You feel it too, don't you?

I've suffered social anxiety for quite some time now, and it's the worse pain I can imagine. Every time I have a social interaction it always ends badly, leaves me look weird, like a moron. Any attempt to change this makes me hate social interactions more. I hate going outside because I fear i'll embarrass myself. It gets worse every day.
Please tell me you robots have the same experiences as me.

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>I've suffered social anxiety for quite some time now, and it's the worse pain I can imagine. Every time I have a social interaction it always ends badly, leaves me look weird, like a moron. Any attempt to change this makes me hate social interactions more. I hate going outside because I fear i'll embarrass myself. It gets worse every day.
>Please tell me you robots have the same experiences as me.
Yep. Got worse every day to the point where I stopped trying.

you're not aIone, brother.

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Sounds like narcissistic personality disorder, you see other humans not as people but as identity validators for the protagonist in your personal movie and suffer an existential crisis when they go off script

nekkid smake

It gets that bad, i see.
Thanks, bro.
Maybe. I've never seen a therapist or a psychologist ever but when I was 13 I thought I was a sociopath maybe I was true
hehe xD

Ya, even when I fake it enough to get positive reactions, there's a hollowness to it that makes it worthwhile. Except the other day when some 7&8's (black mirror reference) were very nice and accepting to me. I don't know why I only care about smart beautiful people's praise. Maybe I just have a shallow bias. Or maybe we're genetically programmed to value our superiors.

Just got out of a social situation where I was bout to break. It's tough man, I have a easy time socialising, it's just my paranoia that kicks in and now the people i'm socialising with are plotting against me.

>say something stupid
>agonize over it for a month
>years later still have flashbacks over it that send me into a cold sweat
H-haha anyone else feel the same

Yep, I haven't had a proper social interaction in a while though

I usually get into cold sweats over stuff that could happen in the future rather than the past but still dread some of my past memories of being a sperg. I think we worry too much about how we're viewed but I don't have any solution for it except copious amounts of drugs which can do more harm than good. I think it's a survival instinct that we don't want to be seen or viewed strangely because people like that were often ostracized from the group and left to fend for themselves which was often a death sentence.

Yes user nobody's alone in that. c'mon now

>got over social anxiety caused by years of bullying
>able to maintain normalfag relationships with friends
>too late to get gf
I almost made it. But there's no hope anymore. All the girls have already been in relationships and have had sex. It is unacceptable to not have any experience regarding this, but I can't do anything. I don't know how romantic relationships are done. I have no idea of what to do during sex. That and I have a fear of intimacy, fear of the unknown I suppose. I am fucked, and having friends only serves as a constant reminder of what I can't achieve, since I'm the only virgin among them.

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>tfw LDR femanon gf
>tfw her 5th bf
>tfw lost wizard status to her
>tfw still together

I don't believe in LDR man. Where did you meet? How often do you meet?

I literally know her from Jow Forums
Been together a year and a half
met 3 times so far
I know i'm the exception and not the rule. Was lucky to know her her and not some fucking psycho

>where did you meet
Oh i think you meant where did we meet up
my place, then hers, then mine

No I meant where you found her. Good for you mate, I'm glad you're happy. I don't think a LDR would work for me, it wouldn't feel real. Are you planning to move in together?

>Are you planning to move in together?
Of course. That's like one of the only potential glaring issues so far for us I think. We live across the country from each other. She prefers somewhere more a bit less urbanized, i prefer the city

it just wasn't made to be user, I'm sorry. even nerdy awkward girls have it easier.
I was bullied too much in school to really put my trust in any girl, even when one started to show interest in me, I thought she was just messing with me just like the others (maybe she was), so I called her out for it and avoided her.

Go see a counsellor, and try some meds.
At least one is bound to work. Anxiety is one of the most treatable things ever. Do something about it, and just be honest to your doc.

>Large-scale, long-term, longitudinal studies conducted throughout the world confirm that the most effective treatment for all anxiety disorders is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)...
>...over 80% of all people formally diagnosed with a form of anxiety had a lessening of symptoms that allowed them to fully function in society through less than 1 year of CBT alone...
>...encouragingly social anxiety is the most responsive to CBY with an almost 97% return to functionality after just 12-18 months of CBT alone...
>CBT is a practical, hands-on , goal-oriented, short term form of therapy focused on *changing patterns of thought and behavior* that are underlying difficulties thus changing how people feel.
So: it is literally "in your head".
You have no excuse, none, to NOT start CBT and get cured of the malicious habits of thought and action that are causing you misery.
>pic unrelated

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You can do it user. If you can't believe that at least, then for real nothing will happen (or rather the chances will be even slimmer)

And those sites also say that anxiety is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitting chemicals like serotonin, which is produced in the brain, and largely functions to influence desires such as:
mood, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, and some social behavior.
I'm fucking sick of this "it's all in your head" bullshit. I literally dealt with actual, physical symptoms for most of my teenage years thanks to this shit, and after a few weeks on medication, the symptoms practically vanished.
I'm not saying it's the only thing that cures it, but this whole belief that "it's just how you think" isn't helping anyone. There's more to it.

I don't know dude, I just don't know.
I can't even maintain friendships becuase I like to be left alone, so why should I get a gf? I think it's just my penis talking

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Thought patterns and neurochemistry are the same thing, baka.

> this whole belief that "it's just how you think" isn't helping anyone
Backwards: *science* proves that the overwhelming majority of it is "just how you think". "How you think" is triggering the release of stress chemicals and hormones.
The pills to suppress it are for three reasons
1) Easy for the doc. 'take this'
2) If you DO go through 6 months of CBT and get cured, no more money for the doctors
3) The lower the IQ of the sufferer, the lesss likely they are to respond.

I'm pretty picky with my friends, so I know what you mean. I've given a bit of effort to find new friends but no luck.
>It's just my penis talking
Jerk off and see if you still like her
Jerking off is a time honored way of testing to see how much you give a shit about her kek

well I wish you luck in finding new friends.
I'm gonna give socialising another shot this October, applying for some drawing courses, I'm terrified but I have to try. haven't done anything besides work for 3 years

Don't turn a molehill into a mountain - you can do it user

Seriously, what the fuck do you do in this situation. It's the "you need experience in order to get experience" thing again. This existence is absolutely fucked in the ass man. It takes so long for you to catch feelings for someone, because you haven't even had that first love, and you're too scared to just try it with a random girl. And when you do fall for someone it's a terrible case of oneitis that you can't get over, since the only cures are "just cut off contact bro" "just fuck 10 other girls bro" as if either one of those was an option.

Fuck this Earth I want out. I want out so bad, we were born in the wrong time. It wasn't normal for people to not have relationship experience in the past. We are too late. And too early for realistic simulated GFs.


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Well therapy and medication clearly go hand in hand.

But the fact that it's "easier" would make no sense for me since I did months of counselling anyway.

>create account on reddit
>go to reddit's equivalent of /soc/ (if they even have one)
>write up your shit
>make sure you state you're a virgin/have no experience dating

I know this feel all too well. I'm in my mid 20s and still a virgin. I wouldn't know how to kiss a girl or have sex "properly". woman my age and even younger have already at least fucked once or twice and dated hundreds of times at the very least. I guess people like us weren't meant for these sorts of pleasures.

In the end I can only blame myself, becuase I've never asked a girl out.
didn't even start thinking about girls seriously until after I graduated, i had so much other shit going on in my mind.
I always postpone it becuase I need to "self-improve" myself first, so I keep focusing on myself for years and keep neglecting the social aspects of life and end up completely alone at the age of 25.

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>I wouldn't know how to kiss a girl or have sex "properly"
I don't think this is the problem, really. That shit will come naturally I imagine. You might not be great at it, it might be awkward and embarrassing, but at least it'll be functional and you'll improve over time. I think the biggest problem we have as older virgins (30 myself) is getting to that stage in the first place. That complete lack of experience is paralyzing. Even seeing a pretty girl giving me the eyes across the room gives me mad anxiety, let alone the thought of approaching her, maintaining a conversation and successfully flirting with her to the point where we kiss or have sex. I don't have the first fucking idea how to flirt or escalate the situation. I guess it's the same as above, it'll be awkward and embarrassing but you'll improve with time but usually you get that out the way when you're between the ages of 14 and 18, not at fucking 30.

Therefore, I don't even make an attempt. Truly, a lost cause.

Like said, it'll come naturally.
Maybe just try talking to girls with absolutely no ulterior motive - especially if they're hot

>that comes naturally
mate why would a girl keep me around for long enough until I learn how to make love properly? there's tons of other guys who are experienced, and by this point the girl has already had much better

Molehills -> mountains. Stop

that's how you get friendzoned, you have to be more forward and show that you are romantically interested