robots thank fuck. Also why do virgins use phrases like "facial aesthetics"?

they get them for both you stupid retard.

As a former cashier, no they fucking don't. Fuck off. Keep our interactions to a minimum and keep the line moving. Don't try to start a conversation, the grocery store isn't a social club.

This is why I dont hit on women at all. I always feel like I'm going to be bothering them and/or make them feel uncomfortable.
Also I've learned to avoid behaviors that don't seem to yield any tangible and viable payout.

Fuck. Off. If every customer was a literal robot my job would be 10000x more enjoyable. The less you talk the better.

I need to watch Office Space again some time.

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Because they'd be a piece of shit to you if they weren't at work, and there's no consequence if they're a cunt to you behind the bar since it's your word against theirs. They can pretty much do whatever they want.

Women doing their jobs are often nice to me even though I am ugly.

>tfw they're almost always nice to me and laugh at all the stupid offhanded shit i say
A-am I a Chad guys?

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>a pox upon them


as someone who works with barmaids is because it honestly gets tedious and we all hate our shit jobs.

>hot female waitress is nice to me
>dont tip because fuck you bitch i can see through the ruse

no that happens to me too, it's because they think we're special needs

This is pretty true.

>"That means its free right?"
There is no way to respond to this and it happens every fucking day, multiple times a day. Some of them even sincerely think they'll get it for free.

they should get the fuck over themselves

>facial aesthetics
because they put it way above every priority in judging a person despite how they say they're not shallow
and they say it in a weird, high-pitched nasally voice all the time. how odd.

I almost never ever saw people hitting on the cashier to he honest, maybe it's because i'm in germany

Does this mean I shouldn't ask the qt gas station cashier out to dinner

I always tip male servers more because they cant just pop some cleavage and make money all day they have to actually do their job. Female bartenders are the worst though. Not quite a waitress and not quite a stripper

>There is no way to respond to this
I have a response to this.
>>"It means the barcode is absolute shit and you have to wait 5 more minutes to get your item. Joy!"

>when you bring food to a table of girls and they start laughing for no reason
theres nothing worse

>tfw the bartender is overly friendly because she thinks you've met before

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It was a university bar on one of the busiest nights of the year you fuckin mong. Have you ever been to a bar?

I'm nice to everyone at first but you can almost immediately sniff out the jerks and creeps then I'm just short with them because I can't be outright mean.