Hey guys I am starting to date a girl I met in rehab and she said we can have sex

Hey guys I am starting to date a girl I met in rehab and she said we can have sex.

She said she will get tested for herpes and AIDs but I want to know if she has had and abortion.... Is there any test for this so she can't lie about it?

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Lol no? Who cares

"She said she will get tested for herpes and AIDs"

If you need to worry about these things maybe you shouldn't have sex with her.

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lmao just do it ya dingus.
If you spend your whole life expecting every woman (especially one you met in rehab) to be wholly compliant to standards like whether or not they have had an abortion of which you want to test for then it wont work out between you.
For sure get the STD tests but demanding to have proof she's never had an abortion is just over the top

You ALWAYS have to worry about these things user, if you meet a girl and she says she's a virgin, is it worth risking your life she is not lying?

she could have been raped as a child

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>For sure get the STD tests but demanding to have proof she's never had an abortion is just over the top
lol what's the fucking difference, why is one necessary and the other is over the top?

If you wouldn't have sex with a woman just because she was raped as a child you're a sick fuck.

>If you wouldn't have sex with a woman just because she was raped as a child you're a sick fuck.
What if she got herpes or aids? Do you want to get AIDs?

why is it OK to get her tested for aids and not fuck her if she got it while having sex, but not for getting it from being raped? whats the difference?

If she got AIDS from being raped as a child you'd know. She'd either be dead or very weak and have to take about 20 different pills a day. Plus HIV isn't very common among straight couples.

>If she got AIDS from being raped as a child you'd know. She'd either be dead or very weak and have to take about 20 different pills a day. Plus HIV isn't very common among straight couples.
she could have gotten herpes, or been raped at 12 by a man who pinned her down by her wrists and violated her while she cried and begged him to stop and be 19 and just have HIV but not full blown aids yet

Why did you just ignore the part about herpes

Because you're right on that part. I still think it's kind of a shitty situation over all. I'm assuming you mean HSV-2.

lol if a dude asked me if i had an abortion when we were just starting to date, i'd dump him on the spot. i'm not risking getting in bed with any pro-life, righty retards.

A girl you met in rehab is going to be trash anyway so don't worry about the abortion just pump and dump her

Well good, I don't want to date a potential murderer. That's the whole point, I would want you to leave dummy.

Same here and I'm a KHV. It just comes off as extremely insensitive and makes me think that he'll try and trap me with a baby.

So use birth control you absolute retard.

>why is one necessary and the other is over the top?
Because you can catch an STD, but you can't catch an abortion, you fucking moron.
One directly affects your health and wellbeing, and the other is frankly none of your business.

murder is illegal and abortion isn't. the definition of murder is "an unjustified killing" and abortion has plenty of justification.

if some pro-life retard shoots his defective jizz in me, i need the option of abortion so i don't have to give birth to his retarded, chromosomal anomalies. sleeping with pro-lifers is a no-go for me.

>So use birth control you absolute retard.
women can't figure out how do to that and need murder on the table because they cannot accept any of their actions to have consequences

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do you think birth control is 100% effective? you're calling her a retard, but you're the one who has impaired critical thinking skills.

Birth control has a 1% failure rate and a 3% failure rate with improper use (missing a pill, taking one a few hours late, taking antibiotics too, etc.) Too bad the implant isn't available in my country.

>murder is illegal and abortion isn't. the definition of murder is "an unjustified killing" and abortion has plenty of justification.
If you get in a car while drunk and hit a pregnant girl and cause an abortion, you can be charged with murder.

Abortion is literally murder

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no. you're wrong. some birth control pills are as low as 91% effective.

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>Cause an abortion
How can you be this retarded user?

>because they cannot accept any of their actions to have consequences
If men were absolutely aligned with accepting responsibility for their actions, there wouldn't be a shitton of single mothers and child support for divorced couples would be enforced more heavily with additional fines and even jail time. As it is most men who are prescribed to paying child support don't. Where are men and owning up to their half of the bargain? Women don't get pregnant by magic.

no, you wouldn't get charged if it was an accident. show me one case where someone was charged with fetal death when it was an accident. people on get charged with fetal death when they purposely murder the mother.

Stupid fucks. The combination of the pill, condoms, and morning after pills in the extremely unlikely event that either of those goes wrong means no woman needs to have a baby. Also his wishes if you want an abortion do not matter in the slightest. Feel free to kill as many babies as you want as long as they reside in your womb.


An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before birth. There are spontaneous abortions, and induced abortions. If you cause a car wreck and the woman loses the baby, that is an abortion, and it is murder

explain to me what part of this you can't comprehend

>no, you wouldn't get charged if it was an accident. show me one case where someone was charged with fetal death when it was an accident.
Regardless if you shot a woman attempting murder and her fetus died, that would be causing an abortion by definition.



not complex

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i am not about to use 3 types of birth control everytime i have sex. you're a retard. i bet you have no realistic understanding of sex. nobody is putting a condom on, on top of taking birth control and going to get morning after pills later.

plus, some women can't use certain types of birth control. these aren't one size fits all. not every woman can take birth control or morning after pills.

>Also his wishes if you want an abortion do not matter in the slightest
if he wants the baby so bad, he can carry it in his uterus and give birth to it. nobody gets to make choices about my body. he can't force me to get an abortion that i don't want and he can't force me to keep a child i'd rather abort.

yes, it's murder because it's unjustified for you to kill the fetus. it's justified for the mother. what's so confusing about that? only the person carrying the fetus can abort it.

The word you're looking for is miscarriage. You pro life dumbasses can't even figure out the definition of abortion.

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The point is you are willing to execute any children you might have.

I don't want to date a woman who would murder my son. I want to have a son and raise him to be happy and healthy. Not dead.

wrap your tiny female brain around that

>The word you're looking for is miscarriage. You pro life dumbasses can't even figure out the definition of abortion.
no, the word is MURDER

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>he can't force me to get an abortion that i don't want and he can't force me to keep a child i'd rather abort.
He's not trying to force you to get an abortion you don't want, he's trying to figure out if you are the kind of "person" would would have an abortion before he dates you.

well, good for you. stay single. i don't have to worry about it because i'm married to a pro-choice man. being able to choose when to become parents has been such a blessing in our lives. we aborted the first one because we were too young. we aborted the 2nd one because it's was fatally ill. but we kept the 3rd one. our son is happier and healthier because we were able to terminate the previous pregnancies.

god fucking bless america.

>well, good for you. stay single.
believe it or not there are women in the world who would not have an abortion and kill their child

i believe it. those women don't want you either.

not an argument, and also not true

So you're classifying miscarriage as murder too now?

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i'm an active member of the pro-choice community, which, in turn, exposes me to a lot of the pro-life community. those girls don't want you, trust me. you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

Unironically this
Stop being such a stereotypical robot

>So you're classifying miscarriage as murder too now?
Can you read this chart or not?

explain to me what about it is confusing to you and I will explain to you why causing abortions can be murder and why therefore abortion is literally murder in those cases


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you said abortion=murder. miscarriage=spontaneous abortion. spontaneous abortion=murder. abortion=murder.

>i'm an active member of the pro-choice community
nobody cares cunt

this thread is about finding women who WON'T murder their babies, not about you and your active memberships lol

way to make everything about your feeling though

Accidentally hitting a pregnant woman with a car is not murder. That is what I'm referring to and was referring to from the start. Quit changing the subject when you see fit.

>you said abortion=murder. miscarriage=spontaneous abortion. spontaneous abortion=murder. abortion=murder.
why is this fact, that causing an abortion in california when the mother does not want that abortion, is murder, confuse you so much?

have a look at this chart

I am in no way sad or meloncolly :D

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you're not going to find a woman, period. you have too much confidence.

>Accidentally hitting a pregnant woman with a car is not murder. That is what I'm referring to and was referring to from the start. Quit changing the subject when you see fit.
Causing an abortion the woman does not want in cali is murder.

Those abortions are murder

that is a fact, you are wrong that abortion is never murder

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>you're not going to find a woman, period. you have too much confidence.
not an argument, murderer

i think you're the only one who's confused. i'm perfectly aware of fetal homicide laws (they don't happen in manslaughter cases like you think)

I never said it wasn't. I was saying that if you do something to accidentally terminate the pregnancy and induce MISCARRIAGE then that is not classified as murder by the court.

>i think you're the only one who's confused. i'm perfectly aware of fetal homicide laws (they don't happen in manslaughter cases like you think)
So you admit those abortions are murder.

You were just confused that we were arguing when we were agreeing then!

>I never said it wasn't. I was saying that if you do something to accidentally terminate the pregnancy and induce MISCARRIAGE then that is not classified as murder by the court.
great post user desu

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if i'm a murderer, then that means, as a woman, i have more rights than you. suck it. i'm allowed to get away with murder while you can't even get a girlfriend.

the difference is that the aids and herpes could affect you. because, you know, abortion is not a sexually transmitted disease. in case you didn't know.

i already did, you absolute fucking retard. i said it's murder when someone besides the mother kills the fetus, because it's an unjustified killing. it's only justified when the mother does so. jesus christ you are really really fucking stupid.

you never heard of the pussy ghosts? if you have too many abortions, your cooze gets haunted!

Dumb niggers actually replying to this bait thread

Hint:the cocksucker who made this thread and the pro choice roastie are the same person

This is a pasta
You got played

i'm cringing. you can't defend your position so you do the whole "lol jk trolling" thing.

Admitting you are trolling = lol knew that i was just testing you = a really poor way to save face
Stupid fucking nigger

Look at the bottom on the page cocksucker you will see that 12 different people replied in this thread and you are not talking to the person you think you are

>People on r9k are unironically pro life

Why would you fuckers want more roasties popping out kids? They're stealing your NEETbux and wagecuck paychecks.
>"Waaah! Babies are dying!!"
Like you didn't wish you were aborted. Nothing beats the sweet curtain of nonexistence.

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>Hey guys I am starting to date a girl I met in rehab and she said we can have
>I met in rehab

Like you didn't wish you were aborted. Nothing beats the sweet curtain of nonexistence.


Your gonna get fucked in the end, and not the sexual way. Let others have her diseases.

if she is not 9/10 and you use condom. so ok

>Your gonna get fucked in the end, and not the sexual way. Let others have her diseases.
why u say this

you met her in rehabd ffs, im an addict myself, i would never trust anyone and especially not an addict woman.

your both gonna relapse and fuck up everything.

just ask her face to face and the chance that she'll be able to lie about it convincingly to you with no preparation will probably be lower than 50%

lol that's great because they don't want to have anything to do with baby murderers who have graveyard pussies either.
literally killed your own, innocent child in your womb. how fucking evil are you? Do you really think that you deserve happiness or the chance to look after another child? What kind of mother do you think you'll be if you're capable of murdering your own child in cold blood.

women who have abortions are some of the most disgusting , evil and lowly creatures in the world.

>she thinks that her personal convenience is justification for murdering an innocent unborn baby and she calls other people retarded

lol how pathetic and contemptible.

I dont give a shit if she had abortion or not. Go fuck her OP right now. why even bother making a thread when you were going to do it anyway?

unborn babies aren't people
how pathetic and contemptible indeed

They aren't babies. They are clumps of cells. They are like skin and blood clumps.

OP you are indeed fit for this board, and you value life way too much

it's because of the influx of poltards and le donald redditors, they think it's cool to be right wing so they naturally need to be pro life

You're preaching to the choir, my originanon

this and because teenagers are idealistic retarded newfags that need to go back to the shitty sites they came from and destroy their cellphones

Yes: light a candle in front of her vagina, place a ouija board on her stomach, and ask if the spirits of any fetuses still haunt her uterus. Ghosts don't lie.

>A robot: Someone who subconsciously find comfort in the act of cockblocking himself.

I wouldn't give a shit about abortions, why should I care if a ball of cells died

Hey did you make this thread?


Holly shit desuarchive is back up? Niiiiiice

I'm really serious. I'm starting to think robots just enjoy cockblocking themselves for tge convenience of keeping the excuse.
>Get offered sex on a silver plater with no obligations to commitment
>but muh traditional values!!!!!but at the same time sex!!!but muh values!!!but sex!!!!
Just fucking get laid already Jesus fucking Christ. Everyday with the virginal complaints and blaming the world for dating and sexual inequalities and when it comes your time to get a chance you find any stupid reason to bail out. If it's not conservative values it's excuses about not being tye first pick or not being chad or supposition of the girl being a slut or because she wear the wrong fucking color on a tuesday. Shit is retarded. Just fucking get it done you retard OP. Whatever you do in life will never ease the crippling existential dread anyways and sex or nit, you will always be miserable, so get yoyr dick wet so that you, at least, can stop crying about that.

>If men were absolutely aligned with accepting responsibility for their actions, there wouldn't be a shitton of single mothers
Women initiate a vast majority of divorces.

>most men who are prescribed to paying child support don't.
[Citation needed]

You don't need to be married to have kids user. What is it with the constant marriage argument anyways? Do you inagine that everyone who is in a commited relationship is married or even want to be married? In my province, marriage is exceedingly rare.

I thought they didn't really test for herpes due to it being an expensive, unreliable test and that most of the population have it anyway.

>most of the population has genital herpes
wew lad

Most people have oral herpes not genital.

>Most people have oral herpes not genital.
Yes user that is true.

OP was talking about the genital version of herpes, glad to clear that up for you!

Interestingly 16 percent have genital herpes but most of them are unaware because most of the time it causes no symptoms.

>Interestingly 16 percent have genital herpes but most of them are unaware because most of the time it causes no symptoms.
That is fascinating!

I personally would not want to get an incurable sexually transmitted virus and it is my preference to have my sexual partners tested to make sure they are not carriers of this disease.

have an upvote user :) :) epic post bro

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Actually there's very little to distinguish between the two, you can have either type on either body area. You can spread it to yourself, you can get the oral type from a blowjob. Also it can be on you nose, eyes. Any mucous membrane.. Which is one reason it's not really tested for because the tests don't distinguish between the two.

>having incurable recurrent life long disease sores on your penis and scrotum that fester and reoccur when you get sick and old and can cause blindness for children during childbirth and require decades of retroviral treatment under the supervision of a licensed doctor

sign me up!

It's no big deal! It's just your "status" changes from "negative for genital herpes" to "positive for genital herpes for life"

one is not worse than the other, it's just a different status! i mean lots of people have cold sores so getting a worse version on your dick is actually a good thing!


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Where did I say any of that? I'm saying the test is pretty much meaningless. But sure. The most extreme case imaginable is everyone isn't it.

>I'm saying the test is pretty much meaningless.
These are average outbreaks that define the incurable meaningless disease!

Not the most extreme cases imaginable!

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"genital herpes" generally refers to HSV2, oral herpes is HSV1. Yes, you can get either one on any area (generally breakouts stay localized to whichever area the initial infection occurred) but it's important to note that HSV2 is more virulent. Multiple breakouts a year with dozens of lesions per breakout. By comparison, most people already have HSV1 and have never had a cold sore.

oops was replying to